这不是挺正常的程序嘛。说要上庭等都是谈赔偿的手段,尤其是你的limit 比较高的情况下,对方保险公司都是aim to the maximum, 而作为你的保险公司是怎么都不愿意一下去按你的limit 去赔。所以你看保险公司的reserves, 都是要有Loss reserves and LAE reserves
LZ 讲的没错。one of the worst case scenario I heard was a nanny involved in a serious car accident and killed someone and the family employed him/her ended up being sued for millions. GEICO Umbrella policy''''s prerequisite is that the auto policy min $250K per person and $500K per incident. I believe each state has different min limits as insurance is governed by state law. I remember 1m annual premimum is around $100 and 2m a bit over $300. On the flip side, some people say if one has an umbrella policy, one attracts more lawsuites but I really don''t know if there is any truth to that.
LZ 讲的没错。one of the worst case scenario I heard was a nanny involved in a serious car accident and killed someone and the family employed him/her ended up being sued for millions. GEICO Umbrella policy''''s prerequisite is that the auto policy min $250K per person and $500K per incident. I believe each state has different min limits as insurance is governed by state law. I remember 1m annual premimum is around $100 and 2m a bit over $300. On the flip side, some people say if one has an umbrella policy, one attracts more lawsuites but I really don''t know if there is any truth to that.
LZ 讲的没错。one of the worst case scenario I heard was a nanny involved in a serious car accident and killed someone and the family employed him/her ended up being sued for millions. GEICO Umbrella policy''''s prerequisite is that the auto policy min $250K per person and $500K per incident. I believe each state has different min limits as insurance is governed by state law. I remember 1m annual premimum is around $100 and 2m a bit over $300. On the flip side, some people say if one has an umbrella policy, one attracts more lawsuites but I really don''t know if there is any truth to that.
我个人的经历: When I was single, I do whatever the heck I want, no insurance, not even renter''s insurance -- no safety net When I bought first used car, of course I bought car insurance but with only liabilty -- at least if I injury someone, I can pay for potential lawsuits and that someone can be helped financially When I bought first new car, bought both collision and liability insurance -- same as 2 and I don''t have to pay too much to repair my car or get a replacement When I bought first house, upper''ed auto insurance, bought home owner''s insurance and umbrella insurance -- additional safety net, umbrella policy at 1m for something like $100 a year When I got married, bought long term disability insurance through employer and paid with afer tax money (thus the payout would be tax free) -- safety net for spouse if I become disabled. When kids were born, bought term life insurance, 1 million each for self and spouse. 25 year term. -- safety net for the kids if I go unexpectedly, term life is cheap and cost around $700 a year for men and $550 for women. When asset breached certain amount, upper''ed the umbrella insurance -- asset protection. Now looking at long term care options, safety net for retirement -- insurance so that long term care dont eat up too much assets. So far so good and the only insurance that I used were the auto insurance. That''s probably why some folks think it is a waste of money to buy all these insurances. However, the cost really is not that much in the grand scheme of things and I do sleep better at night. P.S. I do not work for insurance companies nor do my family members.
In this country, it is very easy to get dragged into a lawsuit, with or without merit. Many years ago I went to Costo to get my ties changed. I got there, parked my car and gave the key to the car mechanic and went shopping. 10 minutes later, heard amulance and fire trucks outside costco and then got a call from costco saying my car was hit in the parking lot. It turned out while the costco car mechanic was backing out my car from the parking lot, an old lady (84 year) hit it from the side perpendicularly, damaging the whole back quarter panel, rear bumper and liftgate. So I got insurance information from costco(they have private insurance) and called to have the car towed to the dealer. I notified geico of the accident and opened a case. A week later received a registered letter from geico saying they do not cover my car since it was being serviced. 3 month later, I got the lawsuit notice in the mail. The old lady sued everyone and their mothers, the car mechanic, costco, the car's owner (me) etc etc. It took three years for the lawsuit to be settled. I didn't have to do much and everything was handled by costco's insurance. They paid for the rental car, the repair and they paid the old lady. The only thing I had to do was writing a letter to costco insurance demand deminished value of my car to be paid since now my car has an accident history on record. They agreed to write a check for half of what I was asking and I let it go. The car mechanic still works for costco. I still go to costco to change my ties and still use Geico for auto insurance (my insurance did not go up).
In this country, it is very easy to get dragged into a lawsuit, with or without merit. Many years ago I went to Costo to get my ties changed. I got there, parked my car and gave the key to the car mechanic and went shopping. 10 minutes later, heard amulance and fire trucks outside costco and then got a call from costco saying my car was hit in the parking lot. It turned out while the costco car mechanic was backing out my car from the parking lot, an old lady (84 year) hit it from the side perpendicularly, damaging the whole back quarter panel, rear bumper and liftgate. So I got insurance information from costco(they have private insurance) and called to have the car towed to the dealer. I notified geico of the accident and opened a case. A week later received a registered letter from geico saying they do not cover my car since it was being serviced. 3 month later, I got the lawsuit notice in the mail. The old lady sued everyone and their mothers, the car mechanic, costco, the car's owner (me) etc etc. It took three years for the lawsuit to be settled. I didn't have to do much and everything was handled by costco's insurance. They paid for the rental car, the repair and they paid the old lady. The only thing I had to do was writing a letter to costco insurance demand deminished value of my car to be paid since now my car has an accident history on record. They agreed to write a check for half of what I was asking and I let it go. The car mechanic still works for costco. I still go to costco to change my ties and still use Geico for auto insurance (my insurance did not go up).
这个lawsuit起因是普通的不能再普通的追尾。2017年的一天,前面的车突然在我面前停下,于是追尾,我的前面全碎车被拖走,好在车里人还好,对面车上人还下来聊天。我开的是Mercedes E,对方是某unknown SUV.
过了几天Police Report就online了,Lexis/Nexis可以直接买,不用去外地的警局了。Police把前车责任标为”driver inattention", 后车责任标为 “following too closely". Police Report显示对方也是GEICO保险, 我当时还松了一口气,因为如果双方同一保险,事情好办一些。所以大家一定要选很大的保险公司。我的车用我的全保修好,修了约两万。
我们州的追诉期为两年。2019年的一天,终于接到了Lawsuit。大体内容是对方车里driver目前已经接近残疾,生活不能自理,seeking unspecified damages. 并附上了医生诊断,各种CT。police report. Demand Jury Trial.
看到这个lawsuit,不担心是不可能的,主要因为 要求的赔偿没有数目,可能超出我的保险和财产 要求Jury trial
我把lawsuit upload 到了GEICO网站,还有当时我拍的几张照片。几个小时以内,GEICO就告诉我case已经发给了打理赔官司最强的law firm,基本没有lose过。
GEICO action如此迅速,有点吃惊,但我觉得主要原因是:
车险我买到了Maximum 雨伞险我买了N million
非常非常庆幸我买了雨伞险,如果对方获胜,GEICO的损失将是N个Million,再多出来才由我支付。其实买雨伞险是个偶然的机会,一次同学聊天,他说他刚买了一个东西叫做“umbrella insurance”,当资产到了一定数目的时候,这个保险可以帮助你保护你的资产不被讹诈。rule of thumb就是你有多少就保多少。
然后就收到了case resolved 的notice。我们很难控制生活中各种意料之外,但是我们可以用保险来保护我们自己。我们华人中很多人觉得钱交出去都是白给的,所以保险能最低就最低,能不买就不买。有了麻烦的时候怨天尤人。这一次如果我没有买到Maximum,没有买N Million的雨伞险,律师不会这么迅速。
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
,看在哪个州,地区有关,中部乡下大约2,3百一年。我问问你的home owner insurances公司
重点他说他朋友建议资产多少就买多少,他买了N million,还特意分行,这么明显的信息。我不觉得保险公司是因为他买了这么多才努力打赢官司的,就算没有买这么多保险公司就会乖乖被讹钱?这种case保险公司见得多了。
对的,非常正确! 我讲的目的就是,很多中国家庭, 尤其是刚毕业的,都买Minimum,这样不利于预防意外。假设你的保险只有 5W,对方索赔100W(且真的有伤),那么保险公司完全可以不管你了。
GEICO Umbrella policy''''s prerequisite is that the auto policy min $250K per person and $500K per incident. I believe each state has different min limits as insurance is governed by state law.
I remember 1m annual premimum is around $100 and 2m a bit over $300.
On the flip side, some people say if one has an umbrella policy, one attracts more lawsuites but I really don''t know if there is any truth to that.
非常感谢! 我的一个朋友 也是前几年的一个轻微事故,她自己闯红灯了,然后被撞的也下车,相谈甚欢,说没事没事,医院也不需要去。 一年过去了,收到通知,说是因为事故残疾,要赔偿,数额正好就是liability 的上限。 保险公司就跟她说,算了算了,赔了就结束了。
哈哈 为什么不怀疑楼主是买保险的?
对方怎么知道你是否买了umbrella policy?
虽是有这个意味, 但是实际上大家都有所收益,不是吗?
我一点也不介意有人BSO (可能有一点 实际上) 但是人家愿意分享这件事就很难得了, 我们成年人都有过滤别人说话的能力, 我宁可大家多一点因为BSO 来分享的动力
伞险一般是和车险同一公司。是不是和home insurance一般不要求
对方律师可以查到的 字数
So far so good and the only insurance that I used were the auto insurance. That''s probably why some folks think it is a waste of money to buy all these insurances. However, the cost really is not that much in the grand scheme of things and I do sleep better at night.
P.S. I do not work for insurance companies nor do my family members.
Yes. Unless all your assets are put under a trust.
一般应该有上限,我记得是半米还是300k。all state的。
Many years ago I went to Costo to get my ties changed. I got there, parked my car and gave the key to the car mechanic and went shopping. 10 minutes later, heard amulance and fire trucks outside costco and then got a call from costco saying my car was hit in the parking lot. It turned out while the costco car mechanic was backing out my car from the parking lot, an old lady (84 year) hit it from the side perpendicularly, damaging the whole back quarter panel, rear bumper and liftgate. So I got insurance information from costco(they have private insurance) and called to have the car towed to the dealer. I notified geico of the accident and opened a case. A week later received a registered letter from geico saying they do not cover my car since it was being serviced. 3 month later, I got the lawsuit notice in the mail. The old lady sued everyone and their mothers, the car mechanic, costco, the car's owner (me) etc etc. It took three years for the lawsuit to be settled. I didn't have to do much and everything was handled by costco's insurance. They paid for the rental car, the repair and they paid the old lady. The only thing I had to do was writing a letter to costco insurance demand deminished value of my car to be paid since now my car has an accident history on record. They agreed to write a check for half of what I was asking and I let it go.
The car mechanic still works for costco. I still go to costco to change my ties and still use Geico for auto insurance (my insurance did not go up).
息怒息怒... 仔细看Police Report, 责任在前车,“Driver Inattention”,...... 所以才会生气。
但是,Police Report 不能保证在法庭上能赢,一切都要陪审团更同情谁。我十年无车祸,无违规,应该有把握,应该有case,但是律师和GEICO可能觉得能用钱解决的问题就不是问题。
马路右边是州的一个机构;那一天刚好他们去探望里面的人;结果呢他们miss掉了入口,于是慌乱中紧急停车找地方下车。 这是个小高速哎!我当时踩死了刹车,从来没用过那么大力气,前面还是碎了。
对了,Police Report还提到前车driver 和警察的对话inconsistent. 先说他们只是经过这里无辜被追尾;后来警察追问后他们又说是到这里来看人的(暗示miss掉了入口)。
Geico body liability 最多一个米,也没几个钱,我半年不到一百。我觉得车险只要买半保都没几个钱.. 我买liability 最大的半保半年两百出头
GEICO 最高的N 是几?