昨天刚发现的剧,发现去年就上了,然后一口气看完了,名字叫做Modern Love,根据New Yorker times的一个专栏里的各种故事拍的。 这个剧由八个发生在纽约的独立的小故事组成,有友情爱情和别的复杂的感情,看剧的过程就像在读小说,看完之后心里特别暖,像秋天充满阳光暖洋洋的午后。 其中有一段话我特别喜欢,一起分享,希望也能治愈到你:) Sometime you realize that true love in its absolute form has many purposes in life. It’s not actually just about bringing babies into the world or romance or soul mates or even lifelong companionship. The love we had in our past, unfinished, untested, lost love, seems so easy,so childish to those of us who choose to settle down. But actually,it’s the purest, most concentrated stuff.
昨天刚发现的剧,发现去年就上了,然后一口气看完了,名字叫做Modern Love,根据New Yorker times的一个专栏里的各种故事拍的。这个剧由八个发生在纽约的独立的小故事组成,有友情爱情和别的复杂的感情,看剧的过程就像在读小说,看完之后心里特别暖,像秋天充满阳光暖洋洋的午后。其中有一段话我特别喜欢,一起分享,希望也能治愈到你:)Sometime you realize that true love in its absolute form has many purposes in life. It’s not actually just about bringing babies into the world or romance or soul mates or even lifelong companionship. The love we had in our past, unfinished, untested, lost love, seems so easy,so childish to those of us who choose to settle down. But actually,it’s the purest, most concentrated stuff. 不必在乎我是谁_ 发表于 10/28/2020 7:09:36 PM
这个剧由八个发生在纽约的独立的小故事组成,有友情爱情和别的复杂的感情,看剧的过程就像在读小说,看完之后心里特别暖,像秋天充满阳光暖洋洋的午后。 其中有一段话我特别喜欢,一起分享,希望也能治愈到你:)
Sometime you realize that true love in its absolute form has many purposes in life. It’s not actually just about bringing babies into the world or romance or soul mates or even lifelong companionship. The love we had in our past, unfinished, untested, lost love, seems so easy,so childish to those of us who choose to settle down. But actually,it’s the purest, most concentrated stuff.
同推bosch!不光剧情好看,编剧太良心了,不会有耍着观众玩儿,乱挖坑的感觉。小细节后面都会call back。而且一季10集,每季都填坑。
另外一个最近在追的是apple tv 上叫 tehran, 讲以色列女特工去德黑兰的
哎 现在是不是好看的 都是要感人的故事。最近看个风犬少年的天空,就高中生的故事都好几集把我哭的半死。