
楼主 (北美华人网)
但我觉得主流心理学认为原生家庭的是 the weaker (虽然字面上不说)的观点是错误的。
实际上我觉得原生家庭的是 the stronger but not the achiever,更确切。了解这点有助于相处。
The stronger 是因为幸存者偏差,没被原生家庭的 neng S 的都是 the stronger。
但问题在于这样的 the stronger 大概率上不是 the achiever,因为新的环境并不是冰川期,而是正常风雨飘摇的日子里看谁最先到贫困线。导致 the stronger 不是 the achiever,而且甚至一刻红心造成 damage。
其实还可以找统计学上的幸存者偏差的个例,原生家庭出来的既是 the stronger 又是 the achiever 。。。 朗朗和郎爸。
但幸存者偏差毕竟是幸存者偏差,最大的问题在于幸存者偏差很难抄作业不是? ~ 如果对朗朗老婆吉娜,或者朗朗亲戚郎咸平,也这么 neng 的话,有可能就成为非幸存者偏差了。
而现实的难度是,培养一个人从 non-achiever 变成 achiever ,远远比培养一个人从 the typical 变成 the stronger ,要难的多的多。
因为 non-achiever 通常没有 the typical 来 achievement 的经验。To make matter worse,如果是原生家庭,大概率连看见过 the typical achievement 都没见过。古人云:熟读唐诗三百首,天下文章一大抄。这都没见过猪跑的怎么教?
所以最后常见的就是因为 lack of experience / tactical technique,但人之天性就是要 make achievement,所以最后基本都又回到原生家庭。无他,这可能是原生家庭一辈子唯一见过的场景,只能重演。
用马工业做比方就是,目前的心理学,好比就是要一个从来没通过刷题面试不知 java 为何物的,直接赶鸭子上架做 SDE。最终结果只能是让人从兜里掏出那个老旧的 TI-82 把 java project 当 SAT math 来做。无它,这人只见过 TI-82 ...
正确的做法是,出高价找一个能过刷题面试的 SDE,或者长得好看色诱也行。然后把 TI-82 锁起来,自己先做 program manager 只管合理进度,同时看 SDE 猪跑。如果怀疑 SDE 出错也不要自己出手,弄个 github pull request 让另一个 SDE peer review。
当然 SDE 也要特别培训一下如何对付 atypical program manager 也是必要的,否则动不动辞职也不行。但这个培训,以及培训 program manager 少掏 TI-82,相对比要求 non-achiever 直接火箭升级成 achiever,更可行一些。
这不是说 program manager 不能转行 SDE,但是没见过猪跑的,首先还是要看一遍猪跑,在 quarterly milestone 之前不要随便掏 TI-82。直到 milestone 之后再想想感性认知上也许做好 Java project 可能确实不需要掏 TI-82 ...
说得有些道理。 但是中文读起来怎么有些费劲。
说得有些道理。 但是中文读起来怎么有些费劲。

楼主我既读不懂你的中文也读不懂你的英文,快急哭了!有谁可以翻译或者总结一下? 多谢!
楼主我既读不懂你的中文也读不懂你的英文,快急哭了!有谁可以翻译或者总结一下? 多谢!

Depression, serotonin and pain Depression and the neurochemical serotonin are now strongly linked in most peoples' minds, especially since the advent of SSRIs - the most famous being Prozac - which are widely thought to work by blocking the re-uptake of serotonin from the releasing neuron. (The big mistake here is assuming that lack of serotonin causes depression, and therefore drugs are the long-term answer. It's like saying that you need drugs because you are hungry, rather than just eating.) If an episode of depression causes a change in your serotonin level, this can have an effect on your pain threshold too. Because serotonin helps keep 'pain gates' closed, a lack of it can make you feel more pain. (Back pain is very common amongst depression sufferers). Serotonin also helps modulate sleep, which is another explanation for the sleep disturbance encountered by those with depression. So this also explains why people can get such immediate relief from drugs - serotonin is so strongly involved in sleep regulation, pain perception and mood that an increase can have a huge effect. The danger of course, is becoming dependent on drugs instead of tackling the root cause of the depression. And also, all anti-depressants work by suppressing REM sleep, which as you now know, will lift depression. Again, however, this is treating a symptom, not the cause. The cause is the emotional introspection done by depressed people, and the key place to start reducing that is with your thinking styles...
All or Nothing', or 'Black and White' Thinking and Depression MOST life events are not 'completely disastrous' or 'absolutely wonderful' but contain elements of both good and bad. Depression makes people think in absolutes. All or Nothing, or 'Black and White' thinking is the thought pattern that allows us to generate a "flight or fight" response to danger. It is still needed in the world today, but not many times a day in relation to non-life-threatening stress, as so often happens with depression. Because All or Nothing thinking is emotionally arousing, it causes over-dreaming and maintains depression, as described in the page on understanding depression.   All or Nothing thinking and depression All or Nothing thinking is found in depressed people all over the World. This is because it is part of the most primitive of human responses: The Fight or Flight Response. When faced with a life-threatening situation, we must make a snap decision and act on it. There is no time for 'maybe this', or 'maybe that'. Either decision will create an emotional reaction to allow us to fight or flee to the maximum of our ability. Earlier in the Depression Learning Path, we talked about the importance of tolerating uncertainty when looking to overcome depression. All or Nothing thinking is the opposite of this. In a survival situation, there is no room for uncertainty, we simply have to decide to either run away or fight. Uncertainty causes hesitation, which would increase our chances of being killed. But these responses evolved for times that were much more physically threatening. These days they are rarely required, at least not to that extent.

txer 发表于 1/19/2020 5:15:33 PM

哈哈, mm 真可爱, 这都能急哭。 他写的这些, 我都是囫囵读的,还必须结合上下文,和我自己对世界的认知和常识。 好像里面很多句子的主语都需要从其他句子里面找。