竞逐 2020 年诺贝尔和平奖

楼主 (北美华人网)
挪威自由党成员 Guri Melby 已提名全体香港人竞逐 2020 年的诺贝尔和平奖!她说:“因为他们正在争取自己的基本权利,例如言论自由、民主以及法治”。她又指香港人所做的远远超过为了香港本身,而且影响着世界其他地区。


Guri Melby nominates the people of Hong Kong for the Nobel Peace Prize 2020 for their fight for freedom of speech, democracy and the rule of law.
Publisert 16. oktober 2019 av Thomas Lien
Since June, millions of people have been protesting in the streets of Hong Kong. The demonstrations began as a demand that the extradition bill would be scrapped, but in recent months the focus of the movement has shifted to Hong Kong’s right to self-determination and its own political system.

– That fight deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, says Guri Melby, Member of Parliament from the Liberal Party of Norway.

Messages left by protesters displayed on the wall of the Hong Kong Government Complex in Admiralty, Hong Kong

– I have nominated the Hong Kong people for the Peace Prize in 2020 because they are fighting for fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, democracy and the rule of law. What they do matters far beyond Hong Kong itself, both in the region and in the rest of the world, she says.

The demonstration movement has no leadership, and all discussions and decisions take place on online discussion groups. That is why Melby chose to nominate the entire population instead of promoting a single individual.

– In the nomination I emphasize that the nomination goes to the “Extradition-movement” of Hong Kong. I recently visited the city, and most of the people I talked to were very keen to emphasize that this is a people’s movement, she says.

China warns Hong Kong
When protesters in Hong Kong recently were told that it was forbidden to cover their faces while protesting, most people reacted strongly.

Xi Jinping has chosen to keep a close eye on the demonstrations. Until Sunday. In a speech during a state visit to Nepal, he sent the protesters a clear warning:

“Anyone trying to split a region from China will be lost. Their bodies will be crushed and their bones will be dusted,”the party official said, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

He did not mention Hong Kong directly, but the warning has been interpreted as a strong signal to the protesters there – despite having made it clear that they do not want independence from China.

In April, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam presented a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be extradited to other countries, including China. The proposal triggered major demonstrations in Hong Kong. Many were also angry because leaders from the 2014 demonstrations were sentenced to prison. The demonstrations continued through the spring and peaked on June 16, when an estimated two million people took part in the protests. There are around 7.5 million people living in Hong Kong.

Police have severely cracked down on several demonstrations, and more than 2,400 people have been arrested. The police’s harsh treatment has sparked intense rage.

The protesters operate without a clear lead. Many believe that the struggle stands for Hong Kong survival as a Chinese region with a unique degree of self-government, freedom of speech and democracy.

In September, Carrie Lam withdrew the contentious bill, but protesters have agreed that they will not comply until the rest of their demands are met.

Hopes the nomination can be an encouragement
At the same time, the police are strongly criticized for their harsh treatment of protesters. 2,400 people have been arrested since June.

Melby hopes the nomination can serve as an encouragement for the protesters.

Melby was denied entry to the Norwegian parliament in May because she wore a Chinese T-shirt for “freedom” during a high-profile visit from a powerful Chinese politician.

– I wish all the people I met in Hong Kong, and everyone else, to remain safe.

回复 3楼9wan的帖子 提名诺贝尔和平奖不是荣誉吗? 怎么又成了搞乱中国?
回复 3楼9wan的帖子[/url]

en010272 发表于 10/16/2019 8:44:48 AM

因为达赖喇嘛 刘晓波都拿过这个奖
回复 5楼henshuhen的帖子 达赖喇嘛 刘晓波不都是中国人吗? 光荣啊!