Perhaps the conventional 2-word economic systems would no longer work anymore! 也许传统的2字经济系统将不再起作用! Perhaps people should consider a new 3-word system by combining Ethical Capitalism and Industrial Capitalism economic systems. 也许人们应该结合道德资本主义和工业资本主义经济体系来考虑一个新的三字体系。 Perhaps an Ethical Industrial Capitalism would be a potential candidate/solution for our big-picture problem by now. 也许,到目前为止,道德的工业资本主义可能是解决我们大问题的潜在候选人/解决方案。 Worth just 20 cents! 仅值20美分!
不知道你说的跟我的point有啥不同,basic point就是警察不保护或者基本不负责保护韩国人,你当然可以说因为种种原因警察保护白人比较容易,lol 你无非就是分析了一下这个事实背后的原因-靠不靠谱另说 FYI: 下面是维基百科的内容,不知道是不是被国内媒体篡改过的,你们可以dig out一下 During the riots, Korean Americans received very little aid or protection from police authorities, due to their low social status and language barriers.[113] Many Koreans rushed to Koreatown after Korean-language radio stations called for volunteers to guard against rioters. Many were armed, with a variety of improvised weapons, handguns, shotguns, and semi-automatic rifles.[114]David Joo, a manager of the gun store, said, "I want to make it clear that we didn''''''''''''''''t open fire first. At that time, four police cars were there. Somebody started to shoot at us. The LAPD ran away in half a second. I never saw such a fast escape. I was pretty disappointed." Carl Rhyu, also a participant in the Koreans'''''''''''''''' armed response, said, "If it was your own business and your own property, would you be willing to trust it to someone else? We are glad the National Guard is here. They''''''''''''''''re good backup. But when our shops were burning we called the police every five minutes; no response."[115] At a shopping center several miles north of Koreatown, Jay Rhee, who said he and others fired five hundred shots into the ground and air, said, "We have lost our faith in the police. Where were you when we needed you?" Koreatown was isolated from South Central Los Angeles, yet despite this, it was the most severely damaged in the riots.[113] 另外出国之后最关键的是不能看中文新闻,尤其是不要钱就能看到的中文新闻/视频/公众号, 那些比墙里面的中文新闻可能更没有credit. lol
不知道你说的跟我的point有啥不同,basic point就是警察不保护或者基本不负责保护韩国人,你当然可以说因为种种原因警察保护白人比较容易,lol 你无非就是分析了一下这个事实背后的原因-靠不靠谱另说 FYI: 下面是维基百科的内容,不知道是不是被国内媒体篡改过的,你们可以dig out一下 During the riots, Korean Americans received very little aid or protection from police authorities, due to their low social status and language barriers.[113] Many Koreans rushed to Koreatown after Korean-language radio stations called for volunteers to guard against rioters. Many were armed, with a variety of improvised weapons, handguns, shotguns, and semi-automatic rifles.[114]David Joo, a manager of the gun store, said, "I want to make it clear that we didn''''''''''''''''t open fire first. At that time, four police cars were there. Somebody started to shoot at us. The LAPD ran away in half a second. I never saw such a fast escape. I was pretty disappointed." Carl Rhyu, also a participant in the Koreans'''''''''''''''' armed response, said, "If it was your own business and your own property, would you be willing to trust it to someone else? We are glad the National Guard is here. They''''''''''''''''re good backup. But when our shops were burning we called the police every five minutes; no response."[115] At a shopping center several miles north of Koreatown, Jay Rhee, who said he and others fired five hundred shots into the ground and air, said, "We have lost our faith in the police. Where were you when we needed you?" Koreatown was isolated from South Central Los Angeles, yet despite this, it was the most severely damaged in the riots.[113] 另外出国之后最关键的是不能看中文新闻,尤其是不要钱就能看到的中文新闻/视频/公众号, 那些比墙里面的中文新闻可能更没有credit. lol
re 精英阶层就是用identity politic把矛盾转嫁到普通人身上,让普通人自己互相打架。 Olympian 发表于 2020-10-30 09:47
Identity politics, which seeks to drive a wedge between “us” and “them”, is far more explosive than class politics: you can compromise over the division of the economic pie but not over the core of your being. Brexit demonstrated this painfully. Enlightened liberals, even less tolerant than cultural conservatives, behaved like middle-class passengers forced to sit next to a working-class hen party on an overcrowded Ryanair flight. And neither side could resist the temptation to taunt the other. David Lammy, a Labour mp, likened the Eurosceptic European Reform Group to the “Nazis” before correcting himself and saying that the comparison was not strong enough. Plenty of issues, from Scottish independence to historical monuments, are susceptible to that sort of treatment.
Identity politics, which seeks to drive a wedge between “us” and “them”, is far more explosive than class politics: you can compromise over the division of the economic pie but not over the core of your being. Brexit demonstrated this painfully. Enlightened liberals, even less tolerant than cultural conservatives, behaved like middle-class passengers forced to sit next to a working-class hen party on an overcrowded Ryanair flight. And neither side could resist the temptation to taunt the other. David Lammy, a Labour mp, likened the Eurosceptic European Reform Group to the “Nazis” before correcting himself and saying that the comparison was not strong enough. Plenty of issues, from Scottish independence to historical monuments, are susceptible to that sort of treatment. zerohedgeNY 发表于 2020-10-30 10:19
据《纽约邮报》报道,在哥伦布环岛(Columbus Circle)的时代华纳中心(Time Warner Center),这套顶层公寓的售价达到6250万美元。在那里,管理人员正在部署配备“冲锋枪”的下班警察站岗,而其他类似的豪宅也在加强对居民的保护。
一位内部人士称:“每个人都担心安全,每座高层建筑都增加了安全措施。它失去了控制。我们希望它不会被需要,但我们会做好准备。” 内部人士说,该大楼正在与纽约警察局和国土安全部合作。 消息人士说:“大楼里将会有携带冲锋枪的警官。我们一直都很安全,但还会有更多安全措施。我们会增派巡逻队。一个按钮就能让整个大楼关闭。”
一位房地产业内人士说,许多建筑都在雇佣不值班的警察,而不是私人保安公司,因为他们担心丹佛(Denver)发生的私人保安开枪打死名抗议者的悲剧重演。 另一位豪华建筑委员会成员说,纽约警察局已经警告富有的居民采取预防措施。 该消息人士称:“纽约警察局建议大楼增加安保措施。他们以前从来没有这样做过。”
其他高层建筑,比如中央公园南220号(220Central Park South)称,它们已经戒备森严,但会采取额外的防范措施,比如在夜间锁上入口,而且只对居民开放。中央公园南220号是对冲基金肯·格里芬(Ken Griffin)价值2.38亿美元的共管公寓的所在地。
就连上东区E.66街200号的曼哈顿之家(Manhattan House)这样的“B”级建筑也在雇佣额外的保安人员。
在本周发给居民的一封信中,大楼管理部门写道,他们已经制定了在较长一段时间内“预期并减少总统选举后可能出现的骚乱和暴力”的计划。 这些措施包括雇佣不值班的警察来防止“暴力”和“财产损失”。
一位收到这封信的人表示:“当我读到这封信时,我感到非常不舒服。” 有消息称,安全措施将从选举日开始,但预计在接下来的几天甚至几周内,额外的安全措施还将继续。 信中写道:“我们希望这些预防措施不需要,但我们会做好准备。”
豪华住宅区格林威治巷(Greenwich Lane)也将采取额外的防范措施。皇家摇滚歌手乔恩•邦•乔维(Jon Bon Jovi)就住在格林威治巷一套价值1900万美元的公寓里。
去年10月,在一名送餐员在大楼外被人用枪指着后,格林威治巷已经有一段时间增加了保安。 一位居民表示:“我们被警告不要在车里留下任何东西。人们饥饿、失业、绝望。”
佛罗里达州的情况更糟,一位在那不勒斯拥有一套豪华公寓的纽约人说,她所在的大楼雇佣了两名前海军陆战队“狙击手”,在选举日及其后的屋顶上持枪警戒。 她是众多计划在选举日离开曼哈顿的纽约居民之一。 她说:“这真是一种可悲的状况。”
佛罗里达州的情况更糟,一位在那不勒斯拥有一套豪华公寓的纽约人说,她所在的大楼雇佣了两名前海军陆战队“狙击手”,在选举日及其后的屋顶上持枪警戒。 她是众多计划在选举日离开曼哈顿的纽约居民之一。 她说:“这真是一种可悲的状况。”
WOW, proud boys are threatening people now.
白思豪 ??
<一位居民表示:“我们被警告不要在车里留下任何东西。人们饥饿、失业、绝望。” >
Perhaps the conventional 2-word economic systems would no longer work anymore! 也许传统的2字经济系统将不再起作用!
Perhaps people should consider a new 3-word system by combining Ethical Capitalism and Industrial Capitalism economic systems. 也许人们应该结合道德资本主义和工业资本主义经济体系来考虑一个新的三字体系。
Perhaps an Ethical Industrial Capitalism would be a potential candidate/solution for our big-picture problem by now. 也许,到目前为止,道德的工业资本主义可能是解决我们大问题的潜在候选人/解决方案。
Worth just 20 cents! 仅值20美分!
韩国人的聚居区就在暴乱区中心,因为那就是因为韩国店主打死黑人开始的,所以韩国人区附近最乱! 白人聚居的附近一个City,local PD把路口守住了,不让rioters进去。 然后国内的媒体就开始宣传“美国警察只保护白人和富人”。出来以后多看看外面的纪录片,别再被国内宣传洗脑了。
不知道你说的跟我的point有啥不同,basic point就是警察不保护或者基本不负责保护韩国人,你当然可以说因为种种原因警察保护白人比较容易,lol 你无非就是分析了一下这个事实背后的原因-靠不靠谱另说
FYI: 下面是维基百科的内容,不知道是不是被国内媒体篡改过的,你们可以dig out一下
During the riots, Korean Americans received very little aid or protection from police authorities, due to their low social status and language barriers.[113] Many Koreans rushed to Koreatown after Korean-language radio stations called for volunteers to guard against rioters. Many were armed, with a variety of improvised weapons, handguns, shotguns, and semi-automatic rifles.[114] David Joo, a manager of the gun store, said, "I want to make it clear that we didn''''''''''''''''t open fire first. At that time, four police cars were there. Somebody started to shoot at us. The LAPD ran away in half a second. I never saw such a fast escape. I was pretty disappointed." Carl Rhyu, also a participant in the Koreans'''''''''''''''' armed response, said, "If it was your own business and your own property, would you be willing to trust it to someone else? We are glad the National Guard is here. They''''''''''''''''re good backup. But when our shops were burning we called the police every five minutes; no response."[115] At a shopping center several miles north of Koreatown, Jay Rhee, who said he and others fired five hundred shots into the ground and air, said, "We have lost our faith in the police. Where were you when we needed you?" Koreatown was isolated from South Central Los Angeles, yet despite this, it was the most severely damaged in the riots.[113]
另外出国之后最关键的是不能看中文新闻,尤其是不要钱就能看到的中文新闻/视频/公众号, 那些比墙里面的中文新闻可能更没有credit. lol
纽约特别不安全?一直不都说Trump支持者会武力暴乱吗? 这种深深蓝的地方不应该很安全吗?到底那边要暴乱?
JUST IN: Walmart removes gun displays from US stores amid fears of "civil unrest" in parts of the country
现在FB/Google都说这几天要开始停止所有political ads。 11/3开始FBI去会坐镇社交媒体。就是防止大选点票的时候某几国来发煽风点火的东西。诸位如果有社交媒体,切忌不要在11/3 8PM EST后在社交媒体发任何没有证实的东西。
点票这个事情,过去都要两三天,也就是现在点的快了,于是大家都坐不住了。 当晚FL/NC/NH这几个州应该是理论上可以最早出结果的--如果票差足够的话。 之后TX/GA也可以很快出结果。OH也不会太慢。 如果这几个州可以call出来的话,会最和平。 如果不能的话,就要看PA/MI/WI。这几个州大选日才可以开始点票。会很慢。 PA的几个county决定11/4才开始点票,所以如果真的最后要看PA决定,那就很慢了。
我觉得就应该像原来那样11/3号出结果, 拖得越久越容易出问题, 想邮寄的至少提前一星期寄, 要不就当场drop off, 而且今年early voting 很多州都有吧, 比如我们州7号就开始了, 投票站也多, 一个月时间还不够你投,非要拖它几天甚至半月, 就是认为制造混乱
你是错的。 你上面那位是对的。 那个时候lapd表示谁也不保护。并不是“去保护白人和富人”。
因为中西部某几个州没有正规的“early voting"。比如宾州。宾州的所谓的"early voting"是去投票站现场投邮寄选票,最后和邮局来的一起数。真的voting只有11/3一天。
这些州11/3不能出结果的原因是,他们不允许提前计票。必须11/3才能开始count 。。。 你投的再早,也是封在那里,那肯定很慢啊.... 有人提议今年情况特殊,咱学北卡提前计票,被当地GOP拒绝了。一定要11/3再开始数票。 今天PA的一个郡宣布11/4早上再开始点mail票 = = 所以11/3怎么出结果?尤其今年人手少,效率低...
NC FL 都是收到一些就count一些 所以大选日当晚就可以很快出结果 除非差距太小要等最后一天的票慢慢点完
还有真的“人为制造混乱”的 就是这些地方的某几个郡,把mail in 选票打印错了。上周末要求mail in的选民才拿到正确的票。。。呵呵呵。。。
好吧 加州警察我知道的是开罚单最积极,既然出骚乱警察不管良民。那岂不是给defund Police的人以口实了
re 精英阶层就是用identity politic把矛盾转嫁到普通人身上,让普通人自己互相打架。
Identity politics, which seeks to drive a wedge between “us” and “them”, is far more explosive than class politics: you can compromise over the division of the economic pie but not over the core of your being. Brexit demonstrated this painfully. Enlightened liberals, even less tolerant than cultural conservatives, behaved like middle-class passengers forced to sit next to a working-class hen party on an overcrowded Ryanair flight. And neither side could resist the temptation to taunt the other. David Lammy, a Labour mp, likened the Eurosceptic European Reform Group to the “Nazis” before correcting himself and saying that the comparison was not strong enough. Plenty of issues, from Scottish independence to historical monuments, are susceptible to that sort of treatment.
你这话说得太冷血了,至少遇到入室抢劫,行凶杀人一类的警察也该管管吧? 要不然川粉们认为警察能保护平民安全岂不是错觉?那为啥反对defund police呢?
赞同 class之间还有可能流动,穷人也可能有机会跨越。identity,这个就不同,race还是性别都是改变不了的,一旦是敌我思维模式,没有可compromise的,矛盾就更大。
让打砸抢都到他家去,非法移民BLM每个猪D成员家分几个,尤其是Harris, 佩洛西和O8要多分,这些左B真是人间极品。
re~~过段时间就是 poor life matters了。