
楼主 (北美华人网)
Aiden (16 years old), son of Ascendo's Managing Director, Peri Ginsberg, heard of a friend on the West Coast who had coordinated an effort to hashtag#raisemoney for local healthcare providers. Struggling to figure out how he could make any impact during this crisis, he decided to start a hashtag#GoFundMe page that will be used to provide hashtag#nurses, healthcare providers & hashtag#administrative staff at local hashtag#hospitals, meals &/or gift cards as an expression of our hashtag#gratitude. In additiona, he thought monies should be donated to local, smaller restaurant establishments who can also use the help. Aiden hopes to raise $5,000 which will be a win-win for both restaurants & all the selfless hashtag#healthcareproviders. Peri is extremely proud of her son for taking such a kind initiative at his young age. Thank you for sharing such a great story! 👍☺️If you'd like to donate to this great cause, please visit: https://bit.ly/34f4adX