心里难受啊 伦敦新冠感染产妇生产不幸去世 孩子救了回来

楼主 (北美华人网)


医护们见多了生死 仍然心理承受不住了

Heartache as mother-to-be suffering from coronavirus dies during labour at London hospital – but medics save her child
A mother who was infected with coronavirus has died during birth of her child
Death at Whittington Hospital, North London, has left her family 'devastated'
Not known if victim had underlying health conditions - investigation is underway

A mother who was infected with coronavirus has died while going through labour, it has emerged. The victim died at the Whittington Hospital, in Archway, North London, following the delivery of the child, who has survived. It is not known if the woman had any underlying health issues, and an investigation into her death has been launched by the coroner. Hospital staff were said to be completely shocked and 'in tears' following the death.
这是那封意大利都灵附近的护士的来信。阅之无不动容。这是机器翻译。意大利语问题阴阳性he she翻译的时候会混乱。凑合着看。
«How nice to be called angels ... but who knows if we really are. It is a Saturday morning of a week of covid alert. Finally a day off after a lot of work. You can finally dedicate yourself to the family. For you, quarantine does not exist, there is no ban on going out ... it never existed. You MUST work, you are precious ... they say. But no, no rest. The call comes. You must go. There is a need to cover shifts. Complaint is a must, you wouldn't want to ... but it's done. As you prepare, reflect that March was not at all merciful: 12-hour shifts, canceled holidays, rest ... what are rests? You arrive at the hospital, some figures in the corridors, but still too many people around. You arrive at the critical ward, the one where the positive patients are hospitalized. All armored, sounds. The colleague who has been there since last night opens the door. Exhausted, face marked by mask and glasses, take delivery and leave. Must rest. Ring a bell. You lean into the room concerned, ask the reason for the call, reassure yourself that you will soon enter, and go get dressed. The dressing is long, one has to harness very well, one cannot make mistakes of neglect.

You enter the patient, you know her ... you greet her. He has a helmet on his head, his name is c-pap. It is used to breathe better. He has little hope and the monitor he is connected to confirms it. But the patient is conscious, lucid and oriented in time and space ... but above all she knows that she is going to die. He knows it, perceives it, feels it. Talk to her a little. He hasn't eaten in days. This morning he asks for breakfast. He has uncontrolled diabetes and wants two rusks with jam. Will diabetes be his worst enemy now? And tell the colleague to pass them on. That pleading look kills you. Every now and then take your eyes off her so as not to die inside. As you fix the cables of your vital signs, she takes your hand ... "love, are you mom?" Yes, two boys. "So can you understand what I'm feeling?" I can try, but if you want, you can describe it to me, I listen to you. "I have four children ... they have always been so big. A beautiful relationship, also because I was his mother and father, since I was a widow as a young man. I'm not afraid of dying, I just wish I didn't suffer. But the other day one of my children came to see me and they never let him in. It was forced, not a choice. I could no longer see my grandchildren, daughter-in-law, nobody. Me here, them at home. I couldn't tell them how much I love them ... ". But call them on the phone and tell them! "Yes, but it's not the same thing." And oh well, however, they hear you, they talk to you ... it is already something, better than nothing ... "I call them every day, I feel them that they are suffering because they cannot be with me until the end". since I was a widow when I was young. I'm not afraid of dying, I just wish I didn't suffer. But the other day one of my children came to see me and they never let him in. It was forced, not a choice. I could no longer see my grandchildren, daughter-in-law, nobody. Me here, them at home. I couldn't tell them how much I love them ... ". But call them on the phone and tell them! "Yes, but it's not the same thing." And oh well, however, they hear you, they talk to you ... it is already something, better than nothing ... "I call them every day, I feel them that they are suffering because they cannot be with me until the end". since I was a widow when I was young. I'm not afraid of dying, I just wish I didn't suffer. But the other day one of my children came to see me and they never let him in. It was forced, not a choice. I could no longer see my grandchildren, daughter-in-law, nobody. Me here, them at home. I couldn't tell them how much I love them ... ". But call them on the phone and tell them! "Yes, but it's not the same thing." And oh well, however, they hear you, they talk to you ... it is already something, better than nothing ... "I call them every day, I feel them that they are suffering because they cannot be with me until the end". I couldn't tell them how much I love them ... ". But call them on the phone and tell them! "Yes, but it's not the same thing." And oh well, however, they hear you, they talk to you ... it is already something, better than nothing ... "I call them every day, I feel them that they are suffering because they cannot be with me until the end". I couldn't tell them how much I love them ... ". But call them on the phone and tell them! "Yes, but it's not the same thing." And oh well, however, they hear you, they talk to you ... it is already something, better than nothing ... "I call them every day, I feel them that they are suffering because they cannot be with me until the end".

The doctor enters ... the visit, the phone rings, he is one of the children. The patient says to him: "the doctor is here, I'll pass it on to you". The doctor describes the situation to the son. It is really critical. The lady is told that she will have to be intubated soon, and the rest seems obvious. The son asks to be able to see her for a last, brief greeting. But it is not possible, the covid does not decide who to settle on, it insinuates itself on anyone. The doctor leaves the room, the lady cries desperately. He cries while he is still on the phone with his son. The lady has an old cell phone, she is not old, but neither does she practice technology. While she is speaking there is that gaze resting on you, as if she wanted to ask you something, a gaze that has pierced you: you are not only an operator, you are mom, you are daughter ... Suddenly, an idea: you ask her to hand her the phone. Then you say to that voice on the other end of the phone: gather all four but protect yourself with masks. Do it as soon as you can and then call this number in a video call. And give him yours: I'll show you mom. It is a small thing, but at least it will not be interrupted, and you can see it. You tell him you will be there for another ten hours and to call back several times if I don't answer right away.

Not even an hour passes and the colleague says that your phone is ringing from the bag . You are always dressed and always in that room, you never went out. You ask her to take her cell phone, put it in a small bag, disinfect it and pass it on. Open the video call. All four children there ... the patient did not expect it and is happy. And you with her. They talk a lot, they tell each other, they say they love you. She desaturates (lowering the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin, ed)often because he is getting tired ... but you really don't feel like asking to close. Better the decision is theirs. The call lasts about half an hour and it is as if a circle has closed, what should have been has been. She had resisted only for them, to see them, to greet them. You have a heart in a thousand pieces. Think about yourself and your children and understand everything ... every concern. He takes your hand, says "thank you, I will watch over you for what you have done". And you struggle not to cry. The patient turns off. You decide to go out and leave the rest to your colleagues. And you see that, as the procedures provide, they sprinkle it with disinfectant, wrap it in a sheet and take it to the mortuary. Alone ... alone ... Your belongings put in triple black sack will be incinerated ...

It is Sunday morning. The funeral home agencyshe came to take the body. Only one of the children present, at a safe distance. He gives directions to the appointee and they leave. His car turns right, the body goes left ... alone. You can't do it, that's too much! And if you haven't cried until now, you can't do it now. At home open Facebook. Complaints everywhere. They denied you freedom, the child can no longer go to the park, the dog walks too far from home, there is no more leaven. Complaints that now seem to me meaningless. Also because on one thing we are still lucky: we will also have been denied things, we should also make sacrifices, but at least we still have dignity, a right that covid19 takes away from you, without being able to complain. Here I conclude my diary from the first line, the human one, of the heart. There is another shift. "
是不是没有上人民的希望 听说英国还没有批准这个同情用药 华人板上华州那个孕妇情况恶化紧急剖腹后来上了人民的希望救回来了
估计他们家里人听着疫情初期首相说herd immunity,心都凉了

Cumberbitch 发表于 4/8/2020 1:59:31 PM

不确定英国有没有 好像是有的 估计也是来不及吧 可能恶化太快了
估计他们家里人听着疫情初期首相说herd immunity,心都凉了
星球大战 发表于 4/8/2020 2:01:29 PM

估计他们家里人听着疫情初期首相说herd immunity,心都凉了
星球大战 发表于 4/8/2020 2:01:29 PM

现在不是herd immunity,又是什么呢?

现在不是herd immunity,又是什么呢?

niuhuang201 发表于 4/8/2020 2:05:10 PM



星球大战 发表于 4/8/2020 2:10:06 PM

你自己看我是不是五毛。 群体免疫这个问题版上讨论很多了,你不愿意面对现实非要捂住耳朵尽管去。
木牛流马 发表于 4/8/2020 2:06:34 PM

有 不过有时候来不及实在是很可怜的 哎