
楼主 (北美华人网)
Wisconsin 是今年选举的重中之重。 如果川普胜选的话, 威斯康辛很可能是那个put him over the top 的州, 这种正好将一个候选人越过270张选举人票的州英文叫tipping point state。 在今年三个中西部 “锈带” 州中, 密西根川普团队已经基本放弃, 宾夕法尼亚因为有费城这样的大城有利民主党集中动员, 再加上拜登出生于宾夕法尼亚的钢铁之城 scranton, 可以说几乎已经是民主党囊中之物。 唯一还有希望的是威斯康辛州。
这也就是为什么威斯康辛州的共和党的operative 执意要让 Kanye的名字出现在今年的总统选举选票上了。 现在看来, 分散票源的这种苟且之事达不成的话, 共和党又要重拾 voter suppression 这个利器, 来steal 这个election 了!
“Attorneys for Kanye West disputed complaints Monday that his nominating petitions were turned in late and filled with errors, telling the Wisconsin Elections Commission that the paperwork should be accepted because it was filed 14 seconds after 5 p.m.
State law requires independent candidates for president to file at least 2,000 valid signatures from Wisconsin electors by 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday in August.”