由于240年的经历,美国计票程序上没漏洞可钻。然而,重新计票是法律允许的。拿这次威斯康辛州来说,川普团队扬言要重新计票。就是需要两党人员检查每一张票,从新再来一遍。根据法律,是允许的。但川普团队需要自己出资。威斯康辛州计算出来的大体费用是300万美元。先交钱,便可进行重新计票。直到昨晚,川普团队仍然没交3米林的钱重新计票。等于川普从一开始就是炒作,而非真的认为计票有问题。 在美国历史上,重新计票的次数多了去了,都没一次翻盘过。其实希拉里也重新计票过,在威斯康辛,结果是一票都没多得。高尔在佛罗里达也重新计票过,最后也没多得一张。每次都是白浪费钱。因为这次川普竞选捐款少,不够花的,也就拿不出300万美元重新计票。宾州如果重新计票,可能花费五六个米林,川普就更不敢干了。因为是炒作,忽悠川粉们捐款的,所以,不可能花钱重新计票,再来一遍。本来就是两党人员对每一张选票都检查过的,再来一遍不还是一样? · The Trump campaign has NOT committed to put up the $3 million required to pay for a recount in Wisconsin, per @AmyEGardner . It is an indication that they’re not super serious about pursuing one and that their announcements are mostly for show.
隔壁楼有川普打官司的最新信息,感觉是证据不足,大家不仅要捐款,还要发动起来收集证据。 建议老川贷款的不妥,他已经负债4亿美元了,不一定有银行愿意贷,毕竟有6次破产不良记录,如果证据不足的情况下贷款打官司,赢面少,亏本生意川普不会搞。 Goldstein是Trump团队的律师。法庭问答是这么结束的 THE COURT: I understand. I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots? MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no. THE COURT: Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots? MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no
多捐点对各方面都有好处 例如 retirement of debt For each contribution made to the Trump campaign''s joint fundraising committee with the Republican National Committee, 60% will be deposited into the campaign''s general election account for retirement of debt, or into the campaign''s Recount Account if that debt has been paid off. The remaining 40% will go to the Republican National Committee''s Operating account. Any additional money would be deposited in the party''s Legal Proceedings Account or Headquarters account.
· The Trump campaign has NOT committed to put up the $3 million required to pay for a recount in Wisconsin, per @AmyEGardner . It is an indication that they’re not super serious about pursuing one and that their announcements are mostly for show.
首先这几个州都是差距很小,很多都是在自动recount 的范围内,无需交钱。 第二即使差别大交押金一旦recount结果翻转押金要退回。 第三recount只要3M的押金,这点钱凑得齐。
个人所言 不负责任 事先说明
台湾的情况和这里完全相反的,韩国瑜是土共支持的,你知道台湾渗透了多少土共的间谍和眼线吗?像周恩来可以把地下党安排到蒋介石的秘书中,很多台湾的媒体也有土共的影子,土共是希望韩国瑜上去,论声势,大概只有土共和朝鲜那种国家,有多少人就有多少人,所以韩国瑜的集会人多无可厚非。毕竟那么大资金搞下去的,蔡英文为什么会赢?就是因为去年香港的斗争,让台湾人看清了土共的面目,你说蔡英文的胜利不如说是台湾人希望民主的胜利,虽然蔡英文也有不少槽点。 美国这里相反,土共暗地里面支持的Biden,不是Trump,Trump集会的这些人都是自愿去的,而且左煤四年打压Trump,还是有那么多人去Trump的集会。这个就好比Biden是韩国瑜,大财团支持、大媒体支持,Trump就好比是蔡英文,虽然有不少槽点,但是讲的是民主。 如果台湾今天是韩国瑜上台的话,那么肯定就会是下一个香港。就像土共把陈水扁送进监狱一样。
THE COURT: I understand. I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots? MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no. THE COURT: Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots? MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no
For each contribution made to the Trump campaign''s joint fundraising committee with the Republican National Committee, 60% will be deposited into the campaign''s general election account for retirement of debt, or into the campaign''s Recount Account if that debt has been paid off. The remaining 40% will go to the Republican National Committee''s Operating account. Any additional money would be deposited in the party''s Legal Proceedings Account or Headquarters account.