真的假的? 我是这么听说橙汁的 是啊是啊,俺PED说的citrus and berries宝宝10个月后再给吧.(包括给宝宝的果汁). 好奇怪,我那天还买了几个gerber的stage2的,里面都含berry的,那stage2到底是给多大的宝宝吃的呢?我家宝宝8个多月了,能吃吗? 从babycenter.com抄来的. 要12个月以后.不过我们家的7个月就开始吃了, 没啥不良反应 Berries, particularly strawberries, are a fairly common allergen. That's why dietitians and pediatricians recommend introducing whole berries and jams made with berries slowly, and only after your child's first birthday. At that point your baby's digestive system is fairly developed, she's had a few months of experience eating other solid foods, and she's generally less likely to have a serious reaction. If your family has a history of asthma or allergies to food or plants (such as hay fever), you might want to wait even longer.
Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice.
以下是引用flyer在2006-11-15 13:30:00的发言: Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢mm!
以下是引用flyer在2006-11-15 13:30:00的发言: Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢MM的信息, 我现在也不敢给桔子啥了 就给她们买的那种中国鸭梨, 吃了降降火, 我家老二火气太旺, 拉臭臭困难
以下是引用开心丫丫在2006-11-15 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用flyer在2006-11-15 13:30:00的发言: Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢MM的信息, 我现在也不敢给桔子啥了 就给她们买的那种中国鸭梨, 吃了降降火, 我家老二火气太旺, 拉臭臭困难 亲家母,韩国大梨很好吃的。
以下是引用oryong在2006-11-15 14:34:00的发言: 以下是引用开心丫丫在2006-11-15 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用flyer在2006-11-15 13:30:00的发言: Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢MM的信息, 我现在也不敢给桔子啥了 就给她们买的那种中国鸭梨, 吃了降降火, 我家老二火气太旺, 拉臭臭困难 亲家母,韩国大梨很好吃的。 我们这里没见着有, 就见到中国水晶梨
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-15 12:34:24编辑过]
昨天看到这里的JM们推荐, 晚上就迫不及待跑去TARGET买了回来. 今天给宝贝们用, 放了一小块梨在里面, 两个小东西吃的那叫一个欢, 直到吸干了, 觉得吸不到东西了, 就眨巴眨巴眼睛看看我, 然后"哼.......啊哎"的叫我, 意思没了, 让我换一块, 哈哈. 换上新鲜的又开吃了. 这个东西真是好用, 可以让宝贝们吃到新鲜的水果, 还有那个手柄也设计的非常好, 宝宝小手一抓就抓住了 我也强烈推荐哈 可惜没有买到NAHA推荐的吸管杯子, 我们这的把子店木有 嗬嗬,效率好高啊!! 这个宝宝吸的时候可以很用力,我爸爸说,那里面的苹果被依依嘬的一点味道也没有了(他尝了一下)
昨天看到这里的JM们推荐, 晚上就迫不及待跑去TARGET买了回来. 今天给宝贝们用, 放了一小块梨在里面, 两个小东西吃的那叫一个欢, 直到吸干了, 觉得吸不到东西了, 就眨巴眨巴眼睛看看我, 然后"哼.......啊哎"的叫我, 意思没了, 让我换一块, 哈哈. 换上新鲜的又开吃了. 这个东西真是好用, 可以让宝贝们吃到新鲜的水果, 还有那个手柄也设计的非常好, 宝宝小手一抓就抓住了 我也强烈推荐哈 可惜没有买到NAHA推荐的吸管杯子, 我们这的把子店木有 YY说的是不是这个?
以下是引用开心丫丫在2006-11-15 11:51:00的发言:
昨天看到这里的JM们推荐, 晚上就迫不及待跑去TARGET买了回来. 今天给宝贝们用, 放了一小块梨在里面, 两个小东西吃的那叫一个欢, 直到吸干了, 觉得吸不到东西了, 就眨巴眨巴眼睛看看我, 然后"哼.......啊哎"的叫我, 意思没了, 让我换一块, 哈哈. 换上新鲜的又开吃了. 这个东西真是好用, 可以让宝贝们吃到新鲜的水果, 还有那个手柄也设计的非常好, 宝宝小手一抓就抓住了 我也强烈推荐哈 可惜没有买到NAHA推荐的吸管杯子, 我们这的把子店木有 YY说的是不是这个?
以下是引用开心丫丫在2006-11-15 11:51:00的发言:
昨天看到这里的JM们推荐, 晚上就迫不及待跑去TARGET买了回来. 今天给宝贝们用, 放了一小块梨在里面, 两个小东西吃的那叫一个欢, 直到吸干了, 觉得吸不到东西了, 就眨巴眨巴眼睛看看我, 然后"哼.......啊哎"的叫我, 意思没了, 让我换一块, 哈哈. 换上新鲜的又开吃了. 这个东西真是好用, 可以让宝贝们吃到新鲜的水果, 还有那个手柄也设计的非常好, 宝宝小手一抓就抓住了 我也强烈推荐哈 可惜没有买到NAHA推荐的吸管杯子, 我们这的把子店木有 嗬嗬,效率好高啊!! 这个宝宝吸的时候可以很用力,我爸爸说,那里面的苹果被依依嘬的一点味道也没有了(他尝了一下)
昨天看到这里的JM们推荐, 晚上就迫不及待跑去TARGET买了回来. 今天给宝贝们用, 放了一小块梨在里面, 两个小东西吃的那叫一个欢, 直到吸干了, 觉得吸不到东西了, 就眨巴眨巴眼睛看看我, 然后"哼.......啊哎"的叫我, 意思没了, 让我换一块, 哈哈. 换上新鲜的又开吃了. 这个东西真是好用, 可以让宝贝们吃到新鲜的水果, 还有那个手柄也设计的非常好, 宝宝小手一抓就抓住了 我也强烈推荐哈 可惜没有买到NAHA推荐的吸管杯子, 我们这的把子店木有 我买的就是这样子的:
Munchin Fresh food feeder 谢谢MM昨天的推荐哈
多大的宝宝能用?? 上面写6m+
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2006-11-15 12:25:00的发言:
丫丫,赶紧去twins boy那个stroller 帖子里帮帮人家吧 去了, 谢谢干妈通知哈
葡萄要先去籽吧? 对的, 而且还要把皮也剥掉. 因为葡萄太甜, 我们每次就喂1-2粒
亲家母,你欺骗我的感情! 我还以为有俺媳妇照片呢!
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-11-15 12:27:00的发言:
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2006-11-15 12:25:00的发言:
以下是引用sailing~在2006-11-15 12:49:00的发言:
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-11-15 12:27:00的发言:
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2006-11-15 12:25:00的发言:
Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢mm!
丫丫这个是不是比较轻, 我买的另外一个牌子, 主要是看上它有个塑料套子好放兜兜, 结果比较重, 毛豆不喜欢用。 也许她习惯了直接啃,我考虑换一个牌子试试。 对, 很轻的, 我看她们抓手里往嘴巴一塞, 很稳当,
Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢MM的信息, 我现在也不敢给桔子啥了 就给她们买的那种中国鸭梨, 吃了降降火, 我家老二火气太旺, 拉臭臭困难
以下是引用oryong在2006-11-15 13:11:00的发言:
亲家母,你欺骗我的感情! 我还以为有俺媳妇照片呢!
以下是引用flyer在2006-11-15 13:30:00的发言:
Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢MM的信息, 我现在也不敢给桔子啥了 就给她们买的那种中国鸭梨, 吃了降降火, 我家老二火气太旺, 拉臭臭困难 亲家母,韩国大梨很好吃的。
这个要多大才能用?6个月后? 对, 六个月后
以下是引用开心丫丫在2006-11-15 14:01:00的发言:
以下是引用flyer在2006-11-15 13:30:00的发言:
Citrus fruits -- such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines -- are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems. As with any juice, dietitians recommend diluting orange juice so it's at least one part water to three parts juice. Diluting the juice makes it easier on your child's stomach and reduces the total amount of juice your child drinks. Because drinking too much juice of any kind has been linked to both obesity and malnourishment in children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following: No juice at all before 6 months. No citrus juice before 12 months. When offering juice to your baby, serve it in a cup, not a bottle, to discourage prolonged sipping.. Juice can easily pool around your child's teeth, and the sugar in juice can lead to tooth decay. Children from 1 to 6 years old should drink no more than 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day. When buying juice, make sure it's 100 percent real fruit juice. Many fruit drinks contain only small amounts of real fruit juice. 谢谢MM的信息, 我现在也不敢给桔子啥了 就给她们买的那种中国鸭梨, 吃了降降火, 我家老二火气太旺, 拉臭臭困难 亲家母,韩国大梨很好吃的。
亲家母,你买的是啥牌子,不高兴kg了。 谢谢阿! munchin
以下是引用oryong在2006-11-15 17:51:00的发言:
亲家母,你买的是啥牌子,不高兴kg了。 谢谢阿! munchin
NAHA推荐的吸管杯子 target 没有。walmart 买的。 啊? WALMART好远呐