没人说嘛?Oregon的measure 110决议,推进小额海洛因、可卡因等毒品合法化

楼主 (北美华人网)
Measure 110 decriminalizes the personal possession of small amounts of illicit drugs, including cocaine, heroin, Oxycodone and methamphetamine. It also reduces the penalties for possessing larger amounts. It funds health assessments, addiction treatment, harm reduction and other services for people with addiction disorders by reallocating cannabis tax dollars and savings from law enforcement making fewer drug arrests. Proponents say their goal is to take people who are addicted to drugs out of the criminal justice system and to treat their addiction as a medical problem.
哇,我今天才第一次知道,Oregon有个measure 110决议,就是把小额海洛因、可卡因等毒品不再定罪,而是罚100美元,然后送到戒毒所。就是吸毒、还有贩毒、生产毒品不再是犯罪,在Oregon的人来说说这个决议。那么大的事情居然没有人讨论。民主党真是脑回路新奇。 同样是毒品无犯罪化的瑞士,和民主党的贩毒、吸毒完全不同的措施,民主党只学会别人的糟粕,预防与减害、监督和抑制吸毒,民主党这个决议一个字也没提。
预防:通过讲解、咨询和全国统一的预防项目提高公众对毒品危害的敏感度,以降低毒品的消费,同时阻止人们加入吸毒的队伍。 戒毒:吸毒成瘾的人会得到医务和精神上的治疗,其中包括海洛因免费发放。通过这些方法,令吸毒者重新进入劳工市场并适应正常社会生活。 减害:为了将对健康的危害降到最低,及减少吸毒带来的负面社会影响,各州采取了必要的应对措施或资助专业性过关的私人机构向吸毒者提供帮助。这里分发干净的一次性针头也是措施之一。 监督和抑制:通过对非法毒品的禁止来减少毒品消费对于社会带来的负面影响。
What it actually does
This measure addresses two interconnected topics: how Oregon law treats drug-related crimes and how the state supports and promotes addiction treatment. Let’s start with criminalization: Under Measure 110, possession of drugs would be considered a civil violation — similar to a traffic offense — subject to a $100 fine, without the possibility of jail time. A person could avoid the fine by participating in a health assessment. State law currently treats simple possession of small amounts of drugs as a misdemeanor in most cases, and as a felony in cases where a person has two or more prior convictions for possession, or any prior felony conviction. All of these offenses would be reclassified as civil violations. Possession of larger amounts of drugs — for example, 40 or more Oxycodone pills or 2 grams or more of cocaine, methamphetamine, or heroin — is currently a felony. Measure 110 reduces these offenses to misdemeanors. If Measure 110 passes, the state could still use 11 factors that constitute evidence of a commercial drug offense to charge someone in possession of drugs with a felony. Those factors include also having stolen property or weapons, and indications a person is selling drugs, like having more than $300 of cash and baggies. The measure would reduce convictions for drug possession by close to 90 percent, according to a detailed analysis by the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission - from 4,057 convictions in 2019 to an estimated 378 if the measure passes.
Measure 110 does not decriminalize manufacturing or selling drugs. The measure also addresses how Oregon treats addiction: It would take some cannabis tax revenue that’s been allocated to schools and other programs and redirect it into a new state grant fund dedicated to addiction treatment. The measure requires the state to put at least $57 million dollars a year, adjusted for inflation, into the fund. That minimum amount represents a roughly 15 percent increase in the state’s annual budget for these services: A recent report found the state spends about $235 million a year on addiction treatment. Measure 110 also rewrites the state’s formula for distributing marijuana tax revenue. If marijuana tax revenue continues to increase as the state projects, it could mean bigger investments in the addiction treatment fund in future years: a projected $91 million a year for the fund in 2021-2023, for example. The measure requires some of that money be set aside to establish a dozen or so centers in regions across the state, open seven days a week, to triage the needs of people addicted to drugs and connect them to health care and services. These so-called “Addiction and Recovery Centers” would conduct the health assessments people need to complete to avoid being fined for drug possession. They would also be required to provide peer support and case management, connecting people to health care. The new state fund could also be used to pay for addiction treatment, housing for people with substance use disorder, and harm reduction services like needle exchanges. A committee made up of paid members appointed by the Oregon Health Authority would be responsible for deciding how to spend the money in the fund, and for oversight of the Addiction and Recovery Centers. Finally, the measure would redirect any state and county dollars saved through the reduction in drug arrests and convictions into the new state fund for addiction treatment.
Who’s for it?
Many labor unions and community organizations that work with Black Oregonians, immigrants, and communities of color, including Unite Oregon, Latino Network, and the NAACP of Portland. It’s also been endorsed by the Oregon Nurses Association, the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians, and the Oregon Chapter of the American College of Physicians. The measure’s supporters emphasize a number of arguments, starting with the lasting harm of an arrest, conviction, and criminal record.

看了只有个别网站登了,一个都不认识,就不知道是某些人在招摇YY, 还是Oregon真疯了就不可而知了。波特兰倒是疫情期间打砸抢的先锋城市,那时候纽约都还没开始,波特兰很多商场都已经被砸得稀巴烂了。
回复 4楼denis_sis的帖子
大麻合法化是全国各州的趋势。 连最保守的犹他州都通过了个人药用大麻。
回复 4楼denis_sis的帖子
大麻合法化是全国各州的趋势。 连最保守的犹他州都通过了个人药用大麻。
yayat 发表于 2020-10-31 02:52

可卡因 海洛因,和大麻可不是一个数量级。。
就是这样一步一步来的。 刚开始是大麻, (还有很多人现身说法证明大麻没啥害), 现在有到了hard drug. 估计很快会有"科学研究" 表明hard drug 也不是个事儿。 
可卡因 海洛因,和大麻可不是一个数量级。。
denis_sis 发表于 2020-10-31 09:14
