
楼主 (北美华人网)
孩子上三年级,最近一次跟他聊天聊到喜不喜欢学校,她说mix feeling,我们追问下去,才了解到原来种族歧视在这么小的孩子身上也会发生!
1. 二年级的时候,跟另外一同级小男孩一起等车,老师随口问一句你们俩是一起carpool吗,此男孩马上回答 ”no, because I don't have eyes like this", 同时作出眼角上拉的样子。当时被老师立刻制止。
2.最近发生的事情,食堂里吃饭,一同班小女孩Z想跟孩子换座位,可是她已经把午饭都拿出来了,不想换,拒绝后被此女孩怒骂“ You are such a chink!” 。 除此之外,Z多次嘲笑我们孩子的午饭,说disgusting,按我们孩子说法,她有anger control的问题,爆发起来各种F* word,B* word,还会扔东西,老师都怕她。


这个学校 50%白人, 30%亚裔,6%黑人,6% hispanic,剩下的是各种其他国家的少数族裔。总体感觉还是比较diverse的,真没想到居然还能发生这种事,还不止一次!


给老师发完信后,第二天孩子回家,我们问她老师有没有找她谈话。孩子说老师找了,找了她和Z了解了情况, 然后让她们互相道歉?!我当时听到就怒了,凭什么叫我们孩子道歉!这样的message是不是说以后惹别人生气了就活该被骂?当时就担心老师会和稀泥糊弄过去。

所以我想请问版上有经验的妈妈,学校offer什么样的处理结果是可以接受的? 如果老师学校想要息事宁人如何继续抗争?老师这样处理明显不当,应该如何跟学校和老师继续交涉?

回复 1楼macciato1019的帖子 老师让道歉,你家娃道了吗? 下次告她自己没错,不道,老师非要,让她说请打电话联系父母。
stand up and speak up, 不接受道歉 ,如果下次有小孩说,就反问,and you? How do yo define people just like you. Huh? Low? ....(you name it). None of these, just your parents know nothing about raising a decent kid. 小孩就是父母的镜子,别告诉我什么祸不及父母!告诉你的孩子,他跟这些trash kids不一样的地方,就是他的父母不懂得教育它,而它更不如你!
个人觉得捅到学校不如教会孩子怎样defend 自己;学校都是官僚,虽然我赞同lz的做法,的确是应该make some noise,让他们知道我们不是好欺负的。但是同时也不要忘记教会孩子怎么保护自己。比如如果被打当时就要还手,如果被骂当时就骂回去,不吃眼前亏,在家跟孩子演练多次让孩子能熟练掌握。好汉不吃眼前亏,以后孩子就算被欺负了也能自己handle。毕竟不会一辈子都呆在学校,也不是总有人能主持公道。就算孩子打不过骂不过对方,也不会后悔自己当时没有反抗 而感到心里憋屈。反抗了没有用,是社会的问题。而自己根本不反抗而希望别人都是圣人,只能是给自己找过不去。
discusting是啥? disgusting? 但是支持楼主不要姑息!一定要找到那个说CHINK 的小孩和家长道歉!!!!
亚裔比例这么高也会发生这样的事情? 直接跟老师约面谈,为什么要你女儿道歉
应该让对方父母和孩子一起道歉 种族歧视是很严重的事情 应该重视
回复 1楼macciato1019的帖子[/url]


redder 发表于 2/11/2020 11:46:02 AM

道歉了呀。老师就轻描淡写的让Z say sorry。 然后跟我女儿说,can you do the same?

bannybaby 发表于 2/11/2020 12:07:25 PM


想不到亚裔比率这么高的学校也有歧视。老师太差了,凭啥让楼主的娃道歉。 diamondring 发表于 2/11/2020 11:59:00 AM

tiaodashen 发表于 2/11/2020 1:47:36 PM

这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX
这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX
bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule.  I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:00 PM

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

楼上是个热心的mm,每次都贡献一长篇有理有据的EMAIL. 谢谢,收藏了!

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

回复 14楼bellamia的帖子 Mark MM写得特别好

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM
这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX
bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

bellamia 同学一出手就是大招!
支持lz 马上给校长约谈 明早直接去学校找校长

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM


针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

感谢bellamia mm,以前就看过mm热心的回帖,每一次都是一篇有理有据的email。 这次果然也来帮我了,学习了!再次谢谢!

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

回复 14楼bellamia的帖子 学习了。特别想问怎么能把英文写的这莫好?
回复 14楼bellamia的帖子 学习了。特别想问怎么能把英文写的这莫好?
dosth 发表于 2/11/2020 10:04:36 PM
记得那位妹妹好像是本科在美国读的。 另外公司的扯皮邮件好好读读表达能力也很快就上去了。

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

回复 13楼macciato1019的帖子 唉,黑人小孩真的是没办法, 因为很可能单亲,家长就不管,老师可能也不敢管,不然动不动黑人就BLM。还好我娃上的学校黑人小孩爸爸送上学的很多,让我觉得家庭靠谱,所以小孩都还不错。不过楼主小孩道歉没有任何道理。
每次大家有问题 mm总是这样倾囊相助 感激
这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule.  I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 14:58:00
校长没有做为吗?我会约见counselor, escalate到校长和学区那里。但是lz想好,校长可能给你家孩子换班,这种没教养到熊孩子,就算短暂的suspension都未必有用

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

回复 1楼macciato1019的帖子 我家娃的班主任跟我说,有事儿直接去找校长赵老师面谈比写email管用 因为他们不喜欢写email怕被留下各种可能的证据。大概意思是这个,所以email里容易给你踢皮球

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM


感谢bellamia mm,以前就看过mm热心的回帖,每一次都是一篇有理有据的email。 这次果然也来帮我了,学习了!再次谢谢!

macciato1019 发表于 2/11/2020 8:44:35 PM


1. 我们girl scout的一个孩子被bully,对方对她说:you Americans are lazy and eat junk food,然后不让别人和她玩...我听到就建议这个妈妈周一直接找校长, 据我对校长的了解,她绝对不会不管的,果然她直接就把那个孩子的家长请到学校了,问他们是否了解这个情况,孩子这样的话是从哪里听来的(那家不是美国人),要求他们让孩子当面道歉,自己不玩没关系,不做朋友也正常,但是让所有的人都不和XX玩就是bully.

2. 二年级的一个孩子对五年级的一个女生说: Your breast is so big...10岁的孩子正是对自己的身体非常不自信的时候,听了非常难过.其他孩子就告诉老师校长了,校长立刻把所有2年纪女生组织起来给她们讲身体的变化,要尊重别人,不能因为别人和自己长得不一样就body shaming,同理胖,瘦,肤色,头发颜色....

3. 我女儿告诉我playground上几个女生组织了个"girls club", 要求只有XXXX 样的,符合什么什么条件的女生才能加入玩.我说那你加入她们吗? 她说,who cares, i don't wanna play with them anyways. We started our own club, everybody can play,even boys. 其实这些事对我也不是什么新闻,我小时候都经历过,做过,也是孩子的成长必修课吧.

但是回到LZ说的Z的事情,Chink 这个词的严重性是和Negro一样的, 是属于在公司会被立刻fire掉的最严重的discrimination级别,尤其是Z还说Fword,B word,什么样的家庭可想而知,这种事情我会get to the bottom of it,校长不作为, 我找School board, media, 直到解决为止. good luck!
谢谢bellamia mm的各种实例以及Email模板!!

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule.  I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:00 PM

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM


针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

这英语太溜了, 膜拜!!
Mark! 从这个帖里学到很多

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

现在自己有娃,以后也挺担心这个。请问有经验的mm们,一般什么样的娃比较容易被bully呢? 内向的? 瘦小的? 不知道有没有什么家长可以预防的。譬如让娃多参加点课外体育活动之类的?
回复 14楼bellamia的帖子 你的各种模本造福了很多人啊!
mark 学习如何跟学习交涉


1. 我们girl scout的一个孩子被bully,对方对她说:you Americans are lazy and eat junk food,然后不让别人和她玩...我听到就建议这个妈妈周一直接找校长, 据我对校长的了解,她绝对不会不管的,果然她直接就把那个孩子的家长请到学校了,问他们是否了解这个情况,孩子这样的话是从哪里听来的(那家不是美国人),要求他们让孩子当面道歉,自己不玩没关系,不做朋友也正常,但是让所有的人都不和XX玩就是bully.

2. 二年级的一个孩子对五年级的一个女生说: Your breast is so big...10岁的孩子正是对自己的身体非常不自信的时候,听了非常难过.其他孩子就告诉老师校长了,校长立刻把所有2年纪女生组织起来给她们讲身体的变化,要尊重别人,不能因为别人和自己长得不一样就body shaming,同理胖,瘦,肤色,头发颜色....

3. 我女儿告诉我playground上几个女生组织了个"girls club", 要求只有XXXX 样的,符合什么什么条件的女生才能加入玩.我说那你加入她们吗? 她说,who cares, i don't wanna play with them anyways. We started our own club, everybody can play,even boys. 其实这些事对我也不是什么新闻,我小时候都经历过,做过,也是孩子的成长必修课吧.

但是回到LZ说的Z的事情,Chink 这个词的严重性是和Negro一样的, 是属于在公司会被立刻fire掉的最严重的discrimination级别,尤其是Z还说Fword,B word,什么样的家庭可想而知,这种事情我会get to the bottom of it,校长不作为, 我找School board, media, 直到解决为止. good luck!

bellamia 发表于 2/12/2020 10:05:22 AM


针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

Mark! 字数字数!!
这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule.  I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:00 PM
这种言论属于Hate speech or misconduct. 属于zero tolerance. 楼主要好好给老师写封信,copy校长。学区有专门的protocol 来处理这类事件。 我觉得可能老师没有想到影响这么严重, 才让孩子道歉。 措辞不要把老师放在对立面,因为还需要老师帮忙解决这个问题。
这是什么破学校这么严重的歧视这么草草解决。找edu board。或者转学
Mark 写得真好
这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule.  I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM
这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX

好帖! 华人mm太有智慧了。
回复 68楼santorinilove的帖子 好帖! 华人mm太有智慧了。
支持lz。 bellamia真是超有智慧和能力,她写的email,冷静有理有据!学习了,谢谢:)

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX

这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX

这不是一般的孩子之间的纷争,三年级也不是5岁不懂,这是很严重的问题,LZ的孩子朋友多,也许没当回事,但是这并不能说明这件事不严重;Z脾气不好,霸道,更不能justify她这么做,这么说是ok的。 针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序 Dear Mrs. XX, This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time. However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues: 1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize. 2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them. 3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side. Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps. Regards, XX

回复 1楼macciato1019的帖子 楼主,麻烦更新一下事情处理怎么样了!
我儿子才上k也遇到了被非裔和印度裔叫chinaman的事。我了解到老师只是简单的说it's not a good way.于是我写信给老师,学校派一个老师找那个起头的非裔娃谈话并向我儿子道歉。我觉得学校做的还不够就继续写信,老师给全班小朋友讲了要如何相处之后我才表示了感谢。

针对LZ的first attempt老师的处理方式,基本可以说明她没能力/意愿处理这个问题,如果是我就会escalate给校长,copy老师既是礼貌也是程序

Dear Mrs. XX,

This is a follow up on the issue i raised two days ago regarding the discriminating language used against my daughter during lunch time.

However, I have grown even more concerned after I was made aware that XX and Z were asked to apologize to each other as a seemingly peace making solution to the issue. If I may, I would like to request a meeting with you tomorrow morning first thing to align on a few issues:

1. I'd really like to comprehend the basis on which XX was asked to apologize to Z, the fact that she wouldn't concede her seat to Z during lunch? or she wouldn't tolerate such hostile language towards her? In my honest opinion, XX has nothing to apologize.

2. I also would like to understand our school's disciplinary policy in the event when such behaviors occur, if no proper action is taken, then we are allowing them to reoccur; if we allow them, then we are encouraging them.

3. I'd also appreciate it if you could walk me through our curriculum about inclusion and non-discrimination. In today's real world, no company in our country would tolerate such non-inclusive attitude and discriminating language. Are we, as a community, preparing our children to face the real world? Are we teaching them the fundamental values that would help them to succeed? Not recognizing the issue is not right, and not fair for the children and families, both on the receiving side and the giving side.

Please let me know what time works the best for you and I'd be happy to accommodate your schedule. I greatly appreciate you and Mrs YY (the teacher) 's efforts to find a solution and I look forward to working with both of you on the next steps.


bellamia 发表于 2/11/2020 2:58:15 PM

抓住智慧的@bellamia MM 问一下, 我娃今年在collaborative teaching class 1st gd. 回家对我说被special ed 小孩打了。不重。老师是一个50岁左右的白人regular ed teacher. 我有和老师说,结果是medication is not right, school is working with the child and family.... 之后我经常问娃,那个小孩子有没有打他。我娃说it’s ok, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. 但是他不说打了还是没打。我的理解是没打我娃但是干了别的事?这句话肯定是老师对学生们说的。我和娃说 it’s not ok for xyz to hit other kids in the class even if he doesn’t know what he’s doing/ he can’t help control himself. If he hit you, you tell the teacher right the way and hit him back. You won’t get in trouble for defending yourself and mommy will back you up. 事情让我觉得非常的wrong, 但是还没有想出怎么approach老师in a politically correct way. 我下星期和老师谈其它事时想casually bring up 我的concern。我娃在学校是那种打不还手骂不还口的内向的娃。
进来学习 谢谢

抓住智慧的@bellamia MM 问一下, 我娃今年在collaborative teaching class 1st gd. 回家对我说被special ed 小孩打了。不重。老师是一个50岁左右的白人regular ed teacher. 我有和老师说,结果是medication is not right, school is working with the child and family.... 之后我经常问娃,那个小孩子有没有打他。我娃说it’s ok, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. 但是他不说打了还是没打。我的理解是没打我娃但是干了别的事?这句话肯定是老师对学生们说的。我和娃说 it’s not ok for xyz to hit other kids in the class even if he doesn’t know what he’s doing/ he can’t help control himself. If he hit you, you tell the teacher right the way and hit him back. You won’t get in trouble for defending yourself and mommy will back you up. 事情让我觉得非常的wrong, 但是还没有想出怎么approach老师in a politically correct way. 我下星期和老师谈其它事时想casually bring up 我的concern。我娃在学校是那种打不还手骂不还口的内向的娃。

2wawa 发表于 2/19/2020 10:03:51 AM

具体哪种special ed?不同的程度可以不同方法应对,另外学校/学区没有给他安排special ed assistant吗?我们学校是每个这样的孩子有专人负责的
回复 85楼bellamia的帖子 不知道diagnosis. 设及privacy。感觉medication works 早上,下午那孩子就out of control. 学校正在评估中吧。那个小朋友没有one on one aide. special ed 老师是part time,班上也有一个part time class aide.