12月3号Maui 南边沙滩Kihue有鲨鱼攻击人

楼主 (北美华人网)
https://mauiwatch.com/category/news/ No one was hurt this morning when a 10-12-foot-long Tiger shark deflated an inflatable stand-up paddleboard about 200 yards offshore from 1681 Halama Street. Officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) were notified at around 10:15 this morning and have instituted standard shark protocols, which means the area, one mile in each direction will be posted with warning signs to let ocean goers know of the possibility of a shark in the vicinity. Officers and the signs are advising people to stay out of the water from Cove Park to Waipu‘ilani Park in Kīhei until an all-clear is issued. Authorities will continue warnings until at least noon, the day following an incident, after they’ve had an opportunity to survey the water for continued shark presence. The man, in the ocean with a group of other paddlers, said the shark bit the back of his inflatable, which deflated. He swam over to another person and got on his board and they began heading toward land. They report the shark was acting very aggressively and pursued them to shore. 搜了一下9月份Kihue也有一次类似的鲨鱼攻击,Tripadvisor上讨论10-12月鲨鱼攻击的事件最频繁,去沙滩玩注意看看附近有没有鲨鱼攻击事件。
还好不是浮潜 好怕
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Maui每年都有,我们几年前感恩节去,早上鲨鱼在Molokini 附近咬死一个人,我们正在对面的Little Beach沙滩上,ranger来立了个牌子,把所有人叫上岸。