工作上跟DoD DOE或者美国政府敏感部门有交集的同学注意了,你们可能已经被监控了

楼主 (北美华人网)
For days after his FBI interrogation, Wei Su wondered: Where had the microphone been? The agents had played him a scratchy recording of a conversation he’d had with a friend at a restaurant in Eatontown, N.J. Both men found it strange when a pot of hot tea arrived at their table without their having ordered it, but only later did Su, an award-winning scientist for the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Information Warfare Directorate, form a hypothesis. He thinks the teapot was bugged.


In 2005 the bureau introduced an initiative that used U.S. Census data to map U.S. neighborhoods by race and ethnicity to guide FBI surveillance of potential terrorists and spies, German wrote. In 2009 the bureau justified opening such an assessment of Chinese communities in San Francisco on the grounds that organized crime had existed “for generations” in the city’s Chinatown, according to an FBI
