回复 44楼yayapig的帖子 又看了点新闻, moderate的政客好少, 虽然有这么多independent 的选民. 看到几段乔治亚选民的采访, 和我想的一样. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/08/us/politics/georgia-politics.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xiang Li, 36, who works for an insurance company and lives in the county, voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 but said he couldn’t this year. “I’m voting Democrat in the runoff because of what McConnell has done to the Senate,” Mr. Li, a registered independent, said in reference to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell. “Next election after that, I’ll see what’s going on. I’m hoping the Republican Party comes back to normalcy.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the 2016 election, Ms. Jones, a stay-at-home mother in Johns Creek, a pristine wealthy suburb north of Atlanta, became frustrated with her conservative friends defending President Trump through scandal after scandal. “I feel like the Republican Party left me,” said Ms. Jones, 54. “It very much created an existential crisis for me.”
终于看到一个moderate的民主党. Conor Lamb, the 36-year-old Pennsylvania Democrat who beat back a Republican challenge in a district that President Trump won in 2016, is one of those moderates who believes the left is costing Democrats in key areas. What went wrong for House Democrats when they were supposed to pick up seats? I’m giving you an honest account of what I’m hearing from my own constituents, which is that they are extremely frustrated by the message of defunding the police and banning fracking. And I, as a Democrat, am just as frustrated. Because those things aren’t just unpopular, they’re completely unrealistic, and they aren’t going to happen. And they amount to false promises by the people that call for them. If someone in your family makes their living in some way connected to natural gas, whether on the pipeline itself, or you know, even in a restaurant that serves natural gas workers, this isn’t something to joke around about or be casual about in your language. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 然而我们州的参议员候选人都不怎么moderate. 一月runoff 不知道该选谁.
看看我们这样真正的共和党郡是怎么做的 1. 学生全面复课. ----- 然而非常有序, 从小学开始, 严格执行口罩令, 保持社交距离, 让学生呆在一个教室, 然后慢慢过渡初中, 高中全面复课. 目前学校一点也没爆. ----- 没有人相信不用带口罩, 这病没事的鬼话. 也没有人跑到学校去抗议. 2. 支持相信警察 ---- 然而我们也支持和平抗议. 五六月的BLM的活动我们也有, 非常平和, 大家都乐呵呵. 3 支持邮寄选票 --- 网上申请, 一周后收到, 寄出, 两周左右网上状态更新,没有任何问题 -------- 没有人说邮寄选票作弊, 没有人说我们必须有特殊原因才能邮寄选票, 所有的宣传都是要投票 4. 相信家庭价值/去教堂 --- 我很多年长的朋友, 一起吃饭时都会祈祷, 如果我要出门,她们会在pray里加上一路平安. ----- 可没人向我传教, 没人说hire american, 没人认为离婚/侮辱女性是传统价值. 多少年前美国离过婚的人是不可能当总统 5. 支持医生护士 --- 三月的时候大家都在组织做口罩捐给医院 -- 没有人质疑医生. 美国的传统价值观" working hard, be tough, take responsibility, respect others" ------ 我们的现任总统是这样的吗?
他就是populist 投机主义商人
John McCain 在08年選舉時就碰到了這個問題。 當年他不惜指正他自己的Supporter ,也不願造謠抹黑。看看這個影片。
John Mccain was a good man. R. I.P.
不算啊,你看他跟JoJor 没有什么相同之处啊
反战,不神棍,减税,小政府,对small business利好。
他上台签的第一个eo,政府要加一条对business的限制,必须先减2条。惹得我们这里一个libertarian的领导在脸书上讲pinch me,这是我多年做梦都想要的政策。
这个不完全对。别的州不知道,我们州是先问你,是邮寄还是去投。如果你选的邮寄,才给你寄选票。收到选票填完了, 你可以放到邮箱里。也可以自己送到投票站
我没有在红区长期生活过,但是我看过《young sheldon》,我觉得那就是很decent的一家深红区的普通人家,i will be lucky to have a neighbor like that.
那种人家越来越少了。科学技术的发展红利,基本上都是大城市的人得到了。在大城市要么有发展机会, 要么吃福利。而在深红区,就是看看电视,开开拖拉机。技术发展的红利根本得不到。
Lincoln project彻底失败了。花了巨多的钱,要挖共和党支持者去民主党,可是2020老川共和党支持率更高了。
Lincoln project那套已经证明不行了。心里明白的人自然明白。共和党建制派,嘴上说自己如何如何代表共和党价值观,不代表事实是这样的,共和党选民自有自己的判断。
感动 respect
同支持John McCain. 2000 年应该是他上而不是Bush.
并不一定. 我们这样的红郡往左转可不是人口变化造成的. 我们有一些职位都没有民主党的候选人, 可见我们这有多红. 今年共和党并没有其他可选的候选人. 是否共和党人都是自认的, 可能在积极分子那他的支持率更高了.
谢谢支持. 我希望以后的政客能够cross the party line, 选政策,不选人, 不选党. 现在美国的党争就象过去中国的阶级斗争, 看看你是什么颜色, 不一样就一棒子打死. 如果什么都go with the party line, 让木偶去上班好了.
选总统就是选人. 选任何人都应该看他是一个什么样的人. 一个强调Individualism 的社会什么时候变成了看标签的社会. 这儿, 党派/人种/职业/收入全都是可以拿过来歧视的标签. 为什么华人论坛其他版面都好, 只要政治相关, 到最后都象微信, 各种传闻,截图,自媒体, "你说我说他说". 得, 等两天再来吧.
又看了点新闻, moderate的政客好少, 虽然有这么多independent 的选民. 看到几段乔治亚选民的采访, 和我想的一样. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/08/us/politics/georgia-politics.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xiang Li, 36, who works for an insurance company and lives in the county, voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 but said he couldn’t this year. “I’m voting Democrat in the runoff because of what McConnell has done to the Senate,” Mr. Li, a registered independent, said in reference to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell. “Next election after that, I’ll see what’s going on. I’m hoping the Republican Party comes back to normalcy.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the 2016 election, Ms. Jones, a stay-at-home mother in Johns Creek, a pristine wealthy suburb north of Atlanta, became frustrated with her conservative friends defending President Trump through scandal after scandal. “I feel like the Republican Party left me,” said Ms. Jones, 54. “It very much created an existential crisis for me.”
我感动妹子说的每一条 那是早期的两党 不管媒体还是两院 很完美名字,很传奇人物 克林顿后期 民主党已经飞速变化 共和党也在缓慢变化
我们今天讨论川普 这次选举 我们已经不关注谁是总统 我们关注这个宪政的和司法 是否还有五月花的精神 这个精神也是我们背井离乡 今天 能在华人论坛讨论 的理由
终于看到一个moderate的民主党. Conor Lamb, the 36-year-old Pennsylvania Democrat who beat back a Republican challenge in a district that President Trump won in 2016, is one of those moderates who believes the left is costing Democrats in key areas. What went wrong for House Democrats when they were supposed to pick up seats? I’m giving you an honest account of what I’m hearing from my own constituents, which is that they are extremely frustrated by the message of defunding the police and banning fracking. And I, as a Democrat, am just as frustrated. Because those things aren’t just unpopular, they’re completely unrealistic, and they aren’t going to happen. And they amount to false promises by the people that call for them. If someone in your family makes their living in some way connected to natural gas, whether on the pipeline itself, or you know, even in a restaurant that serves natural gas workers, this isn’t something to joke around about or be casual about in your language. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 然而我们州的参议员候选人都不怎么moderate. 一月runoff 不知道该选谁.