I contacted Breville about over two years ago about the plastic used to make their products and the Breville BTM800XL in particular. According to them, the plastic which touches the water is BPA-free plastic. After doing some research on BPA-free plastic, I found that the manufacturer of this plastic will not reveal anything about the plastic except that it is BPA-free. They refuse to disclose the materials which go into making it and they refuse to discuss whether there may be any toxins in it. They will not assure us that there are no other toxins in the plastic beyond the lack of BPA. I called Breville once again and they just kept telling me that it is BPA-free but seemed unconcerned about the fact that the manufacturer of the plastic refuses to disclose any details about the content of the plastic. Breville very quickly became rude even though I asked my questions in a respectful manner. They wanted no more discussion of it. I was very disappointed in their lack of concern in this matter. The Breville BTM800XL is a great concept in electric tea makers. It's all stainless steel and glass (safe materials) except for the plastic on the tea leaf basket which rides up and down inside the boiling water. Couldn't they have put in a little extra effort to use stainless steel or titanium instead of a mystery plastic so that no one would have an objection to this tea maker? see less By A. L. on September 28, 2014
I contacted Breville about over two years ago about the plastic used to make their products and the Breville BTM800XL in particular. According to them, the plastic which touches the water is BPA-free plastic. After doing some research on BPA-free plastic, I found that the manufacturer of this plastic will not reveal anything about the plastic except that it is BPA-free. They refuse to disclose the materials which go into making it and they refuse to discuss whether there may be any toxins in it. They will not assure us that there are no other toxins in the plastic beyond the lack of BPA. I called Breville once again and they just kept telling me that it is BPA-free but seemed unconcerned about the fact that the manufacturer of the plastic refuses to disclose any details about the content of the plastic. Breville very quickly became rude even though I asked my questions in a respectful manner. They wanted no more discussion of it. I was very disappointed in their lack of concern in this matter. The Breville BTM800XL is a great concept in electric tea makers. It's all stainless steel and glass (safe materials) except for the plastic on the tea leaf basket which rides up and down inside the boiling water. Couldn't they have put in a little extra effort to use stainless steel or titanium instead of a mystery plastic so that no one would have an objection to this tea maker? see less By A. L. on September 28, 2014
Electric Auto Hot Water Dispenser - Instant Fast Heating Coil Water Boiler More Simple Then Water Kettles Pots Clear Water Tank Measuring Fill Water Up To 2.17 Liter NutriChef PKHTWTR46
target正在有15%small appliance的折扣,加上红卡还有5% off
可惜不能保温,所以我还有一个美的的hot water dispenser,
我在amazon买的叫secura的壶都是stainless steel。包括过滤嘴那里也是。只不过外边塑料所以看起来没那么高级。楼上pop推荐的也是这个牌子,当时是在amazon review里看到别人推荐的
正在考虑买costco那个壶呢。黄黄的那一圈跟水接触? 不是玻璃的吗?
感谢分享! ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
好壶!长得既像那狂风中的杨柳,又像一位妖娆的印度舞者。 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
这个壶好,上次可能就是mm推荐的?确实全不锈钢,也没有长壶嘴碍事(厨房台子上小家电好多(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
Costco那个壶烧完塑料味太重 用了几次忍不了退了
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.14.05
我也是担心电水壶接触水的部分是塑料,已经用了很多年传统的,炉子上的不锈钢水壶了。其实ok, 烧水(不需要灌满)几分钟。需要的时候,随时烧水,趁机活动下。
他家新款里外都是不锈钢的前阵子dealofday才27刀 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
Are the plastic components BPA free? Why do you have plastic components?
I contacted Breville about over two years ago about the plastic used to make their products and the Breville BTM800XL in particular. According to them, the plastic which touches the water is BPA-free plastic. After doing some research on BPA-free plastic, I found that the manufacturer of this plastic will not reveal anything about the plastic except that it is BPA-free. They refuse to disclose the materials which go into making it and they refuse to discuss whether there may be any toxins in it. They will not assure us that there are no other toxins in the plastic beyond the lack of BPA. I called Breville once again and they just kept telling me that it is BPA-free but seemed unconcerned about the fact that the manufacturer of the plastic refuses to disclose any details about the content of the plastic. Breville very quickly became rude even though I asked my questions in a respectful manner. They wanted no more discussion of it. I was very disappointed in their lack of concern in this matter. The Breville BTM800XL is a great concept in electric tea makers. It's all stainless steel and glass (safe materials) except for the plastic on the tea leaf basket which rides up and down inside the boiling water. Couldn't they have put in a little extra effort to use stainless steel or titanium instead of a mystery plastic so that no one would have an objection to this tea maker? see less
By A. L. on September 28, 2014
推荐fellow 的电水壶,精准温度,眉毛大气,且可以直接手冲咖啡
水的问题 我们以前用brita过滤水 也有 现在用Poland spring 没有了