career thoughts

楼主 (北美华人网)
At a career crossroad, I need to clear my head and do some serious soul searching.

Should I continue my current career or should I switch to a different direction and start over again?

How can I make a reasonable decision that can build on my strength and interests and also have a long term potential to work for another 10-20 years?

Or is this a mid-career and middle-age crisis?
What is your advice to women starting their own careers?

Figure out what motivates you and carve out time, even just a little bit, to cultivate that interest. Also, don’t be afraid to delegate (I don't cook most of the food my family eats) and find your allies. Work is so fascinating and fun, but also demanding, so it is important to find your tribe, cultivate other interests, and balance your work.
What movtivates me today? Check ways of making money and evalute risk/reward/time/credentials. hahaha.

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