少数服从多数 Does not necessarily make it right. The number game alone is not what makes democracy great. 我有权利摆明自己的观点,有权利投票。但是输了,就要服从民主投票的结果。This is the power of ethics, rationality and the justice system. Trump has asked his supporters to patrol the polling stations. That must make you feel very safe.
Biden promises not to increase tax for people making less than $400,000. I think it is a meaningful effort to grow the middle class and generate income for public expenditures.
少数服从多数 Does not necessarily make it right. The number game alone is not what makes democracy great.
我有权利摆明自己的观点,有权利投票。但是输了,就要服从民主投票的结果。This is the power of ethics, rationality and the justice system. Trump has asked his supporters to patrol the polling stations. That must make you feel very safe.
确实如此 民主的前提是选民是理智的,自律的。如果选民素质低下就会变成暴民的民主,会投票给自己的阶层希望可以不劳而获。美国人口的成分的改变导致暴民民主的产生。 民主的经济基础是中产阶层的稳固壮大 没有了中产导致美国温和的党派再也不会赢得任何选票。极左极右才有市场
Biden promises not to increase tax for people making less than $400,000. I think it is a meaningful effort to grow the middle class and generate income for public expenditures.
左派就是输不起啊,左派都号称精英啊,怎么会轻易认输呢? 2016 年已经见识过民主党撒泼打滚耍赖了,不行,各种手段都用上。
川普就职19分钟后,《华盛顿邮报》宣布是弹劾行动开始(Impechment Campaign has Started)
当南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)当着全世界的面撕毁川普的国情咨文,表现出对美国总统的完全不尊重