意大利新冠封城黑死病和那历史 - 2/25 11死322确诊 意大利用克力芝利巴韦林鸡尾酒 佛罗伦萨市中心确诊


hbt01 发表于 2/25/2020 10:14:44 AM

Switzerland has confirmed its first case of coronavirus, the Federal Office of Public Health said. Further details will be provided at 11 a.m. ET, the health department said. The Swiss franc, meanwhile, climbed to its highest level since July 2015 against a struggling euro on Monday as concerns about the spread of the coronavirus drove investors into safe-haven assets. The franc, traditionally sought in times of uncertainty, rose to 1.0604 versus the euro, a 4-1/2 year peak and a higher value than it reached after Britain’s shock vote to leave the European Union in June 2016. — Reuters
Switzerland has confirmed its first case of coronavirus, the Federal Office of Public Health said. Further details will be provided at 11 a.m. ET, the health department said. The Swiss franc, meanwhile, climbed to its highest level since July 2015 against a struggling euro on Monday as concerns about the spread of the coronavirus drove investors into safe-haven assets. The franc, traditionally sought in times of uncertainty, rose to 1.0604 versus the euro, a 4-1/2 year peak and a higher value than it reached after Britain’s shock vote to leave the European Union in June 2016. — Reuters
lingling7 发表于 2/25/2020 10:51:56 AM

The Swiss public broadcaster, RTS, said authorities in Ticino, on the border with Italy, had confirmed the case occurred in their region.

Ticino是和意大利接壤的瑞士意大利语区域 向南就到米兰了 晴朗的好天气登上米兰的楼顶可以看到远处若隐若现的阿尔卑斯山。。。
回复 1楼梅干茶泡饭的帖子 楼主给更新一下吧,Ansa说322例,死11个了: https://www.ansa.it/canale_saluteebenessere/notizie/sanita/2020/02/25/coronavirus-italia-_cd6f6294-4a0d-4645-b087-6cc2049ecfff.html Coronavirus: 11 vittime in Italia, morti quattro anziani nelle ultime ore. L'Oms: "Il mondo non è pronto" Secondo quanto riferito dal commissario straordinario Angelo Borrelli nel corso della conferenza stampa alla protezione civile, sono 322 i contagiati in Italia, di cui tre in Sicilia.
SEAYining 发表于 2/25/2020 12:03:33 PM

其实比那个还早就开始了 16世纪是开始有成型的解剖剧院 再之前是估计找个屋子弄吧
法国也被输入了一个从伦巴地来的意大利人。这样与意大利接壤的邻国差不多都有输入性病例:奥地利 法国 瑞士 克罗地亚 就差一个斯洛文尼亚了

法国也被输入了一个从伦巴地来的意大利人。这样与意大利接壤的邻国差不多都有输入性病例:奥地利 法国 瑞士 克罗地亚


okeanos 发表于 2/25/2020 4:12:20 PM


我刚才遇到个朋友 他说。。。本来这周末就要去米兰然后去意大利北面滑雪。。。。。。。。。
https://www.corriere.it/cronache/20_febbraio_25/coronavirus-italia-ultime-notizie-altri-due-casi-firenze-palermo-test-positivi-7a262494-579f-11ea-a2d7-f1bec9902bd3.shtml Coronavirus in Italy, more than 300 infections. The Prosecutor of Padua investigates the death of the first victim There are also cases in Liguria, Tuscany and Sicily. Prime Minister Conte: «No to closing schools in regions not involved». WHO: "Peak reached in China, now the epidemic is slowing down" by Antonella De Gregorio and Chiara Severgnini Coronavirus in Italy, more than 300 infections. The Prosecutor of Padua investigates the death of the first victimshadow The numbers relating to the Coronavirus epidemic in Italy continue to increase: according to the latest bulletin, there are 322 cases ascertained in our country (also counting the deaths and those who were sick but then recovered), mostly in the so-called "area red »from Lodigiano. Eleven people who had contracted the virus died ( our study here ). The first Italian victims were already more or less seriously ill ( here the complete article ) and Covid-19 precipitated the situation. The president of the Lombardy region, Attilio Fontana, invites us to play down: "The virus is little more than an influenza," he said, reporting to the Council. Authorities have taken a number of measures to contain the infection (here's what the ordinances provide, region by region ), from the 14-day quarantine for those who have returned from China , to the closure of schools in some Regions ( all information here ). Then there are the "red zones", those of the outbreaks, in which one cannot enter and from which one cannot exit: a decree has established that involves 11 municipalities. Another decree allows companies in these areas to get their employees working from home . Meanwhile, a very strong political controversy has exploded today between the government ( Conte accused a hospital of making mistakes ) and the Lombardy region. 21:30 - Quarantine for two Ligurian hotels 146 people are quarantined in the two hotels in Alassio - "Al Mare" and "Bel Sit" - for which an isolation order has been issued: the party to which the belongs to the woman of Castiglione d'Adda positive to the virus. In the evening, three people were taken from isolated hotels in Alassio and taken to the hospital. "We still have no feedback on their status," said the president of the Liguria region Toti at a press conference. For now, two people are infected. All updates in this insight . 20:45 - First case of new coronavirus in Algeria The African health minister Abderrahmane Benbouzid announced it on EnTv, as reported by the Tsa-algerie website. It is an Italian citizen, according to what was announced by the Minister of Health. The man arrived in Algeria on February 17 last, and is hospitalized in isolation at the Pasteur Institute. "All measures have been taken to take care of the patient, placed in quarantine," said the minister. 8.15 pm - Prosecutor of Padua opens a file on the death of the man suffering from coronavirus The Prosecutor of Padua has opened a file - without suspects or hypothesis of crime - on the death of Adriano Trevisan, 78 years old, who died due to coronavirus on Last 22 February in the hospital of Schiavonia, in the Lower Paduan area. The patient's medical records were requested from the hospital to ascertain whether the guidelines with respect to the disease, from its diagnosis and to the containment of the infection, were respected. 20:00 - Second case in Liguria Second case of coronavirus infection in Liguria. The Region communicated it, explaining that the patient is in La Spezia. There will be a press conference from Governor Giovanni Toti shortly, which should provide more information. 19:45 - France invites to postpone travel in the Italian regions affected by the coronavirus The French are "invited" to postpone their travels as much as possible in the Italian regions most affected by the epidemic of the new coronavirus. This was stated by the Undersecretary for Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari. 19:15 - Positive Italian couple in Innsbruck, isolated hotel The Grand Hotel Europa in Innsbruck was evacuated and isolated after an employee working at the reception tested positive for coronavirus. It is a 24 year old Italian woman. Even his partner, his age, is ill. The couple is originally from the province of Bergamo: she lives in Innsbruck, he in Italy, but had gone to see her in the past few days. They are hospitalized in isolation at the university university clinic. Guenter Weiss, director of the University Clinic of Internal Medicine II, explains that "to date they are fever-free and in good condition". All guests and employees of the Grand Hotel Europa will soon be subjected to a buffer. 19:00 - Another victim in Veneto A 76-year-old coronavirus-positive woman died at the Treviso hospital who was hospitalized today in resuscitation for respiratory complications. The Veneto Region has made it known. 6.30 pm - Cases in Palermo rise to three Cases of coronavirus registered in Palermo rise to three. In addition to the Bergamo tourist admitted to the Vincenzo Cervello hospital, her husband and another person who was part of their same group of tourists, who arrived six days ago in the Sicilian capital, are also positive. Their swabs were sent to the Higher Institute of Health for final confirmation. To check if there were other infections, the hotel staff was swabbed. In the 93 rooms of the hotel only the party that was traveling with the tourist remained: all the other guests were sent away. 6.15 pm - The new bulletin: a total of 322 infections, 10 victims The head of the Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli provided the bulletin with the updated data: in Italy there are 322 infected, 10 coronavirus positive people have lost their lives . The three new victims (compared to the last bulletin) are all over eighty: they are two men and a woman. Here our article on the victims and here the in- depth analysis on coronavirus-related deaths . 5.43 pm - Another 28 cases in Lombardy There are 240 positive cases in Lombardy. Welfare councilor Giulio Gallera made this known, explaining that 3,500 swabs were made in the region, 1,800 of which you had already tried. 17:30 - Three Valencia fans under observation: three Valencia fans returned from Italy to San Siro after attending the match between Atalanta and Valencia in San Siro, according to Spanish media, contacted the Spanish health services claiming to believe that he has symptoms of coronavirus. "They are still in the evaluation phase, it cannot be said that they are case studies," said the head of Epidemiology and Health Supervision of the Generalitat Valenciana, Hermelinda Vanaclocha. 4.48 pm - WHO: New cases are falling in China "A rapidly escalating epidemic, but not a pandemic." WHO explains the coronavirus epidemic in China "is slowing down". "A spike in new infections has been reached, so there has been a stabilization and now we see a drop in new cases," said Bruce Aylward, head of the WHO-China joint mission on Covid-19. "However - he added - we must see if the slowdown will continue" and "we must continue to work quickly to fight the virus to avoid a pandemic". "China - claims the WHO - has pragmatically tackled a new virus that is very scary and spreads quickly. They have launched drastic measures, never seen before, to try to contain the spread of the virus ». "They have moved extremely rigorously and in an organized way," said Aylward. 4.44 pm - Coronavirus in Tenerife, his wife also positive. Quarantine Hotel Spain updates coronavirus case accounting to five. The confirmation that the wife of the Italian doctor from the province of Piacenza, infected with the disease, on vacation in Tenerife with her family is also positive about the virus . Guests of the four-star hotel in the southwest of the island with 476 rooms - the H10 Costa Adeje Palace Hotel - are monitored: they have been told to stay in their rooms until the swabs are made. 16.10 - Contagion in Switzerland The first case of Covid-19 in the Canton of Ticino has been reported in Switzerland. It is a 70-year-old man who was "infected in the Milan area during a demonstration," said Pascal Strupler, director of the Federal Office of Public Health. The man, who is in solitary confinement in a hospital in Ticino (it has not been made known which), is currently "stable". It was reiterated that the coronavirus risk in Switzerland is "moderate". For the moment, schools are not closed. 3:37 pm - Travel: the «Italian risk» The list of countries that have taken measures against Italy is growing, following the coronavirus epidemic: from the «I do not recommend» travel to more rigid measures. All updates are published in real time on the Viaggiare Sicuri della Farnesina website . Jordan forbids entry to the country for travelers from Italy, along with Seychelles, Iraq and Kuwait, which has blocked all air connections with Italy. Bulgarian Air has also suspended all its flights to and from Milan until March 27. Restrictive measuresare expected in Mauritius, Bosnia, Qatar, Romania, Poland, Samoa, Bulgaria, Georgia. In Prague, security measures are underway for flights arriving from Italy. Previously, several countries have issued travel advice to discourage travel to risk regions (Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna and Lazio): Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Ireland, Israel. Great Britain asks for "voluntary" quarantine to anyone arriving from northern Italy. Strict controls, directly on board the planes or upon entering the country are expected in Brazil, Argentina, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Egypt, Ukraine, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa. In France, Marine Le Pen's proposal to evaluate the closure of the borders with Italy has fallen on deaf ears. But the transalpine country has ordered 14 days of isolation for those returning from Lombardy and Veneto. The United States, on a scale of one to four, has given Italy risk one as a travel destination for Americans, while China is at level four. 3:34 pm - A case in Barcelona, ​​the first in mainland Spain The Catalan authorities have confirmed a coronavirus case in Barcelona, ​​the first in mainland Spain after the cases reported in the Canary Islands (two) and the Balearic Islands (one). It is a 36 year old Italian woman, residing in Spain, who had just returned from a trip to Italy, between Bergamo and Milan. 3.15 pm - The expert: «Downsizing, 95% heals» Over 6,200 tampons have been made in the country since the beginning of the emergency. A fact that was also underlined by Walter Ricciardi, member of the WHO executive committee and yesterday adviser to the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. "In Italy, after the first cases of Rome managed in an anthological way, there has been a fragmentation" in the action against the coronavirus, with "regions that made asymptomatic swabs and others to contacts", said the expert. "WHO says that swabs should only be made for symptomatics and for those who have been in certain areas," he added, reiterating that at this stage "protective masks are not needed by healthy people". And he specified: "France has made 300 of these buffers, we have 4000. Britain uses a method different from ours but has made 6000. A rigorous protocol and a single line of intervention must be followed". In a press conference at the Civil Protection, Ricciardi then launched a reassuring appeal: «We must reduce this great alarm, which is right, not to be underestimated, but the disease must be put in the right terms: out of 100 sick people, 80 recover spontaneously, 15 have serious but manageable problems in the healthcare environment, only 5 percent die, however you know that all the deceased people already had serious health conditions ». 2.44 pm - Two other suspicious cases in the Bergamo group After the case of the Bergamo tourist tested positive in Palermo for the coronavirus test, there are two other suspect cases involving two members of the same group. They are the woman's husband and another person. The samples that concern them have been sent to the Spallanzani Institute for confirmation. 2.42 pm - «No closure of schools in regions not involved» «The closure and suspension of school or production activities in regions where the virus has not spread cannot be justified. If anything, we can suspend educational trips. " This was stated by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, during a press conference at the Civil Protection headquarters. 2.39 pm - Count: «Citizens must be calm» «The Italian national system is among the most efficient in the world and our health policy is among the most rigorous». The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, sends a reassuring message to Italian citizens: «They must be calm. We are an excellence and our protocols - clarified from the Civil Protection office - are efficient, effective, and adequate to respond to the emergency ». To dampen the friction of the morning with the Regions, the premier evoked "the ethical imperative: collaborate": "I did not intend to surpass regional competences. I made a reflection on the health system organized on a regional basis, so coordination must be done with everyone, "he said. And to countries that are evaluating restrictions on access by our compatriots, he says: «We cannot accept it. Our fellow citizens can leave safely, for them and for others. Our national health system is excellent, we will tell the World Health Organization ». 2.23 pm - Two schools closed in Great Britain, after a trip to Italy Two schools in the county of Cheshire, in the North-West of England, suspended their activities after some pupils returned from the white week spent in Italy, in Bormio. 2.15 pm - Woman, 72 years old: in Alassio the first case of Liguria It is in Alassio, in the province of Savona, the first case of coronavirus infection found in Liguria. The Region announced. The patient is from Castiglione d'Adda, one of the centers of the Lodi area inserted in the so-called "red zone" to limit the spread of the infection. He is 72 years old and is in the San Martino hospital in Genoa, in solitary confinement in the infectious diseases ward. "Its conditions - one reads - are good." The lady had been in Alassio since 11 February. Governor Giovanni Toti complained on Twitter that the woman had received first care in the Albenga emergency room "without any protective measures". Now the patient is in San Martino in Genoa and is in good condition. An order from the mayor ordered the isolation in the hotel for the guests of the Alassio hotels "Al Mare" and "Bel Sit", 14.13 - 80 thousand infections in the world exceeded The coronavirus epidemic has brought the infections around the world beyond the threshold of 80 thousand. This is what emerges from the real-time survey conducted by the American university Johns Hopkins , according to which the contagions ascertained so far are almost 80,300. Almost 78 thousand only in mainland China 02.05 pm - Second case in Brescia A second case of coronavirus has been registered in Brescia : it is a 36-year-old gynecologist, who works at the hospital in Manerbio, in the province of Brescia , and is hospitalized at the Brescia Hospital . Her health is good and stable. The woman allegedly had contact with the first infected in Brescia, a 51-year-old from Pontevico, who had passed through the hospital of Manerbio, and who is still in solitary confinement. 13.29 - Sports events behind closed doors in 5 regions Total stop at sports events and competitions in five regions of Northern Italy in the municipalities of the red zone affected by the coronavirus while in other municipalities they can take place but behind closed doors. This is provided by the implementing Dpcm issued to face the emergency. The provision concerns all the municipalities of the Regions of Emila Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont. Instead, the holding of events and competitions and training sessions is allowed, inside sports facilities used behind closed doors, in municipalities other than those in the red zone. 1.23 pm - Iran, vice minister of health infection The Iranian vice minister of health, Iraj Harirchi, is among the dozens of people infected in Iran by the new coronavirus, where the number of victims has risen to 15 and 95 cases of infection. The Ilna agency specifies that Harirchi is in quarantine. 13.06 - First case in Croatia: a young man who passed through Italy The first case of Covid-19 was confirmed in Croatia: it is a young man with non-serious symptoms, hospitalized in a hospital in Zagreb, who in the previous days had been in Milan, between 19 and 21 February. 13:03 - Two infections in Tyrol In Austria, in the Tyrol region, there are two people infected with the Coronavirus. Governor Gunther Platter said so. These are two 24-year-olds, originally from Lombardy and residing in Innsbruck. The two Italians "are not life threatening," said Platter and currently have a fever. 12.43 pm - Fontana: «Little more than a normal influence» The president of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana, who in his intervention in the Regional Council said: «It is certainly a difficult situation, but not so dangerous: the virus is very aggressive in diffusion but much less in the consequences. It is little more than a normal influence and this is what the technicians say ». In his speech Fontana thanked the heroic people "thanks to which our health system works". 12.57 - Positive woman in Trentino came from Codogno A woman from Codogno (Lodi) on holiday in Trentino in the municipality of Dimaro Folgarida was found positive for Coronavirus on Monday evening. Now she is hospitalized in Lombardy. The woman had been on vacation since last Friday with her husband and son in a private apartment. The contacts with the outside - specified the president of the autonomous province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti - "have been minimal". 12.43 - A case in Rimini, returning from abroad New cases of Covid-19 bring the balance of the infected in Emilia-Romagna to 23. Among them, a 71 year old from Cattolica, hospitalized in Rimini, returned on the weekend from a trip to Romania . Two other new cases, both attributable to the Lombard outbreak, concern citizens of Parma. A third, a health worker from the Piacenza hospital. The two cases of Parma were detected in the university laboratory; one spent periods of stay in Codogno; is in solitary confinement; the other, who had had contact with the red area of ​​Lodigiano, is hospitalized in the Parma hospital, in the Infectious Diseases department. 12.29 - Infected in 20 provinces There are 20 provinces that register coronavirus cases, according to the data of the Civil Protection. In detail, in Lombardy: Lodi (101 cases), Cremona (39), Pavia (17), Bergamo (14), Milan (3), Monza Brianza (2), Sondrio (1); in Veneto: Padua (30), Venice (7), Treviso (1); in Emilia Romagna: Piacenza (17), Parma (4), Modena (1), Rimini (1); in Piedmont: Turin (3); in Tuscany: Florence (1), Pistoia (1); in Trentino Alto Adige: Bolzano (1); in Sicily: Palermo (1); in Lazio, Rome (3). In Lombardy there are 35 positive cases in the hospitalization or isolation phase. 12.15 - The budget in Italy: 283 infected people «283 people are infected, 7 dead and 1 recovered». So the Head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli, appointed Commissioner for the coronavirus emergency, at a press conference in Rome. There are 54 more cases than yesterday, said Borrelli. Overall «in Lombardy there are 212 infected with an increase of 40 cases; in Veneto 42 cases; in Emilia 23 cases with an increase of 5; in Piedmont 3; in Lazio 3 cases; in Tuscany 2 cases; and in Sicily 1 ". 12.07 - Banca Mediolanum, positive employee in Basiglio An employee of Banca Mediolanum of the Basiglio office (Milan, the main office of the institution) has tested positive in Covid-19. The bank made it known in a statement in which it explains that the employee, residing in Zavattarello (Pavia), has been absent from the company since Friday 21 February and was contacted by the competent Ats of Pavia on the weekend, resulting in a positive assessment . It is still asymptomatic and is in home isolation. 12.03 - In Tuscany confirmed second case One of the two positive Tuscan cases, confirmed by the head of civil protection, Angelo Borrelli, is a 49-year-old computer scientist from Pescia, who returned on Thursday evening from Codogno (Lombardy) where he stayed three days for work. The Region of Tuscany announced this, explaining that "since Friday he has voluntarily put himself into isolation on the advice of the family doctor and under the supervision of the local health authority". Yesterday morning he had a high fever and an ambulance took him to the hospital in Pistoia where he is in solitary confinement. 11.47 am - Hong Kong, schools closed until April 20 Schools in Hong Kong will remain closed until April 20 at least due to the global epidemic. This is the third postponement of the resumption of lessons, in the last month; the exact date may shift further. 11.34 am - Rail traffic between Lodi and Piacenza reactivated Rail traffic between Lodi and Piacenza has resumed shortly after midnight, on the Milan-Bologna line, blocked from 13.30 on Monday for health checks in Casalpusterlengo station, in the "red zone" of the Coronavirus. 11.09 am - Positive Italian in Tenerife: one thousand in quarantine In Tenerife, where an Italian doctor was tested positive on Monday, one thousand people are kept in quarantine in the H10 Costa Adejie Palace hotel (the same where the doctor was staying), in the town of Adejie. Military and law enforcement officers prevent entry and exit from the tourist complex. He is in good health and isolated in the Candelaria hospital in the capital of Tenerife. The two family members of the doctor who are with him have been tested. 10.40 am - The husband of the Bergamo tourist The husband of the Bergamo tourist on holiday in Palermo who is hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the Cervello Hospital was negative in the coronavirus test. 10.08 am - Self-isolation in Great Britain for those arriving from Northern Italy As of today, Great Britain imposes "self-isolation" for 14 days as a precaution for all those arriving from northern Italy (north of Pisa, Florence and Rimini) and show "even slight" symptoms of a potential coronavirus infection. The Foreign Office's updated indications also provide for mandatory quarantine, even without symptoms of any kind, for the same period of time, for all those arriving from the countries of Lombardy and Veneto isolated on the decision of the Italian government. 10.00 - Positive Florentine entrepreneur A suspected case of coronavirus registered in Florence was positive. It is a 60-year-old entrepreneur with business activities in the East who returned from Singapore last month. The man yesterday afternoon showed up at the Santa Maria Annunziata hospital and the procedures provided for by the protocol started. During the night the swab revealed the presence of the Covid -19 coronavirus. The patient was transferred to the infectious diseases department of the Ponte a Niccheri hospital in Bagno a Ripoli, just outside Florence. 8.06 am - Bergamo tourist in Palermo, positive A tourist from Bergamo on holiday in Palermo - admitted to isolation in the Cervello hospital since Monday evening - tested positive for the coronavirus test: it is the first case ascertained in Southern Italy. A quarantine has been arranged for the group of friends of the woman - who, according to the President of the Region, Nello Musumeci, is "fully conscious" and "does not present particular conditions of malaise" - and for people who have been close contact with the group of 35 tourists who arrived in Palermo on Friday morning, 21 February. The group is in solitary confinement in the Mercure hotel downtown, awaiting the results of the swabs.
la Spezia 是个游轮停靠点吧。。。不要再出一次钻石公主号

la Spezia 是个游轮停靠点吧。。。不要再出一次钻石公主号

okeanos 发表于 2/25/2020 4:59:49 PM

没错 港口 去佛罗伦萨的停这里 这里北上十分钟就到五渔村。。。

我实在忍不住了,要8一下。楼主你是男的吧?这个id不是一直是你的吧?以前对这个id 也有印象,完全不是现在这么高水平呀。
我实在忍不住了,要8一下。楼主你是男的吧?这个id不是一直是你的吧?以前对这个id 也有印象,完全不是现在这么高水平呀。
股动 发表于 2/25/2020 5:04:50 PM


Black Death 'Plague doctors' procession in Venice People in Venice have taken part in the annual Plague Doctors procession - a tradition that has taken on new meaning as fears over coronavirus grip northern Italy. Wearing masks and black clocks, party-goers walked through Saint Mark's Square on Tuesday night recalling the Black Death that swept through medieval Europe. On Tuesday Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte called for calm. “It’s time to turn down the tone, we need to stop panic,” he said. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-51628990
昨天意大利检察官开始调查一号患者处理上是否有失误 今天当地医院开始甩锅 While Italy is facing the emergency situation dictated by the spread of Coronavirus, the circumstances that would have led to the spread of one of the most important outbreaks, that of Lodigiano, are becoming increasingly clear. According to Massimo Lombardo, director of the Lodi healthcare company, the "case 1" patient - the 38-year-old still hospitalized, in stable conditions, at the Pavia hospital - when he first came to the Codogno emergency room , «He came to the emergency room of Codogno Hospital for the first time on February 18without presenting any criteria that could have identified it as a "suspected case" or "probable case" of Coronavirus infection according to the indications of the ministerial circular of 27 January 2020 ». "During the access," writes Lombardo again, "he underwent the necessary checks and therapy; however, he decided to go home despite the prudent proposal of hospitalization. " « On the night between 18 and 19 February », «patient 1» then returned «to the emergency room of the same hospital for a worsening of the symptoms : he is therefore hospitalized in the medical ward where the worsening of the clinical conditions determined the resuscitator intervention on the morning of 20 Februaryand the simultaneous hospitalization in intensive care ». And it is only at this point - after the young man was visited by relatives, friends and many doctors in the medical ward - that "talking to his wife, the resuscitator is informed of a dinner, held in late January, at which Case 1 would have participated and where a friend who had returned from China was present ». "But even the latter fact, according to the protocols of the ministry" - explains Lombardo - "did not classify" Case 1 "as" suspect case "or" probable case "". According to what was rebuilt by the Corriere here, 36 hours passed between the moment when "patient 1" entered the emergency room for the second time (3.12 on 19 February) and the time when the swab was carried out (around 16 on 20 February). In reality, the guidelines of the Ministry of Health of 22 January on who should be subjected to the swab, say that it is also to be treated as a suspect case "a person who experiences an unusual or unexpected clinical course, especially a sudden deterioration despite adequate treatment" . And pneumonia for a healthy and sporty 38-year-old can actually be. But the new version of the ministerial guidelines of January 27 had canceled that sentence and provided for checks only for those who had ties to China. The medical records of patient 1 - as reported by the Ansa agency - have now been seized by the Carabinieri of the Nas of Piacenza. The Public Prosecutor of Lodi has opened a file, currently against unknown persons. https://www.corriere.it/cronache/20_febbraio_26/coronavirus-paziente-1-rifiuto-ricovero-codogno-ricostruzione-d187209e-58bc-11ea-8e3a-a0c8564bd6c7.shtml