Long Covid study 令人意想不到的结论 年轻女性更易有长期影响

楼主 (北美华人网)
英国作为抗疫失败典型,又是single payer system的国家,为新冠数据做出了很多贡献(呵呵...) . Long covid人群在阴性几周后仍有咳嗽劳累的现象。 在呼吁政府关注"long covid"的活动中,有很多女性的身影。大家一度认为女性更为敏感。 然而现在数据统计出来了,让人大吃一惊。 除了老年人,超重人群这些意料之中的因素以外。 在50岁以下的group中,女性比男性高出50%的可能有Long covid问题。
在covid war中,男性一直比女性更吃亏。这是第一个女性反而吃亏的地方。科学家目前也十分不解。 看来对于这个病毒,还有太多需要研究的...
The study found four factors that might lead to long-term symptoms: Older people Women - females under 50 were 50% more likely to get Long Covid than men in the same age group Weight - people developing long Covid had a slightly higher average body mass index (BMI) than those experiencing a short illness. Those with more symptoms in the first week of their illness were more likely to suffer long-term.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54622059 Long Covid: Who is more likely to get it?

https://www.itv.com/news/2020-10-21/long-covid-one-in-20-people-have-symptoms-lasting-more-than-two-months Long Covid: Study reveals women and those with asthma more likely to suffer from long-term symptoms The research at King''''''''s College London also showed being female, excess weight and asthma raised the risk. The aim is to develop an early warning signal that can identify patients who need extra care or who might benefit from early treatment.