新聞: 加州州長宣布學校關到暑假,五角大廈防疫物資

楼主 (北美华人网)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KGO) -- During a daily press conference Wednesday afternoon, Gov. Gavin Newsom discussed the state's ongoing response to the novel coronavirus pandemic in California.

RELATED: US surgeon general says California's aggressive measures helped flatten COVID-19 curve

The governor confirmed there are 8,155 positive cases of COVID-19 in California with 774 of those patients occupying ICU beds, as of Wednesday afternoon.

Newsom reiterated the importance of social distancing and adhering to the guidelines outlined by state officials in recent weeks.

The governor also confirmed California schools will remain closed through the end of the academic year.




The Pentagon is seeking to provide as many as 100,000 military-style body bags for potential civilian use as the U.S. warns that deaths could soar in the coming weeks from the coronavirus pandemic.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has requested 100,000 body bags, known as Human Remains Pouches, through an interagency group that directed it to the Defense Department. The Pentagon is looking into buying more bags and will draw some initially from a stockpile of 50,000 it maintains, according to two people familiar with the request.
