
楼主 (北美华人网)


As Miriam Jordan of The Times reported, the virus has spread more fear among immigrants, legal and undocumented — thefear that seeking medical or financial help will put them in the cross-hairs of the administration’s repressive immigration policies.

最热读者反馈:Reader's pick

Dear NYT Editorial Board - many of your readers are fearing for their health, their job security, or both. Some might have a relative or friend on a breathing tube. The economy is in free fall. We are erecting field hospitals in parks across the country. We are mobilizing car manufacturers to make ventilators. The last thing readers need right now is a scolding about our treatment of asylum seekers. Articles like this epitomize why so many people vote Republican. 279 Recommend

This pandemic should serve as a reality check for unbridled cosmopolitanism of The NY Times variety. Borders have their uses. Enough with the lectures on how Americans should think and feel about immigration, foreigners, etc.The US needs a smart immigration policy based on furthering the common good—not more PC lectures. That doesn’t mean no immigration. It means setting immigration levels to further the common good—and enforcing them. 250 Recommend

纽约时报想让读者看到的反馈:NYT's pick

Having seen the wall in Texas I can testify that it is a very pathetic monument to our fears. Walking alongside of it made me feel like it was keepimng me in more than keeping others out. 25 Recommend

Not just immigrants are the target of both his ire and his support only for the reddest states: FLA has all the equipment it wants from the federal stashes, the blue states are empty handed according to a recent report. The WH isn't even directing the Pentagon to send supplies where they are needed. 18 Recommend
