before you blame on a unknown invisible hacker, can you think what you have performed on your laptop recently? Maybe the issue was due to a botched windows update?
before you blame on a unknown invisible hacker, can you think what you have performed on your laptop recently? Maybe the issue was due to a botched windows update? yolandos 发表于 2020-11-11 14:39
If you don''t have any emenies, the last thing I would suspect is some imagined hackers. I am not saying it is impossible but it is just the chance is very remote. Hardware could be the elephant in the room. For an simple example, SSDs have limited writes (very high number) and once you reach that the disk will be read only (Not saying that is the case here) Do you have a rescue disk/USB stick that you can boot your machine from? Boot from there and see if you can see your C drive and if it is readonly.
If you don''''''''t have any emenies, the last thing I would suspect is some imagined hackers. I am not saying it is impossible but it is just the chance is very remote. Hardware could be the elephant in the room. For an simple example, SSDs have limited writes (very high number) and once you reach that the disk will be read only (Not saying that is the case here) Do you have a rescue disk/USB stick that you can boot your machine from? Boot from there and see if you can see your C drive and if it is readonly.
yolandos 发表于 2020-11-11 19:17
I am neither a popular person nor an easy target of any rivals. Is it possible that the creepy guy stolen the information of my physical address and IP address, and keeps attacking my network consistently and remotely? It seems that switching to a new carrier does not work, In this case, I already have a name on the blocked black list, how can I get rid of this situation? And I would like to report to the specific cyber security department if it doesn''t stop. It goes to far.
I am neither a popular person nor an easy target of any rivals. Is it possible that the creepy guy stolen the information of my physical address and IP address, and keeps attacking my network consistently and remotely? It seems that switching to a new carrier does not work, In this case, I already have a name on the blocked black list, how can I get rid of this situation? And I would like to report to the specific cyber security department if it doesn''t stop. It goes to far. SilentWater 发表于 2020-11-11 19:45
Thanks. Please see below: C:\Users\Admin>CHKDSK c:/f /r /x Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges orthe disk may be locked by another process.You have to invoke this utility running in elevated modeand make sure the disk is unlocked.
Thanks. Please see below: C:\Users\Admin>CHKDSK c:/f /r /x Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges orthe disk may be locked by another process.You have to invoke this utility running in elevated modeand make sure the disk is unlocked. SilentWater 发表于 2020-11-11 23:29
Need to run as administrator. When you do it, your prompt should show C:\Windows\system32 instead of C:\Users\Admin (Admin might have lost admin rights)
我是低手 windows? linux? ...? try to boot into single user as root or administrator without net enabled (or boot from external rescure disk)?
电脑上时不时还给插入一个 USB (optiarc dvd rw ad-7740), 我自己根本没有用USB
“电脑上时不时还给插入一个 USB” ,这句话很难理解,如果插了实物,那是怎么插的。 到你家里来? 如果是虚拟的,似乎除了服务器, 个人电脑几乎没有虚拟USB。
看上去你也搞不定,拿去店里让别人弄吧,Best Buy geek squad花个$100。我朋友不会电脑的都是让第三方帮忙的。
没有前男友 深居简出,在北美这么多年现实生活中没和任何男人有情感金钱纠葛; 曾经在国内被一只疯狗趁人之危咬过,所以很容易用排除法
1,“optiarc dvd rw ad-7740就是索尼的光盘刻录机” --- 我没有索尼的光盘刻录机,这个设备绝对不是我的;
2,“电脑上时不时还给插入一个 USB” --- 没有USB实物,是虚拟的;连接网络后,有时就会看到USB那个小图标,然后我就EJECT, USB那个小图标还再出现,经常这样,不知道他想要偷什么。可以报警吗?
是的。谢谢 用了过期的browser --- 一直用最新的BROWSER 或者下载和安装了含有malware的软件 ---- 除了杀毒软件,没用下载过其它的
before you blame on a unknown invisible hacker, can you think what you have performed on your laptop recently? Maybe the issue was due to a botched windows update?
黑客黑了你的电脑 锁屏勒索有可能。现在黑客谁还干熊猫烧香这种损人不利己的事情
Re 现在硬盘太便宜了 亚麻定一个明天到重装半天搞定 不用去折腾坏的东西
电脑就我一人用,没上什么乱七八糟的网站,审视了一下自己的上网习惯,想不出有什么可能性。 考虑到是系统的UPDATE出了问题,按官网上的TECH SUPPORT做了,没办法恢复。
C盘完全没办法ACESS. 有人更改了ADMIN的权限。
不是合租。也没有干IT的EX。 换过CARRIER了。
If you don''t have any emenies, the last thing I would suspect is some imagined hackers. I am not saying it is impossible but it is just the chance is very remote.
Hardware could be the elephant in the room. For an simple example, SSDs have limited writes (very high number) and once you reach that the disk will be read only (Not saying that is the case here)
Do you have a rescue disk/USB stick that you can boot your machine from? Boot from there and see if you can see your C drive and if it is readonly.
I am neither a popular person nor an easy target of any rivals. Is it possible that the creepy guy stolen the information of my physical address and IP address, and keeps attacking my network consistently and remotely? It seems that switching to a new carrier does not work, In this case, I already have a name on the blocked black list, how can I get rid of this situation? And I would like to report to the specific cyber security department if it doesn''t stop. It goes to far.
回到我以前提到你那个“虚拟”刻录机的问题,这个真的很可能是正常的, 有可能你曾经装过虚拟光驱软件。
假如不是特定的人干的, 那么黑客恶意程序也不一定是, 因为真正干这行的都想隐藏伪装自己, 不可能蓄意插虚拟USB, 锁住C盘, 剥夺你权限来“宣称”你被hacked了。
我建议就近找个懂行的人现场来看一下, 或者假如任何远程协助可用的话(比如微软远程协助,qq, teamview等等), 让其他人远程看一下到底怎么回事, 才能找到解决办法。
谢谢。 但是我相信自己的直觉,以及推理和判断。
try to run: chkdsk c: /f /r /x
Thanks. Please see below:
C:\Users\Admin>CHKDSK c:/f /r /x Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges or the disk may be locked by another process. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode and make sure the disk is unlocked.
Need to run as administrator. When you do it, your prompt should show C:\Windows\system32 instead of C:\Users\Admin (Admin might have lost admin rights)