内部换组的话可以negotiate salary吗?

楼主 (北美华人网)
大家在同一个公司内部换组的话, 如果title级别一样,但是function不一样的话, 比如本来research scientist,然后换去做data scientist了, 工资会变吗?需要自己去negotiate还是公司会给你调整?
LZ 公司多大?有规则的美国一般都必须提供给职员range。每个job title有不同的 range, 尽管同一个grade level。 不容易码字,我写英文吧。 . Ie, for the same Level 7, pay range is different, hardware engineer vs corporate attorney vs finance manager Vs software, large high tech companies sometimes differentiate further , ie software security vs architect vs cloud vs AI vs analog eng, so on.
我个人觉得你可以问下,不要说你deserve更高, 没有别的 外头的offer一般不会考虑。 就算你有外头offer多了些钱, 我们也会看title。 你在外头拿了VP的offer, 而在这里只是director, 我们也不会match, 除非老总同意你也提拔当VP。
你好言好语可以这样问下, can you please provide me the salary range of this new job code. 这样你首先提醒了老板也许这是不同的 job code. If he doesn’t know he should ask HR. If HR generalist Doesn’t know, they should ask A compensation expert in the company. Each company has one, they are either called comp and Ben, or total rewards or global rewards ( the latest buzz words)... 如果他们不愿意给job code range, 至少问下一个follow up 问题, what is my percentile in that new range. That way you can compare . For example. You might be in the midrange of your current range as a research scientist, but with data scientist range could shift, you might end up below 10%, or you might still be At mid point, under no circumstances should you be below the lowest point of the range. . 每个公司的terminology不一样, 有人用percentile, quartile, range penetration, compa ratio, etc.

if you are inexperienced as a data scientist, then it’s common or be in the lower percentile of the end range. But if you are already a seasoned worker in this area, you should be in higher. . If the manager and HR are professional, they would make adjustments accordingly if they want to attract and retain talent, because the pay ranges are indeed market price for similar jobs Externally. Reputable companies won’t willingly under pay talents.
希望有帮助。 其实有时候manager不是故意的, 尤其刚刚提拔的经理,自己也不明白规矩,HR如果新手也不一定知道有这个选择。每个大公司有专门的compensation部门, 和普通business HR不一样。 小公司就混一起了。 我们HR在公司每年要求各个部门做 audit, 就是怕给低了薪水, 流失人才,也怕不好的影响。 有些错的 jobcode浮出水面, 我们会给affected employees发出新的 payletter, special adjustment. 也许你公司这两个range都一样。你的工作都一样。 那至少你心平气和用职业的语言问了, doesn’t hurt to ask, business is business.
哇学习了,mm是专家呀! mark下以后也许有用
回复 1楼公用马甲21的帖子
回复 1楼公用马甲21的帖子
LZ 公司多大?有规则的美国一般都必须提供给职员range。每个job title有不同的 range, 尽管同一个grade level。 不容易码字,我写英文吧。 . Ie, for the same Level 7, pay range is different, hardware engineer vs corporate attorney vs finance manager Vs software, large high tech companies sometimes differentiate further , ie software security vs architect vs cloud vs AI vs analog eng, so on.
我个人觉得你可以问下,不要说你deserve更高, 没有别的 外头的offer一般不会考虑。 就算你有外头offer多了些钱, 我们也会看title。 你在外头拿了VP的offer, 而在这里只是director, 我们也不会match, 除非老总同意你也提拔当VP。
你好言好语可以这样问下, can you please provide me the salary range of this new job code. 这样你首先提醒了老板也许这是不同的 job code. If he doesn’t know he should ask HR. If HR generalist Doesn’t know, they should ask A compensation expert in the company. Each company has one, they are either called comp and Ben, or total rewards or global rewards ( the latest buzz words)... 如果他们不愿意给job code range, 至少问下一个follow up 问题, what is my percentile in that new range. That way you can compare . For example. You might be in the midrange of your current range as a research scientist, but with data scientist range could shift, you might end up below 10%, or you might still be At mid point, under no circumstances should you be below the lowest point of the range. . 每个公司的terminology不一样, 有人用percentile, quartile, range penetration, compa ratio, etc.

if you are inexperienced as a data scientist, then it’s common or be in the lower percentile of the end range. But if you are already a seasoned worker in this area, you should be in higher. . If the manager and HR are professional, they would make adjustments accordingly if they want to attract and retain talent, because the pay ranges are indeed market price for similar jobs Externally. Reputable companies won’t willingly under pay talents.
希望有帮助。 其实有时候manager不是故意的, 尤其刚刚提拔的经理,自己也不明白规矩,HR如果新手也不一定知道有这个选择。每个大公司有专门的compensation部门, 和普通business HR不一样。 小公司就混一起了。 我们HR在公司每年要求各个部门做 audit, 就是怕给低了薪水, 流失人才,也怕不好的影响。 有些错的 jobcode浮出水面, 我们会给affected employees发出新的 payletter, special adjustment. 也许你公司这两个range都一样。你的工作都一样。 那至少你心平气和用职业的语言问了, doesn’t hurt to ask, business is business.
provencebebe 发表于 2020-09-19 01:04
