我不知道你怎么定义毒贩子, 我的定义是没有申请执照私底下卖的, 那种的确是违法的, 警察肯定要抓的啊, 因为没有任何要求和法律约束, 现在警察只是不抓个人娱乐吸大麻的和有牌照卖大麻的, 但是会抓不合法卖的啊, 加州合法化的规定看看这个: Although possession of marijuana is legal, certain situations are considered misdemeanor offenses. Possession of more than 28.5 grams results in up to 6 months in jail and /or a fine of up to $500. Possession of 28.5 or less by someone 18 or older on school grounds results in up to 10 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $500. Possession by someone younger than 18 years old results in a fine of up to $250 the first time, and up to $500 after that. They may also be committed to a detention center for no more than 10 days. Selling Marijuana To legally sell marijuana, adults must be licensed by the state of California. Otherwise, possession of more than one ounce of marijuana or eight grams of concentrate is a misdemeanor offense. If found guilty of ‘possession with intent to distribute,’ there is a $500 fine along with six months in jail. When minors are involved with any marijuana transaction, the repercussion are far greater. Delivering or attempting to deliver any amount of marijuana by anyone 18 years or older is a felony, punished by up to seven years in prison. Delivery to someone 14 -17 years old is 3-5 years in prison. Delivery to someone under 14 is 3-7 years in prison. Selling to someone under the age of 18 is 3-7 years in prison. Using someone under the age of 18 to sell marijuana, or asking for their help is 3-7 years in prison. Time in jail isn’t the only thing someone guilty of selling marijuana must worry about. There are also civil damages for participating in the ‘illegal marketing of marijuana.
https://kval.com/amp/news/local/public-reacts-to-passing-of-measure-110-decriminalizing-hard-drugs-in-oregon-11-05-2020 "There is no mechanism to get somebody to go to treatment after the assessment." Though we won't know it's effect until February, Perlow does see some downsides coming with as a result. "My best guess is Oregon is going to be a target-rich environment for drug dealers," she said. She says right now, treatment court is a way to get people into treatment, covered by the Oregon Health Plan, and a repeat property offenders' program shows, for people whose crimes are fueled by addiction, jail time resulted in them getting treatment. 现在强制rehab是 go through treatment court, 以后变成 violation怎么走 court程序呢?可以预见的是全国的瘾君子,drug dealer都会往 Oregon去
立法权在州议会,所以要把那些支持该议案的议员给vote out
Re: Oregon是第一个去罪化的州。。现在只是靠近城市的地方一股烟味,以后到处都是这种大麻味道真的很难闻,确实要考虑搬家了
这种问题,肯定一堆看起来非常有道理的理由才会走到legalized的那天。比如无偿提供干净的针头给瘾君子,会减少各种交叉感染带来的医疗费用。 我听一个节目讲支持大麻合法化的,上节目的专家提出marijuana gateway drug这个提法并没有证据,研究表明吸食大麻的人,并不比不吸的人会更大概率去吸食hard drug。但是最后问了他一句,你会让你的孩子吸大麻吗?他说不会。所以这些专家,我并不认为他们是坏心肠,macro level他们也相信数据,但是micro level,到自己身上,还是用用common sense吧
加州 翻红??
Kamala Harris defends Nancy Pelosi: 'I've known her to be very respectful of women of color'
很多方面 比 北欧和欧洲的白左都先进啊!!
建议 美国 多学习学习加州民主党吧?
我理解是反吸毒教育,对毒瘾大的人进行强制戒毒,这都还是会做的。。 只是不把人给关监狱而已。。
这个说实话主要看配套措施,而不是仅仅看是否去罪化。。 欧洲大量国家所有毒品去罪化,貌似吸毒率/上瘾率依然远低于美国。。
支持vote them out, 猪党干的太差了
今年政府推动的prop 20被选民否了啊。。。
1. 如果小偷砸了车,950元的限额不适用,哪怕偷块糖也是要判罪的。 2. 950元应当是累计额,案底累计超过950元,一样抓起来。 3. 抓的人少了,监狱预算减少,可以用于教育。 4. 德州的限额比950元高,也没有很高的犯罪率。
问题来了,小偷和警察不认可1)和 2),于是:
1. 被砸车的人去立案被警察拒绝。 2. 小偷看到了商机,作案率增加。 3. 案件频发而警力不够,于是更多砸车案没人管,引发更多更多的砸车案。
(说到这里我怀疑德州的小偷可能不知道他们的限额更高 ^_^)
然后这些当初立法的人说不是我的错,法案很成功,因为提高门槛之后犯罪率降低了 (废话,反复偷950元都不算在内了,能不降低吗)~ 砸车的犯罪率不能算进去因为我们法案并没有修改这一条……
我怀疑他们不适合改毒品法,到时候根本收拾不了局面也是有可能的。欧洲像prop 47里的德州,不一定能复制。
毒品成瘾本身就是个healthy issue,打击制毒贩毒的,抓几个瘾君子有什么用 而且成瘾的人需要正确医疗治疗,不是你把他们都扔监狱里装作问题不存在就可以了
附: 瑞士毒品无犯罪化的一些概括:
预防:通过讲解、咨询和全国统一的预防项目提高公众对毒品危害的敏感度,以降低毒品的消费,同时阻止人们加入吸毒的队伍。 戒毒:吸毒成瘾的人会得到医务和精神上的治疗,其中包括海洛因免费发放。通过这些方法,令吸毒者重新进入劳工市场并适应正常社会生活。 减害:为了将对健康的危害降到最低,及减少吸毒带来的负面社会影响,各州采取了必要的应对措施或资助专业性过关的私人机构向吸毒者提供帮助。这里分发干净的一次性针头也是措施之一。 监督和抑制:通过对非法毒品的禁止来减少毒品消费对于社会带来的负面影响。
跟卖酒一样, 合法化后就需要licence才可以养植物-大麻和卖的, 这样就杜绝了中间那些乱七八糟的贩毒卖毒贩子的利益.
By the way, 我曾经还考过卖酒的license, 都是有要求的, 不是有生意就做的, 除了对购买者年龄的限制外, 明显你看到对方神智不清或者快要醉了, 你都不可以卖. 我不知道大麻的具体要求, 但我相信肯定都是有制约的, 很多事情并不是光看标题一下子就定论的.
我不知道你怎么定义毒贩子, 我的定义是没有申请执照私底下卖的, 那种的确是违法的, 警察肯定要抓的啊, 因为没有任何要求和法律约束, 现在警察只是不抓个人娱乐吸大麻的和有牌照卖大麻的, 但是会抓不合法卖的啊, 加州合法化的规定看看这个:
Although possession of marijuana is legal, certain situations are considered misdemeanor offenses. Possession of more than 28.5 grams results in up to 6 months in jail and /or a fine of up to $500. Possession of 28.5 or less by someone 18 or older on school grounds results in up to 10 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $500. Possession by someone younger than 18 years old results in a fine of up to $250 the first time, and up to $500 after that. They may also be committed to a detention center for no more than 10 days.
Selling Marijuana To legally sell marijuana, adults must be licensed by the state of California. Otherwise, possession of more than one ounce of marijuana or eight grams of concentrate is a misdemeanor offense. If found guilty of ‘possession with intent to distribute,’ there is a $500 fine along with six months in jail.
When minors are involved with any marijuana transaction, the repercussion are far greater. Delivering or attempting to deliver any amount of marijuana by anyone 18 years or older is a felony, punished by up to seven years in prison. Delivery to someone 14 -17 years old is 3-5 years in prison. Delivery to someone under 14 is 3-7 years in prison. Selling to someone under the age of 18 is 3-7 years in prison. Using someone under the age of 18 to sell marijuana, or asking for their help is 3-7 years in prison. Time in jail isn’t the only thing someone guilty of selling marijuana must worry about. There are also civil damages for participating in the ‘illegal marketing of marijuana.
现在强制rehab是 go through treatment court, 以后变成 violation怎么走 court程序呢?可以预见的是全国的瘾君子,drug dealer都会往 Oregon去