足坛传奇明星马尔蒂尼感染新冠 已好转:我是运动员了解自己的身体,这是个未知的敌人。球赛早该取消,奥运会应该推迟

楼主 (北美华人网)



Should football stop earlier?
"Yup. Already playing behind closed doors is a violence, for the fans and for the players. Playing with Liverpool-Atletico open doors, with 4 thousand Madrid fans in the stands, when it was already known that Madrid was an outbreak, was madness. When Atalanta-Valencia was played the alarm had not yet gone off, but now we know that evening is one of the causes of the Bergamo outbreak ».

And the Tokyo Olympics?
«They must be postponed. Today we cannot organize selections, we cannot prepare properly for the appointment of life. In football, then, the difference between a champion and a normal player is minimal. Certainly less than 10 percent. If it drops by 7 percent, a champion becomes a player like any other. Dybala and the others must have time to recover well. "