heard the training pants have less absorbance capacity than diaper, so babies will have desire to go to potty when they feel uncomfortable wearing the wet pants...also heard some parents use cloth diaper, same purpose
以下是引用lovenuts在2006-11-16 10:23:00的发言: 哪位有经验,lz说的第二个有软座的那种,和baby bjorn的那种,哪个更好一点呢? For boys, baby bjorn is better. For girls, both are fine. I think Baby Bjorn is easier to clean. I used the soft seat one because I like the idea that you can put the seat on top of the ordinary toilet. But we only did that once or twice and my son would rather sit on the toilet without the seat.
2. 能自己把裤子脱下,穿上
3. 能理解一些简单的intruction了 参考:Toilet training readiness checklist
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-16 7:33:13编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-16 7:32:04编辑过]
2. 要有心理准备,可能需要牺牲一下地毯,多洗几条裤子
3. 很长一段时间里,还会有反复,出门要带多余的裤子, 夜里还要用training pants
4. 选个long weekend开始训练比较好,在家可以多观察,巩固一下再去daycare
5. daycare里的环境影响很大,如果周围的小孩都trained, 就会好一点
6. 一定要多鼓励,让孩子知道有accident也没关系,下次注意点
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-16 0:02:14编辑过]
Once Upon a Potty Gift Set 这套不错。 potty chair + book。 分了女孩跟男孩用的。
4-in-1 Soft Seat Toilet Trainer
Potty Chair by Baby Bjorn
这款好像评价也不错。 可惜买不到daycare用的那种,是真的toilet, 就是比大人用的小一号。 推荐几本书:
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-16 0:05:09编辑过]
多谢了.原来那个potty training要2岁才开始呀.偶本来以为能坐了就可以开始训练了.
谢谢楼主分享经验, 能不能直接用那种架在马桶上的圈圈?
在哪里买training pants呢? 谢谢! Target, Kohls, KMart, Walmart, etc. Target经常有sale.
哪位有经验,lz说的第二个有软座的那种,和baby bjorn的那种,哪个更好一点呢? For boys, baby bjorn is better. For girls, both are fine. I think Baby Bjorn is easier to clean. I used the soft seat one because I like the idea that you can put the seat on top of the ordinary toilet. But we only did that once or twice and my son would rather sit on the toilet without the seat.