Perhaps there are Natural Laws, as part of God: 作为上帝的一部分,也许有自然法则: Why God/the Universe/Natural Law exists? Why a planet rotates clockwise/counter-clockwise? Why an animal has 5 or 3 fingers? 为什么上帝/宇宙/自然法则存在? 为什么行星顺时针/逆时针旋转? 为什么动物有5或3个手指?
Of I can be wrong, or very wrong, as I think the word God can be misused or manipulated by some people for serving their selfish purpose, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Causing conflicts or even wars that could involve mass killling in the past, or huge long-range economic/political impats, unneccesarily. imo 我可能是错的,也可能是非常错的,因为我认为上帝这个词可能会出于某些人的自私目的而被滥用或操纵,无论是有意还是无意。 造成不必要的冲突,甚至可能导致过去大规模杀戮的战争或长期的经济/政治冲击。imo So many problems in such as poverty/ homelessness/ hunger, lack of proper education/ medical-service, etc. but so much brain-energy and expensive spendings are used many many years for other profit-making (or status/power-gainng) researches and acts, while this issue of God definition/ concept/ construct is either avoided, neglected, or misused. imo 如此之多的问题,例如贫困,无家可归,饥饿,缺乏适当的教育/医疗服务等,但是很多年以来,大量的脑力和昂贵的支出被用于其他获利(或地位/权力获取) 研究和行为,而这个关于上帝的定义/概念/构造的问题是可以避免,忽略或滥用的。 imo We may be good at finding excuses, but whether that would be acceptable, and for ever? 我们可能擅长找借口,但是这是否可以接受,并且永远做到? Perhaps, to reconcile with the Nature/God is a must, not an option anymore any longer! 也许,与自然/上帝和解是必须的,不再是一种选择!
I don''t know any/much, but I just found below to read: Q Finding Meaning In Our Suffering: What The Stoics Can Teach Us About Tragedy, Loss, and Pandemics
回复 106楼的帖子 病毒是人類自己造的,是不是人類要承擔結果。造物主不會違背因果隨意干涉地球的運行。 地球已經無法負擔人類的瘋狂掠奪和污染,一切都是咎由自取。 無論是否有信仰,行善積德才是正路,宇宙能力守恆因果如此:you get what you give. 但是在末法時代,善良更需要有智慧保護自己。正信的宗教會給人正向的指引和踏實的道路。自大和自作聰明的人往往吃力不討好,難以善終。
Why God/the Universe/Natural Law exists? Why a planet rotates clockwise/counter-clockwise? Why an animal has 5 or 3 fingers? 为什么上帝/宇宙/自然法则存在? 为什么行星顺时针/逆时针旋转? 为什么动物有5或3个手指?
Are they actually referring to the same God? 他们实际上是在指同一个上帝吗?
< My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性)以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。>
Q "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. -Marcus Aurelius
So many problems in such as poverty/ homelessness/ hunger, lack of proper education/ medical-service, etc. but so much brain-energy and expensive spendings are used many many years for other profit-making (or status/power-gainng) researches and acts, while this issue of God definition/ concept/ construct is either avoided, neglected, or misused. imo 如此之多的问题,例如贫困,无家可归,饥饿,缺乏适当的教育/医疗服务等,但是很多年以来,大量的脑力和昂贵的支出被用于其他获利(或地位/权力获取) 研究和行为,而这个关于上帝的定义/概念/构造的问题是可以避免,忽略或滥用的。 imo
We may be good at finding excuses, but whether that would be acceptable, and for ever? 我们可能擅长找借口,但是这是否可以接受,并且永远做到?
Perhaps, to reconcile with the Nature/God is a must, not an option anymore any longer! 也许,与自然/上帝和解是必须的,不再是一种选择!
我不知道佛和上帝什么关系, 但是你要是比对一下圣经和佛经,其实很多相似的地方。 所以我不会把上帝和佛对立,我只相信这世间是有神的。
说到论证, 人类怎么可能论证出来呢, 本来六识就是受困的,好像动物无法念书,做数学题...
比较同意。 不过我倾向于将佛学和佛教分开来看。 佛学和其它宗教的理论非常不一样,可以说就是对立的。
这是一个检验有没有好好上过大学 或者大学哲学课的标准问题 答案很简单 一个全能的神/神系的存在, 既不能证实也不能证伪
存在或者不存在 都可以推出逻辑(基本)自洽的世界观 所以只有选择相信不相信
你要是信 那么轮不着你来定义上帝 好好去读经是正途 你要是不信 那也不存在定义上帝的必要
可能啊, 据说神显给joseph smith看了。只不过2百年前无从知道.
如果说,神通过人间的各种方式显现,那各种显现也是因为人本身的interpretation,understanding 而和神联系到一起。如果真的有神,如此interpret 并不一定就是神的意愿。人类也太狂妄了.
I don''t know any/much, but I just found below to read: Q Finding Meaning In Our Suffering: What The Stoics Can Teach Us About Tragedy, Loss, and Pandemics
Stoicism amid pandemic panic Following Marcus Aurelius'' example in Covid-19 UQ
聽過Blind by science嗎? 科學只是人類對三維空間探索,用三維空間想法猜測更高維度,就像是用小學知識解大學題目,不是不可能,做到的基本都是天才,愛因斯坦和牛頓最後還是有宗教信仰,surrender to higher dimension.
無論是否有信仰,行善積德才是正路,宇宙能力守恆因果如此:you get what you give. 但是在末法時代,善良更需要有智慧保護自己。正信的宗教會給人正向的指引和踏實的道路。自大和自作聰明的人往往吃力不討好,難以善終。
<surrender to higher dimension.>
Social science and philosophy?
The history of the social sciences begins in the Age of Enlightenment after 1650,[1] which saw a revolution within natural philosophy, changing the basic framework by which individuals understood what was "scientific". Social sciences came forth from the moral philosophy of the time and were influenced by the Age of Revolutions, such as the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution.[2] The social sciences developed from the sciences (experimental and applied), or the systematic knowledge-bases or prescriptive practices, relating to the social improvement of a group of interacting entities.[3][4] ... ...
Education Main articles: Education and Outline of education A depiction of world''''''''s oldest university, the University of Bologna, in Italy Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgement and well-developed wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization). To educate means ''''''''to draw out'''''''', from the Latin educare, or to facilitate the realization of an individual''''''''s potential and talents. It is an application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology.[15] UQ
Q This category is for branches of science divided into four major groups: Natural sciences, which study natural phenomena, including fundamental forces (physics) and living things (biology) Social sciences, which study human behavior and societies Formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, which use an a priori, as opposed to factual, methodology Applied sciences, which apply existing scientific knowledge to develop practical applications, like technology or inventions.
一般人看到的都是自己內心意思層面的投射。 只有當接觸到神的水平(神性),才能說出真實的東西。 莊周夢蝶。