
楼主 (北美华人网)

Hard & Soft Water States: https://www.johnsonwater.com/hard-water-states-illinois/
Very Soft Water States There are a few different areas in the United States where very soft water tends to run rampant. These areas include the Southeast, the Northeast, and the Northwest. States that can be classified as very soft water states include Washington, Oregon, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and New York. In most cases, people in these states do not have to worry about softening their water. Though their water will contain some calcium and magnesium, there usually isn’t enough to have any noticeable impact. Soft Water States This next group of states typically has fairly soft water. In a great many cases, individuals in these states will not require the use of a water softener. There isn’t much of a geographical pattern with these particular states. They are spread out randomly across the country. These soft water states include Hawaii, Alaska, North Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Hard Water States Next up are the hard water states. The water in these states is not necessarily the hardest water in the country, but it’s still usually hard enough to necessitate the utilization of a water softener. This is the group in which the State of Illinois can reasonably be placed. Different parts of the state oscillate between hard water and very hard water, with more hard water located toward the southern portions of the state, and more very hard water located toward the northern portions of the state. Other states that fall into this group include Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, and Ohio. Very Hard Water States The last group of states we’ll discuss are the very hard water states. People living in these states will almost always have to utilize a water softener in order to do away with the negative effects of hard water. The Southwest is home to a great deal of very hard water. New Mexico, Utah, and the western half of Texas are all hammered with calcium and magnesium. Some of the other very hard water states include Wisconsin, Indiana, and Florida.


six metro areas are known for having some of the hardest water in the country:
Las Vegas
Minneapolis-St. Paul
San Antonio

source: https://homewater101.com/look-hard-water-across-us
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