Federal disaster declaration,Trump outlines aid-NY, CA, WA

楼主 (北美华人网)
1 min agoPresident Trump approves California disaster declaration From CNN's Jason Hoffman President Donald Trump approved California's request for a disaster declaration Sunday, according to a White House news release. The declaration means the state can receive federal assistance to supplement state, tribal and local recovery efforts to areas affected by the coronavirus outbreak, the release said. It also provides federal funding for crisis counseling for all those affected in California.
23 min agoDC to use National Guard to help prevent cherry blossom crowds in nation's capital From CNN’s Kevin Bohn
Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Sunday that she is ordering the Washington, DC, National Guard to work with police to restrict pedestrian access to areas where crowds have been flocking to view the cherry blossoms, which are in peak bloom, according to a news release from the mayor’s office. The mayor says the road closures and restrictions around the Tidal Basin, including the Jefferson Memorial, "will continue until further notice to ensure social distancing and prevent further community transmission of COVID-19." The National Cherry Blossom Festival would have taken place from March 20 to April 12, but restrictions and stay-at-home orders across the country to most of the festival being canceled. As a result, the festival tweeted they opened a virtual tour for those wanting to see the cherry blossoms.
14 min agoFederal disaster declaration issued for Washington From CNN’s Sara Sidner and Leslie Perrot The White House approved a request by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee for a federal disaster declaration Sunday, Inslee said in a tweet Sunday.
in agoPresident Trump outlines aid to three major US coronavirus hot spots From Nicky Robertson President Donald Trump outlined on Sunday the aid being sent to New York, Washington and California, the three major hot spots of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States. He announced federal medical stations that will be delivered within the next 48 hours:
186,416 N95 respirators
444,000 O-78 surgical masks
84,560 face shields
68,944 surgical masks
352 coveralls
245,486 gloves

Supplies sent to Washington as of "about 3 days ago:"
369,000 N-95 respirators
575,406 surgical masks
63,788 face shields
107,850 surgical gowns
240,376 gloves

14 min agoPhiladelphia announces stay-at-home order From CNN’s Anna Sturla
Pennsylvania’s largest city announced a stay-at-home order Sunday, prohibiting "all public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit," according to a press release from the Philadelphia mayor's office. The order will go into effect Monday at 8 a.m. Essential personal activities, such as obtaining essential goods and services, seeking medical attention, caring for family members in another household, or reporting to a job at an essential business, are exempt from the restriction.

42 min agoPresident Trump outlines National Guard activations for New York, California and Washington From CNN's Jason Hoffman President Donald Trump announced Sunday he has activated the National Guard in New York, California and Washington, the state's hardest hit by the coronavirus outbreak. Trump has already approved disaster declarations for New York and Washington and said the declaration for California should be approved soon. The president announced that the missions will be federally funded but the governors of all three states "will be in command." President Trump said he has instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency to supply:
Four federal medical stations with 1,000 beds for New York
Eight federal medical stations with 2,000 beds for California
Three federal medical stations and three smaller medical stations with 1,000 beds for Washington

Trump said the supplies should be in New York and California within the next 48 hours. He said two US Navy hospital ships will be activated, one on the West Coast and one on the East Coast. After some discussion, the USNS Mercy will be sent to Los Angeles and not Washington state. The USNS Comfort is on the East Coast and will likely be sent to New York.
费城stay at home了
回复 3楼Pangpang的帖子 NJ 应该没这三个地方厉害吧
回复 3楼Pangpang的帖子 要自己州去request
回复 3楼Pangpang的帖子

NJ 应该没这三个地方厉害吧
htdzky 发表于 3/22/2020 8:49:35 PM

回复 3楼Pangpang的帖子 NJ 应该没这三个地方厉害吧

nj超过加州荣登第三位了 😭
New York 把所有州远远甩在后面了 为啥给的beds 是加州的一半