UPDATE :暂停 困苦姐弟家庭的捐助安排

楼主 (北美华人网)


这是个人道主义问题,看看美国如何解决。 美国政府社安局回答失去父母的孩子得到的照顾。除去联邦政府外,州政府及county 等部门都有机构帮助。

“Social Security is here for young people when a parent passes away. We know that the loss of a parent isn’t just emotionally painful; it can be devastating to a family’s finances. In the same way that Social Security helps to lift up the disabled and elderly when they need it, we support families when an income-earning parent dies.

In 2017, we distributed an average of $2.6 billion each month to benefit about 4.2 million children because one or both of their parents are disabled, retired, or deceased. Those dollars help to provide the necessities of life and help make it possible for those children to complete high school.

You might ask, who can get child’s benefits? Your unmarried child can get benefits if they’re:

Younger than age 18;
18-19 years old and a full-time student (no higher than grade 12); or
18 or older with a disability that began before age 22.”