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The Benefits of Marijuana: Physical, Psychological and Spiritual
by Joan Bello

Risks and Benefits of Marijuana Use
A National Survey of U.S. Adults

Setting: United States, 2017.

Participants: 16 280 U.S. adults.

The response rate was 55.3% (n = 9003). Approximately
14.6% of U.S. adults reported using marijuana in the past
year. About 81% of U.S. adults believe marijuana has at least 1
benefit, whereas 17% believe it has no benefit. The most common
benefit cited was pain management (66%), followed by
treatment of diseases, such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis
(48%), and relief from anxiety, stress, and depression (47%).
About 91% of U.S. adults believe marijuana has at least 1 risk,
whereas 9% believe it has no risks. The most common risk identified
by the public was legal problems (51.8%), followed by addiction
(50%) and impaired memory (42%). Among U.S. adults,
29.2% agree that smoking marijuana prevents health problems.
About 18% believe exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke is
somewhat or completely safe for adults, whereas 7.6% indicated
that it is somewhat or completely safe for children. Of the respondents,
7.3% agree that marijuana use is somewhat or completely
safe during pregnancy. About 22.4% of U.S. adults believe
that marijuana is not at all addictive.
Limitation: Wording of the questions may have affected interpretation.

Conclusion: Americans' view of marijuana use is more favorable
than existing evidence supports.
