Vlog特别篇:新冠肺炎下,春节煮汤记 “排骨花生汤”

楼主 (北美华人网)


为了安全,一切平常的事物都停顿了下来, 拍玩具也是,都暂时停止,不过还是想分享白白 新冠肺炎笼罩下,春节生活记的。
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Episode 48
For precaution, we have already stopped engaging the normal work routines since the beginning of the lunar new year, which is about 10 days ago.
The normal recording of Bai Bai unboxing has halted as well. While that has temporary stop for now, Bai Bai would like to share her daily life with you.
There will be a couple of episodes Bai Bai will be showing her cooking skills. For starter will be today video which is “PEANUT PORK RIB SOUP”
A lot of friends outside of China wanted to know the typical life routine of normal family under the corona virus cloud. It does caused a lot of inconvenience but its not as bleak as a lot has portrayed.

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免授权音乐 Royalty Free Music : LiQWYD - Coffee (Vlog No Copyright Music)