Many parents know that it is not safe to give honey to a baby younger than one year of age. The reason that this is advised is because honey can contain the botulinum spore that in the proper environment may cause the deadly food poisoning botulism. Acid will inhibit the spore from growing and producing the botulism toxin. A baby's immature digestive system is not yet acidic enough to inhibit the toxin from being produced, whereas the digestive system of an older baby and adults is. In other words, the baby's digestive tract provides a nice warm, air-free, low-acid environment where botulinum spores just love to grow. When it grows it will produce the toxin. The toxin produced by the spore is the danger. A pregnant mom can safely eat honey. Her digestive tract is acidic, and will prevent a botulinum spore from growing -- no toxin will be produced. There is no danger to the fetus from the mom-to-be eating honey or honey-containing foods.
如果没记错,蜂蜜孕妇最好不喝,好像容易引起流产。 啊?是某种蜂蜜吗?我天天喝,最近每天喝柚子蜜,还以为多喝点有好处呢。
如果没记错,蜂蜜孕妇最好不喝,好像容易引起流产。 Is this true? Just started drinking it recently.
国内外都曾经有幼儿食用蜂蜜而致病的案例发生,尤其是属于“肉毒杆菌”的污染最为严重,它可以释放出特殊的神经毒素,造成幼儿呕吐、神智不清、语言障碍、吞咽以及呼吸困难、视力模糊等。 同理,孕妇也不宜喝蜂蜜。当然没那么严格,不过道理是一样的。孕期身体内负担加重,最好不要服食蜂蜜,以免影响胎儿。
以上言论,专门问过我的OB。 我的OB也和我说过,不要喝
孕前每天早上一杯蜂蜜水,孕后我妈也说不能吃太多,她说现在的蜂蜜有激素,所以可能导致以后小孩挺大,我也不知道对不对,反正也没有继续吃了。 我记得儿科医生说过多大的小孩不能喝蜂蜜,因为有激素。
营养充足,"零件"都长齐全了,function也work well , 足以。。。
晕,我一直有便秘的问题,怀孕也坚持喝,以后不喝了! 试试看每天早晨起来立刻空腹喝一大杯水,就是清水,最好是凉的,如果不习惯可以用温的,会促进胃肠蠕动,帮助排泄的 这个是给高血压老人的建议,因为便秘导致他们过度用力的话会很危险,早期喝水还可以减低血液粘稠度 孕妇是不是可以早期喝大量液体我不是很清楚,你问问你的ob
孕前每天早上一杯蜂蜜水,孕后我妈也说不能吃太多,她说现在的蜂蜜有激素,所以可能导致以后小孩挺大,我也不知道对不对,反正也没有继续吃了。 不是现在的蜂蜜,再天然的蜂蜜也有激素的,是花粉里面来的,使用花粉产品也要小心
那,还有什么也有类似调解内分泌功能可以平时喝,怀孕的时候不能喝的? 我觉得怀孕的时候,尽量吃一些正常的东西,三餐吃正常吃营养了,比什么都重要,再说不也有孕妇维生素吗。 喝的东西,我觉得没有什么比白水更安全的,饮料之类的东西,统统都不要多喝。 个人认为,调节内分泌的东西,怀孕的时候统统不能用。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-27 21:22:46编辑过]
以下是引用smilekaitlyn在2006-10-27 12:42:00的发言:
晕,我一直有便秘的问题,怀孕也坚持喝,以后不喝了! 试试看每天早晨起来立刻空腹喝一大杯水,就是清水,最好是凉的,如果不习惯可以用温的,会促进胃肠蠕动,帮助排泄的 这个是给高血压老人的建议,因为便秘导致他们过度用力的话会很危险,早期喝水还可以减低血液粘稠度 孕妇是不是可以早期喝大量液体我不是很清楚,你问问你的ob 早上小半杯的淡盐水,可以清洗肠胃,还可以消除口臭,对于便秘很有帮助。 我每试每灵,每次喝完半个小时就有便意。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-27 21:36:48编辑过]
Is this true? Just started drinking it recently.
孕期及宝宝一岁前都不能喝,蜂蜜里含有少量毒素。 1岁之内的婴幼儿最好不要喝蜂蜜。因为蜂蜜很容易遭受多种细菌的污染。婴幼儿胃肠功能尚未发展成熟,细菌并不能被彻底地灭除,还有可能在肠道中继续繁殖,并且分泌毒素。当吸收入身体内,就会破坏其脆弱的防御系统而致病。而成人抵抗力较佳,服用蜂蜜则不会有问题。
国内外都曾经有幼儿食用蜂蜜而致病的案例发生,尤其是属于“肉毒杆菌”的污染最为严重,它可以释放出特殊的神经毒素,造成幼儿呕吐、神智不清、语言障碍、吞咽以及呼吸困难、视力模糊等。 同理,孕妇也不宜喝蜂蜜。当然没那么严格,不过道理是一样的。孕期身体内负担加重,最好不要服食蜂蜜,以免影响胎儿。
非常对,最好不要和. 喝蜂蜜宝宝长得大?是不是因为激素的关系?? 像现在的的养殖业喂激素长得快?瞎猜的,别拍!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 2:03:24编辑过]
Many parents know that it is not safe to give honey to a baby younger
than one year of age. The reason that this is advised is because honey
can contain the botulinum spore that in the proper environment may cause
the deadly food poisoning botulism. Acid will inhibit the spore from
growing and producing the botulism toxin. A baby's immature digestive
system is not yet acidic enough to inhibit the toxin from being
produced, whereas the digestive system of an older baby and adults is.
In other words, the baby's digestive tract provides a nice warm,
air-free, low-acid environment where botulinum spores just love to grow.
When it grows it will produce the toxin. The toxin produced by the
spore is the danger.
A pregnant mom can safely eat honey. Her digestive tract is acidic,
and will prevent a botulinum spore from growing -- no toxin will be
produced. There is no danger to the fetus from the mom-to-be eating
honey or honey-containing foods.
还有在baby center里也有讨论,大家可以直接去看:
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 20:00:38编辑过]