回复 1楼yaner11的帖子 床铺的税收政策会在未来十年内,让美国税收减少$1.47 trillion. 呵呵,到时没钱大家都傻眼把。除非美国的GPD可以像火箭一样一下子飞起来,growth超过2% per year. 这个基本属于做梦。 我真的不明白班上会有人说Trump搞经济搞得好。 https://taxfoundation.org/tax-basics/tax-cuts-and-jobs-act/ The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017 overhauled the federal tax code by reforming individual and business taxes. It was pro-growth reform, significantly lowering marginal tax rates and cost of capital. We estimated it reduced federal revenue by $1.47 trillion over 10 years before accounting for economic growth.
今年那个payroll tax也是一样的,现在不扣,到明年四月的时候还是要还给山姆大叔的。
连个link都没有,就Twitter某无名小卒的一张截图么。。 不管lz站谁,这帖子发的太没质量了
This is insane, the cutoff is $75000. 昨天还有川粉说15万不能接受,这cutoff都7万5了, 怎么说?Trump和共和党就是要把中产逼上绝路。
床铺的税收政策会在未来十年内,让美国税收减少$1.47 trillion. 呵呵,到时没钱大家都傻眼把。除非美国的GPD可以像火箭一样一下子飞起来,growth超过2% per year. 这个基本属于做梦。
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017 overhauled the federal tax code by reforming individual and business taxes. It was pro-growth reform, significantly lowering marginal tax rates and cost of capital. We estimated it reduced federal revenue by $1.47 trillion over 10 years before accounting for economic growth.