
楼主 (北美华人网)
Misusing of firearms leads to a spate of mass shootings.  Citizens’ personal dignity and privacy has been violated systematically.  The nominal freedom in American press is notorious.  Disordered prison management results in many scandals of torturing prisoners.  Political elections have been reduced to money games.  Demonstrators are arrested for protesting against government's policies.
Misusing of firearms leads to a spate of mass shootings.  Citizens’ personal dignity and privacy has been violated systematically.  The nominal freedom in American press is notorious.  Disordered prison management results in many scandals of torturing prisoners.  Political elections have been reduced to money games.  Demonstrators are arrested for protesting against government's policies.
baohunihao 发表于 2020-08-19 02:37

讲真, 你能在美国网站上发这些图片还啥事没有恰恰说明了人权.要不你回墙内发个维尼熊,说个200斤试试