帮麻省学医的朋友问下, PM&R这个科如何

楼主 (北美华人网)
Physical medicine and rehabilitation,是不是比普内科要好一些?
What Is the Average Physiatrist Salary by State
State Hourly Wage Annual Salary
New York - Physiatrist Salary
$147.41 $306,615
Massachusetts - Physiatrist Salary
$146.35 $304,408
New Hampshire - Physiatrist Salary
$142.80 $297,021
Maryland - Physiatrist Salary
$135.84 $282,538
Hawaii - Physiatrist Salary
$135.20 $281,207
Connecticut - Physiatrist Salary
$134.80 $280,393
Alaska - Physiatrist Salary
$134.80 $280,376
Montana - Physiatrist Salary
$134.80 $280,376
North Dakota - Physiatrist Salary
$134.80 $280,376
Wyoming - Physiatrist Salary
$134.80 $280,376
Nevada - Physiatrist Salary
$134.80 $280,376
Idaho - Physiatrist Salary
$134.80 $280,376
Vermont - Physiatrist Salary
$134.44 $279,631
Nebraska - Physiatrist Salary
$134.18 $279,087
Washington - Physiatrist Salary
$134.10 $278,924
Rhode Island - Physiatrist Salary
$132.71 $276,047
California - Physiatrist Salary
$132.64 $275,888
Virginia - Physiatrist Salary
$131.98 $274,523
Arizona - Physiatrist Salary
$130.57 $271,590
New Jersey - Physiatrist Salary
$129.73 $269,848
Colorado - Physiatrist Salary
$128.02 $266,291
West Virginia - Physiatrist Salary
$127.95 $266,137
Minnesota - Physiatrist Salary
$127.45 $265,100
Pennsylvania - Physiatrist Salary
$127.44 $265,081
South Dakota - Physiatrist Salary
$127.40 $264,983
South Carolina - Physiatrist Salary
$127.21 $264,594
Tennessee - Physiatrist Salary
$126.71 $263,566
Delaware - Physiatrist Salary
$126.66 $263,446
Oregon - Physiatrist Salary
$126.54 $263,197
Utah - Physiatrist Salary
$125.65 $261,356
Ohio - Physiatrist Salary
$125.41 $260,849
Kentucky - Physiatrist Salary
$125.27 $260,557
Indiana - Physiatrist Salary
$124.55 $259,070
Oklahoma - Physiatrist Salary
$124.25 $258,433
Louisiana - Physiatrist Salary
$123.88 $257,680
Wisconsin - Physiatrist Salary
$123.67 $257,233
Kansas - Physiatrist Salary
$123.29 $256,436
Maine - Physiatrist Salary
$123.17 $256,192
Iowa - Physiatrist Salary
$122.89 $255,608
Texas - Physiatrist Salary
$120.83 $251,332
Georgia - Physiatrist Salary
$120.40 $250,432
Arkansas - Physiatrist Salary
$119.94 $249,485
New Mexico - Physiatrist Salary
$119.26 $248,071
Alabama - Physiatrist Salary
$118.38 $246,225
Michigan - Physiatrist Salary
$118.25 $245,953
Illinois - Physiatrist Salary
$117.87 $245,178
Mississippi - Physiatrist Salary
$116.54 $242,409
Missouri - Physiatrist Salary
$115.36 $239,943
Florida - Physiatrist Salary
$113.63 $236,345
North Carolina - Physiatrist Salary
$103.34 $214,946



nurulz 发表于 2/27/2020 6:50:52 PM

回复 5楼穿Prada的小恶魔的帖子 没看我说相对容易吗,看你跟谁比,以及怎么定义competitiveness了?2018 match内科平均step 1 233, PM&R 225。跟很多年前比的确是难了,但是放到现在最多也是below average to average competitiveness的科
回复 5楼穿Prada的小恶魔的帖子[/url]

没看我说相对容易吗,看你跟谁比,以及怎么定义competitiveness了?2018 match内科平均step 1 233, PM&R 225。跟很多年前比的确是难了,但是放到现在最多也是below average to average competitiveness的科

nurulz 发表于 2/27/2020 7:12:40 PM

Competitiveness什么时候是按照Step 1平均分数来的了?难道不是按demand and supply来判断??来来你看看这个sdn 2016年的讨论,PMR位置少,申的人多,我觉得还没有IM好match

“I would love to see the link to where you got your data on the comlex numbers.

PM&R is very competitive because there is a significant number of applicants per seat, unlike Psych. I think that there is a misconception that PM&R is less competitive, so it is targeted by applicants with lesser numbers...just as those with high numbers target Derm. Look at NRMP charging outcomes...to have a 90% of matching a USMD needs 11 contiguous ranks. Compare that to 4 for psych.

PM&R does not require as strong of board scores. It prides itself on fit...so the PS, LOR, and interviews are weighted more heavily than in many other specialties...which likely account for the lower score averages.”
回复 7楼穿Prada的小恶魔的帖子 单看applicant to position ratio不能说明competitiveness因为applicant pool是self selected的。2018年神经外科,皮肤和PMR都是1.38 applicant per position,你该不会以为PMR跟这两个科一样competitive吧。steps比其他科低那么多,原因是低分学生倾向于选它,低分申请人集中的科跟真正难进的科pool都不一样,不能这样比较
回复 7楼穿Prada的小恶魔的帖子[/url]

单看applicant to position ratio不能说明competitiveness因为applicant pool是self selected的。2018年神经外科,皮肤和PMR都是1.38 applicant per position,你该不会以为PMR跟这两个科一样competitive吧。steps比其他科低那么多,原因是低分学生倾向于选它,低分申请人集中的科跟真正难进的科pool都不一样,不能这样比较

nurulz 发表于 2/27/2020 10:44:25 PM

谁要和神外皮肤比啊,我上面是在拿PMR和IM大内科比,也是在回答楼主的问题。如果你觉得IM比PMR更加competitive,那我就是在反驳你。你拿Step 1平均分数来衡量一个科的难易程度就是不对,推荐信面试效果和overall fit对PMR很重要的。随便找个source你自己看看,这还是五年前的美国医学生统计,最近几年PMR就是在High那一档

Matching Program Information and Match Statistics Physical medicine & rehabilitation residency training programs participate in the NRMP. Match results through the NRMP and competitiveness information for physical medicine and rehabilitation residency training positions are summarized in the U.S. Match Statistics table below.
[tr=rgb(228, 227, 227)][td=247]US Match Statistics[td=72] 2015 [td=72] 2014 [td=72] 2013 [td=72] 2012
[td=247]Competitiveness*[td=72] Interm [td=72] High [td=72] High [td=72] Interm
[tr=rgb(228, 227, 227)][td=247]# Categorical/ Advanced positions available for U.S. Seniors[td=72] 389 [td=72] 383 [td=72] 397 [td=72] 367
[td=247]% U.S. Seniors Matched*[td=72] 93% [td=72] 89% [td=72] 89% [td=72] 92%
[tr=rgb(228, 227, 227)][td=247]# Unfilled Categorical/ Advanced Positions[td=72] 3 [td=72] 0 [td=72] 1 [td=72] 4
[td=247]# Unmatched U.S. Seniors[td=72] 9 [td=72] 14 [td=72] 16 [td=72] 13
Source: NRMP Match results for U.S. seniors applying in a single specialty. *Competitiveness is based upon the percentage of U.S. Seniors who ranked each specialty as their only choice.