6000 tourists are being held on a cruise ship in Italy

楼主 (北美华人网)
Six thousand tourists are being held on a cruise ship in Italy over fears that one of the passengers could be infected with the Chinese coronavirus. “Sanitary protocol” has been activated amid concerns over the health of an individual traveling on the ship operated by Italian firm Costa Cruises. The ship reached the Italian port of Civitavecchia on Thursday morning, where it had sailed from Palma in the Spanish island of Mallorca.

Medics onboard had been alerted to a suspected case of the virus in a 54-year-old Chinese woman, who has been kept in isolation alongside her travel companionsince Wednesday evening, Costa Cruises confirmed to CNBC. “As soon as the suspected case was detected, the medical team on board immediately activated all the relevant health procedures to promptly isolate and manage the clinical condition,” a spokesperson for the company said. “The health authority has been immediately notified and is now on board to conduct all the pertinent measures.” The woman suffering with symptoms of the illness is from Macau, according to some media reports.