意大利50个逝去的神甫和他们的故事 非必须生产停工 米兰火车站多人被拒绝登车/英国18岁新冠患者去世

楼主 (北美华人网)

Coronavirus, 50 dead priests. Bergoglio: "Shepherds with the smell of sheep are among the people"

The number is impressive and it is this: 50. These are the priests who have died since the Coronavirus emergency exploded. The painful count comes from the Avvenire newspaper which receives updates from dioceses, parishes, family members, faithful. Thursday was a devastating day: Covid-19 killed eight. Nine left between Friday and Saturday. Much of the mourning is concentrated in the North: in Bergamo, the "martyred city" where the bodies are taken away by Army trucks, there are fifteen. But seventeen others are hospitalized and among them a couple are in ICU. In Parma, Covid-19 cut six, four in Piacenza and as many in Lodi and Cremona. The youngest, Don Sandro Brignone, 45 years old, was from the south of Salerno and was parish priest in Caggiano. Many fifty and sixty year olds. The ages of the fallen - men who remember very much the figures of those priests in the trenches who comforted Alpine soldiers, infantrymen and bersaglieri during the Great War or who exhorted the soldiers to have faith, to remain standing and to continue walking to save themselves during the retreat of Russia - explain that most of these priests were in business. "Shepherds with the smell of sheep", to take up the words that Francis has repeated in these days calling, to testify to their closeness, dioceses and parishes.

Dead without a funeral Reverendi "always among the people", writes the CEI newspaper, who continue to visit the sick and the elderly, to bless the remains in these dramatic days when it is not possible to even celebrate the funeral. They are at the cafeterias of the poor or in aid of the homeless even though now the precautions, starting with gloves and masks, are very high even among religious. There are even those who, although suffering in Intensive Care, if they do not have a step from death, have heard them support the doctors by reading the Gospel and the Bible to them.
Even the futureIt was marked directly by the scourge with the death of Don Paolo Camminati, 53 years old, appreciated author of many reflections on the "young" page of the newspaper: just a month ago the "Camo" - as they all called this priest passionate about the mountain and the guitar which he brought with him to every World Youth Day - he had presented to his diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio the project of a house, in rectory, for precarious workers, those whom the instability of contracts often leaves homeless. Those who have been working since the outbreak of the emergency in open supermarkets or in hospital wards under pressure. But the "Camo" was unable to realize his last dream: he died on Saturday morning, due to complications that arose due to Covid-19.

A long list that looks like a prayer Like dozens of other victims of the disease, many priests from Bergamo also did not receive funerals, buried pending suffrage Mass when the storm ceases. On the site of the city diocese - whose bishop Francesco Bechi received a phone call from the Pope «painfully affected by the number of dead. Even among priests "-all their names appear, one after the other. The list is long, this is below, and in reading it in one breath it almost seems like saying a prayer: Don Guglielmo Micheli, 86, for 30 director of the Student House; Don Adriano Locatelli, 71 years old, parish vicar in Palazzago, Paladina and Cologno; Don Enzo Zoppetti, 88, Don Francesco Perico, 91; don Gian Pietro Paganessi, 79; Don Remo Luiselli, 81; don Gaetano Burini, 83; don Umberto Tombini, 83; don Giuseppe Berardelli, 72; don Giancarlo Nava, 70; Don Silvano Sirtoli, 59 years old; don Tarcisio Casali, 82; Monsignor Achille Belotti, 82; don Mariano Carrara, 72; Monsignor Tarcisio Ferrari, 84.

Milan torn Milan is tormented by the loss of three priests: Don Luigi Giussani, 70, vicar of the Milanese parish of San Protaso, namesake of the founder of Communion and Liberation and among the references of the movement in the city (so much to be affectionately renamed «Giussanello») , as well as the spiritual assistant of the students at the State University, a very fine theologian and intellectual. Don Marco Barbetta, 82 years old, chaplain of the Polytechnic, and Don Ezio Bisiello, 64 years old, long pastor of Ronco Briantino, after having carried out his ministry in the Varese area, between Somma Lombardo and Gallarate.

The oldest, 104 years old: a life spent for the last At 104 years of age the oldest of the sickles was Don Mario Cavalleri from Cremona, from Brescia, and it sounds really unpleasant to juxtapose those phrases heard often— "Covid mainly kills the old" - to the story of this "trench" priest, for an inexhaustible thirty-year guide of the "Casetta", reality of reception for the poor, drug addicts and refugees. Always among the last was Fr Franco Minardi, 94, director of the Diocesan Caritas of Piacenza. And among the young people, Don Domenico Gregorelli, 86, «the Prof», a history teacher at the Calini and Arnaldo high schools in Brescia, has always been. In Cremona died another priest well known in the world of the press, Don Vincenzo Rini, 75, journalist, for years at the head of the Federation of Catholic weekly newspapers.

Endless list from North to South The list is endless, it includes a lot of Italy: in Trentino an elderly but still dynamic priest died like Don Luigi Trottner, 86, parish priest of Campitello in Val di Fassa. In the nearby diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone, Don Salvatore Tonini, 84 year old of Trentino origin, pastoral collaborator in Bolzano, near the Focolare Movement passed away. And yet a mourning in the South, that of Antonio Di Stasio, 85, parish priest at Ariano Irpino, one of the outbreaks in Campania. He was still on duty. He too, yes, among the people.

(Avvenire specifies that this number - the 50 dead priests - is very inaccurate, by default, and the author of the Spoon River, Francesco Ognibene, observes that "a separate chapter is for missionaries, nuns, deacons, staff of the diocesan Curias, responsible offices and collaborators; an accounting of victims to be rebuilt. "Five Xaverians died in the mother house in Parma, two Orionines in Tortona, a Comboni missionary in Milan, a Cistercian monk of Eritrean origin died in the abbey of Chiaravalle, in Piacentino. A name applies to all those who we have not managed to list: in Lecco, Father Remo Rota, a 77-year-old sacrament missionary, originally from the Imagna Valley but Lecco by adoption, died. For 38 years in Congo, he loved to say, with simplicity: «I did everything, I hope I did the priest well, with my faults».)

现在意大利对public/private transport的管制更加严厉了 有人在米兰中央火车站因为文件填写不过关或者乘车理由不够充分而被拒绝,有的人甚至哭了。
https://milano.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/20_marzo_22/controlli-coronavirus-passeggeri-diretti-sud-respinti-stazione-centrale-milano-75f23be2-6c5d-11ea-8403-94d97cb6fb9f.shtml Coronavirus checks, southbound passengers rejected at Milan Central StationThe few passengers underwent rigorous self-certification and document checks and body temperature checks. A dozen did not qualify, some broke down in tears
Coronavirus, Conte signs the decree: here's who will work and who won't
新增死亡651。累计5476, 增长13.5%。

In Italy, since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, 59,138 people have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus (5,560 more than yesterday, for a growth of 10.4%). The data were provided by the Civil Protection. Of these, 5,476 people died (+651, + 13.5%) and 7024 (+952, +15.7%) recovered. Currently the positive subjects are 46.638 (the count rises to 59.138 - as mentioned above - if the dead and healed are included in the calculation). "We don't want to get caught up in easy enthusiasm or overestimate a trend," said Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Health Council. «But compared to yesterday there is a slight decrease. We must not let our guard down, we must continue with the measures taken and respect the indications of the government's provision ».
英国现在有18岁的死亡病例了。 Teenager dies of coronavirus in UK: Youngest victim, aged 18, is one of 47 new deaths in 24 hours as toll hits 281 and total cases leaps 665 to 5,683 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8140313/UK-coronavirus-death-toll-rises-48-ONE-day-Boris-Johnson-threatens-shut-UK-parks.html
真的有些片刻觉得,像是在拍末日电影 抛售股票的特权阶层,就是诺亚方舟上率先登船的那批人。
爱尔兰数据今天900多个总共 其中200多个都是医护人员被感染 有1-14岁的孩子 年轻人中年人居多 死了4个据说都是本来身体不好的 20个重症在ICU 23%因为去过国外 24%直接接触 40%+是community
韩国到现在还没有低于30岁死亡的,欧洲看来真是病毒更厉害些 估计纽约以及美东够呛了,这边不少输入病例都是欧洲的。。。
GaAs 发表于 3/22/2020 8:25:38 PM

真的有些片刻觉得,像是在拍末日电影 抛售股票的特权阶层,就是诺亚方舟上率先登船的那批人。 vinvinvin 发表于 3/22/2020 7:46:00 PM

梅干茶泡饭 发表于 3/22/2020 8:44:47 PM





GaAs 发表于 3/22/2020 9:07:57 PM

悲伤。 祈祷。。
前些天我们小组还在组织一起为意大利去世的30几位priests做祷告。没想到50了。。 教堂神父们也都是在最一线的。愿他们获升天国得享永福!
韩国到现在还没有低于30岁死亡的,欧洲看来真是病毒更厉害些 估计纽约以及美东够呛了,这边不少输入病例都是欧洲的。。。 GaAs 发表于 3/22/2020 8:07:00 PM



GaAs 发表于 3/22/2020 9:07:57 PM

英国其实是跟在美国后面的,看看英国的政策时间线就知道,政策跟着美国的走,最后死亡人数每天上升很多,才不得以跟了欧洲,但是还是不到位,social distancing, 周末公园里人川流不息。
R.I.P. ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
xfx 发表于 3/22/2020 9:25:45 PM
