现在的九价疫苗,无论男女,有没有性经验,或者得没得过hpv,四十六岁以下应该都可以打。很多保险都cover,具体要不要打,可以约下家庭医生问问。效果见下文,不知道为啥有人说对成人没用… https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-expanded-use-gardasil-9-include-individuals-27-through-45-years-old Gardasil 9 prevents infection by the same HPV types as Gardasil, plus HPV-31, HPV-33, HPV-45, HPV-52, and HPV-58. Collectively, these types are implicated in 90% of cervical cancers. In October 2018, the FDA approved Gardasil9 for women and men ages 27 to 45. The effectiveness of Gardasil is relevant to Gardasil 9 since the vaccines are manufactured similarly and cover four of the same HPV types. In a study in approximately 3,200 women 27 through 45 years of age, followed for an average of 3.5 years, Gardasil was 88 percent effective in the prevention of a combined endpoint of persistent infection, genital warts, vulvar and vaginal precancerous lesions, cervical precancerous lesions, and cervical cancer related to HPV types covered by the vaccine. The FDA’s approval of Gardasil 9 in women 27 through 45 years of age is based on these results and new data on long term follow-up from this study. Effectiveness of Gardasil 9 in men 27 through 45 years of age is inferred from the data described above in women 27 through 45 years of age, as well as efficacy data from Gardasil in younger men (16 through 26 years of age) and immunogenicity data from a clinical trial in which 150 men, 27 through 45 years of age, received a 3-dose regimen of Gardasil over 6 months.
回复 8楼yanle的帖子 Can the HPV vaccine cause long-term (chronic) conditions? chronic fatigue syndrome (sometimes called ME) complex regional pain syndrome. postural tachycardia syndrome. premature ovarian failure. Guillain-Barré syndrome. National Health Service › uk HPV vaccine safety - NHS 这个个别人长期后遗症也很吓人。好多国家现在已经不建议打了
现在的九价疫苗,无论男女,有没有性经验,或者得没得过hpv,四十六岁以下应该都可以打。很多保险都cover,具体要不要打,可以约下家庭医生问问。效果见下文,不知道为啥有人说对成人没用… https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-expanded-use-gardasil-9-include-individuals-27-through-45-years-old Gardasil 9 prevents infection by the same HPV types as Gardasil, plus HPV-31, HPV-33, HPV-45, HPV-52, and HPV-58. Collectively, these types are implicated in 90% of cervical cancers. In October 2018, the FDA approved Gardasil9 for women and men ages 27 to 45. The effectiveness of Gardasil is relevant to Gardasil 9 since the vaccines are manufactured similarly and cover four of the same HPV types. In a study in approximately 3,200 women 27 through 45 years of age, followed for an average of 3.5 years, Gardasil was 88 percent effective in the prevention of a combined endpoint of persistent infection, genital warts, vulvar and vaginal precancerous lesions, cervical precancerous lesions, and cervical cancer related to HPV types covered by the vaccine. The FDA’s approval of Gardasil 9 in women 27 through 45 years of age is based on these results and new data on long term follow-up from this study. Effectiveness of Gardasil 9 in men 27 through 45 years of age is inferred from the data described above in women 27 through 45 years of age, as well as efficacy data from Gardasil in younger men (16 through 26 years of age) and immunogenicity data from a clinical trial in which 150 men, 27 through 45 years of age, received a 3-dose regimen of Gardasil over 6 months. aug20 发表于 2020-10-31 16:33
The effectiveness of Gardasil is relevant to Gardasil 9 since the vaccines are manufactured similarly and cover four of the same HPV types. In a study in approximately 3,200 women 27 through 45 years of age, followed for an average of 3.5 years, Gardasil was 88 percent effective in the prevention of a combined endpoint of persistent infection, genital warts, vulvar and vaginal precancerous lesions, cervical precancerous lesions, and cervical cancer related to HPV types covered by the vaccine. The FDA’s approval of Gardasil 9 in women 27 through 45 years of age is based on these results and new data on long term follow-up from this study. Effectiveness of Gardasil 9 in men 27 through 45 years of age is inferred from the data described above in women 27 through 45 years of age, as well as efficacy data from Gardasil in younger men (16 through 26 years of age) and immunogenicity data from a clinical trial in which 150 men, 27 through 45 years of age, received a 3-dose regimen of Gardasil over 6 months.
Can the HPV vaccine cause long-term (chronic) conditions? chronic fatigue syndrome (sometimes called ME) complex regional pain syndrome. postural tachycardia syndrome. premature ovarian failure. Guillain-Barré syndrome. National Health Service › uk HPV vaccine safety - NHS
premature ovarian failure. 这个是很吓人的。就是绝经了,再不可能排卵,生小孩了
第一针11-12岁左右打,第二针间隔6-12个月打。如果15岁打第一针,第二针到16岁打,可能就要再补一针,这要医生决定。 最好在11-15岁之间打完。
我当时也纠结好久的副作用 不过今年也打完三针了 但是看见网上有人说自己打了但是也检查出高危来了 男朋友那里得的 不过是国内的 不知道是不是疫苗有问题没 这个感觉就是安慰剂 不管有没有用 现打着再说
请问你家男孩还是女孩? 我家是儿子,还没有决定,想听听你的想法建议,谢谢!
我家老大男孩,纠结很久副作用啥的拖到16岁打了三针。老二女儿毫不犹豫的去打了。 我某次去初中交疫苗证明,特意在校医办公室停留了很久,瞄了好几张疫苗复印件,发现我瞄的几张HPV都打了,然后跟几位家长聊了聊,都说要打的。