Midsci 有KN95 mask

楼主 (北美华人网)

We have been working tirelessly to procure N95 Masks for our customers.
The attached PDF file is for your review.
The first shipment to our warehouse in St. Louis is expected ~ April 6th. These will go amazingly quick. Having said this, we will be ordering more to keep the supply chain going.

Please call 800-227-9997 to place your order. The PDF File can be used as your official quote. Please contact me with the appropriate “bill to” and “ship to” addresses if you need me to write you a quote.
It is first come first serve and there is now no limit on the quantity of cases a customer can order. If orders come in before yours, it will change the delivery date and availability and we will do everything we can to keep you updated on these daily/weekly changes.

If you are not the correct person to order these please pass this information along. I know a lot of people are looking for these masks.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

CDC Guidance on N95 versus KN95 masks:
N95 masks are NIOSH approved and tested under OSHA standards. KN95 masks are approved under GB2626-2006 and tested under Chinese testing standards. 3M Corporation reports identical performance results for both N95 and KN95 masks. As of this week, the CDC has approved KN95 masks as a suitable replacement for N95 masks in all medical circumstances. Here is a link to the CDC ruling. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/respirators-strategy/crisis-alternate-strategies.html.

Stay Safe!

Positive vibes your way,

Nikole Moore
Laboratory Consultant
A picture containing clipart

Description generated with very high confidence
636-225-9997 • 800-227-9997 Ext. 199
Fax: 636-225-9998
[email protected]
KN95 Blue 1 size fits all 500 $1,500.00 3刀一个 还500个起卖 个人估计没有买的吧
KN95 Blue 1 size fits all 500 $1,500.00 3刀一个 还500个起卖 个人估计没有买的吧
