上周五早上带娃打了flu shot然后送到幼儿园,还在上班路上就接到老师信息,说发现孩子不能转脖子,"She won't turn her neck. She turns her upper torso to look at something. She hasn't fallen here to cause this. This concerns me and I wanted you to know.". 赶紧请假带去看儿医。儿医简单看了一下说应该跟flu shot没关系,感觉脖子那里stiff,说很可能就是肌肉抻着了,pulled muscles,让给点tylenol,说过两三天应该就好了。后来我们看周五早上录的视频,早上起来的时候似乎就不转脖子了,只是我们忙着收拾,没注意到,自责。然后回忆一下,周四晚上换尿布的她很抗拒,哭得厉害,可能那个时候就有问题了,因为放平的时候头往后坠抻到脖子。当时以为她就是困了闹觉,没想到可能是不舒服。每天从幼儿园接过来之后都跟打仗一样给她热饭收拾,所以周四下午接回来的时候也没注意到是不是已经有症状了,真的很自责。(她的主老师每天负责9-3pm,3点以后就在aftercare混班,几个其他老师看着一堆孩子)。
到今天都礼拜二了,没觉得什么好转。老师给总结了几条:1.She cries every time she falls - this is unusual for her. She never used to do this unless it was a "bad" fall and that was seldom. 2. She cries when I lay her down on the changing table unless I support her neck. 3. She is still moving her whole torso to see something not just her neck. 4. She has a hard time looking up at me when I am standing. She generally won't move her head to look up, just her eyes.
sometimes stiff neck is caused by infection, including the flu. you need to bring the kid to pediatrician maybe for bloodwork. sometimes the infection could be serious. bless the baby!!
我们上周也是day care 突然哭起来 老师不知道怎么了 晚上接回家我发现脖子动不了了 过了快一周才完全好
不过 你要是不放心去看下医生排除下病毒感染之类的
上周五早上带娃打了flu shot然后送到幼儿园,还在上班路上就接到老师信息,说发现孩子不能转脖子,"She won't turn her neck. She turns her upper torso to look at something. She hasn't fallen here to cause this. This concerns me and I wanted you to know.". 赶紧请假带去看儿医。儿医简单看了一下说应该跟flu shot没关系,感觉脖子那里stiff,说很可能就是肌肉抻着了,pulled muscles,让给点tylenol,说过两三天应该就好了。后来我们看周五早上录的视频,早上起来的时候似乎就不转脖子了,只是我们忙着收拾,没注意到,自责。然后回忆一下,周四晚上换尿布的她很抗拒,哭得厉害,可能那个时候就有问题了,因为放平的时候头往后坠抻到脖子。当时以为她就是困了闹觉,没想到可能是不舒服。每天从幼儿园接过来之后都跟打仗一样给她热饭收拾,所以周四下午接回来的时候也没注意到是不是已经有症状了,真的很自责。(她的主老师每天负责9-3pm,3点以后就在aftercare混班,几个其他老师看着一堆孩子)。 到今天都礼拜二了,没觉得什么好转。老师给总结了几条:1.She cries every time she falls - this is unusual for her. She never used to do this unless it was a "bad" fall and that was seldom. 2. She cries when I lay her down on the changing table unless I support her neck. 3. She is still moving her whole torso to see something not just her neck. 4. She has a hard time looking up at me when I am standing. She generally won't move her head to look up, just her eyes. 本来以为就是晚上睡觉的时候姿势不对抻着了,结果好几天了还没好,有点担心了。已经约了后天再去看医生,看医生之前想问问网友有没有听过或经历过类似的情况?有没有可能是受了什么伤?感觉儿医属于心很大的那种,后天看的时候能建议做什么额外的检查吗?非常感谢!
到今天都礼拜二了,没觉得什么好转。老师给总结了几条:1.She cries every time she falls - this is unusual for her. She never used to do this unless it was a "bad" fall and that was seldom. 2. She cries when I lay her down on the changing table unless I support her neck. 3. She is still moving her whole torso to see something not just her neck. 4. She has a hard time looking up at me when I am standing. She generally won't move her head to look up, just her eyes.
唉,批评得对,我们已经很自责了。她除了换尿布的时候跟平时没什么区别,不哭不闹,我们忙着收拾做饭她在旁边自己玩,然后我们一块看书玩玩具也没注意到,周五早上还跟国内老人视频了,老人也没注意到,早上去打flu shot的时候护士也没注意到。四条总结是我说了要再去看医生,老师主动说帮我写一下的。唉,还是我们太粗心了
sometimes stiff neck is caused by infection, including the flu. you need to bring the kid to pediatrician maybe for bloodwork. sometimes the infection could be serious. bless the baby!!
多谢mm! 她睡觉翻来翻去的,有时候就挤在小床一个角落里歪着睡,我们也怀疑过是不是落枕了,不过这么多天了还没好有点着急了
最近我家娃喉咙痛,诊断是Strep throat, 在下面写着如果发现有stiff neck要赶紧约娃的儿医或者送ER进一步检查。所以stiff neck也可能是有炎症导致的。 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.14.05
不过 你要是不放心去看下医生排除下病毒感染之类的
上周五早上带娃打了flu shot然后送到幼儿园,还在上班路上就接到老师信息,说发现孩子不能转脖子,"She won't turn her neck. She turns her upper torso to look at something. She hasn't fallen here to cause this. This concerns me and I wanted you to know.". 赶紧请假带去看儿医。儿医简单看了一下说应该跟flu shot没关系,感觉脖子那里stiff,说很可能就是肌肉抻着了,pulled muscles,让给点tylenol,说过两三天应该就好了。后来我们看周五早上录的视频,早上起来的时候似乎就不转脖子了,只是我们忙着收拾,没注意到,自责。然后回忆一下,周四晚上换尿布的她很抗拒,哭得厉害,可能那个时候就有问题了,因为放平的时候头往后坠抻到脖子。当时以为她就是困了闹觉,没想到可能是不舒服。每天从幼儿园接过来之后都跟打仗一样给她热饭收拾,所以周四下午接回来的时候也没注意到是不是已经有症状了,真的很自责。(她的主老师每天负责9-3pm,3点以后就在aftercare混班,几个其他老师看着一堆孩子)。
到今天都礼拜二了,没觉得什么好转。老师给总结了几条:1.She cries every time she falls - this is unusual for her. She never used to do this unless it was a "bad" fall and that was seldom. 2. She cries when I lay her down on the changing table unless I support her neck. 3. She is still moving her whole torso to see something not just her neck. 4. She has a hard time looking up at me when I am standing. She generally won't move her head to look up, just her eyes.