
楼主 (北美华人网)
同事当中有个老头马上退休,每周要发3-5个群发email, 其他同事开玩笑说过这人应该自己建个blog而不是整天给大家发垃圾. 一般跟自己业务没啥联系也就不理了。
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ "The is­sue has be­come par­tic­u­larly press­ing be­cause at least the first se­mester at many uni­ver­si­ties will be taught on­line, mean­ing some stu­dents from China and Hong Kong will con­nect with their U.S. class­mates via video links. Some aca­d­e­mics fear the classes could be recorded and ul­ti­mately end up in the hands of Chi­nese au­thor­i­ties." >><< I thought you would be interested in the following story from The Wall Street Journal. China’s National-Security Law Makes Top U.S. Colleges Wary
同事当中有个老头马上退休,每周要发3-5个群发email, 其他同事开玩笑说过这人应该自己建个blog而不是整天给大家发垃圾. 一般跟自己业务没啥联系也就不理了。
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ "The is­sue has be­come par­tic­u­larly press­ing be­cause at least the first se­mester at many uni­ver­si­ties will be taught on­line, mean­ing some stu­dents from China and Hong Kong will con­nect with their U.S. class­mates via video links. Some aca­d­e­mics fear the classes could be recorded and ul­ti­mately end up in the hands of Chi­nese au­thor­i­ties." >><< I thought you would be interested in the following story from The Wall Street Journal. China’s National-Security Law Makes Top U.S. Colleges Wary
ccccccc 发表于 2020-08-20 18:02
