step-by-step instruction to buy US Treasury Bills on Fidelity: 点Trade; 选Fixed Income; 点Search Inventory; US Treasury tab, Type 选 bills 在出来的表里面,注意选择合适的maturity,yield to worst 是你能拿到的年利率
step-by-step instruction to buy US Treasury Bills on Fidelity: 点Trade; 选Fixed Income; 点Search Inventory; US Treasury tab, Type 选 bills 在出来的表里面,注意选择合适的maturity,yield to worst 是你能拿到的年利率 purplebasil 发表于 5/1/2019 10:01:25 AM
1. All investments should be objective based and horizon based. 今天的投资是为了明天的消费. 消费时间和数量因人而异. 以下我简化成short-term(1yr to 5yr, 譬如计划买房), mid-term (5-20yr, 譬如小孩大学学费), long-term (20yr+, 譬如退休和子孙后代). 更短的请set up emergency fund. 个人情况请自行组合和interpolate.
2. Risk and return should be adjusted to the targeted horizon. 譬如你确定这笔钱要20年后用, 今天的投资组合要考虑整个20年的风险和回报, 不要误用短期的measure. 短期的风险和长期的风险和回报都不一样. 一般的熊市也就一两年不会超过五年, 想navigate熊市不需要提前20年, 但你要两年内用大笔钱, 要想想如果今天熊市就开始你怎么办.
3. Investment should be as tax efficient as possible. 要搞清楚不同income source的tax structure, 哪些fund是ordinary dividend (e.g. most bond funds), qualified dividend (e.g. most large cap stocks), or exempt dividend (e.g. Muni), 哪些fund是derivative-based. 然后决定哪些放到taxable account, 那些放到tax deferred (e.g. 401k), 那些放到tax exempt (e.g. Roth IRA/401k, 529). Taxable account什么情况下claim capital loss, 尽量用new money rebalance, 不到用钱尽量不要sell existing positions.
4. Your portfolio should be adjusted to your own inflation. 譬如你40%的消费在美国外, 可以适当多用international fund对冲一下. 你退休后打算周游世界, 可以适当overweight相关sector.
5. No market timing. Long-term investments should have as low expense ratio as possible. Short-term investments should be as liquid as possible. Use low-commission funds for frequent rebalancing. 下面的例子我全部用Fidelity和iShare commission-free ETFs, 7 funds each.
1. All investments should be objective based and horizon based. 今天的投资是为了明天的消费. 消费时间和数量因人而异. 以下我简化成short-term(1yr to 5yr, 譬如计划买房), mid-term (5-20yr, 譬如小孩大学学费), long-term (20yr+, 譬如退休和子孙后代). 更短的请set up emergency fund. 个人情况请自行组合和interpolate.
2. Risk and return should be adjusted to the targeted horizon. 譬如你确定这笔钱要20年后用, 今天的投资组合要考虑整个20年的风险和回报, 不要误用短期的measure. 短期的风险和长期的风险和回报都不一样. 一般的熊市也就一两年不会超过五年, 想navigate熊市不需要提前20年, 但你要两年内用大笔钱, 要想想如果今天熊市就开始你怎么办.
3. Investment should be as tax efficient as possible. 要搞清楚不同income source的tax structure, 哪些fund是ordinary dividend (e.g. most bond funds), qualified dividend (e.g. most large cap stocks), or exempt dividend (e.g. Muni), 哪些fund是derivative-based. 然后决定哪些放到taxable account, 那些放到tax deferred (e.g. 401k), 那些放到tax exempt (e.g. Roth IRA/401k, 529). Taxable account什么情况下claim capital loss, 尽量用new money rebalance, 不到用钱尽量不要sell existing positions.
4. Your portfolio should be adjusted to your own inflation. 譬如你40%的消费在美国外, 可以适当多用international fund对冲一下. 你退休后打算周游世界, 可以适当overweight相关sector.
5. No market timing. Long-term investments should have as low expense ratio as possible. Short-term investments should be as liquid as possible. Use low-commission funds for frequent rebalancing. 下面的例子我全部用Fidelity和iShare commission-free ETFs, 7 funds each.
1. All investments should be objective based and horizon based. 今天的投资是为了明天的消费. 消费时间和数量因人而异. 以下我简化成short-term(1yr to 5yr, 譬如计划买房), mid-term (5-20yr, 譬如小孩大学学费), long-term (20yr+, 譬如退休和子孙后代). 更短的请set up emergency fund. 个人情况请自行组合和interpolate.
2. Risk and return should be adjusted to the targeted horizon. 譬如你确定这笔钱要20年后用, 今天的投资组合要考虑整个20年的风险和回报, 不要误用短期的measure. 短期的风险和长期的风险和回报都不一样. 一般的熊市也就一两年不会超过五年, 想navigate熊市不需要提前20年, 但你要两年内用大笔钱, 要想想如果今天熊市就开始你怎么办.
3. Investment should be as tax efficient as possible. 要搞清楚不同income source的tax structure, 哪些fund是ordinary dividend (e.g. most bond funds), qualified dividend (e.g. most large cap stocks), or exempt dividend (e.g. Muni), 哪些fund是derivative-based. 然后决定哪些放到taxable account, 那些放到tax deferred (e.g. 401k), 那些放到tax exempt (e.g. Roth IRA/401k, 529). Taxable account什么情况下claim capital loss, 尽量用new money rebalance, 不到用钱尽量不要sell existing positions.
4. Your portfolio should be adjusted to your own inflation. 譬如你40%的消费在美国外, 可以适当多用international fund对冲一下. 你退休后打算周游世界, 可以适当overweight相关sector.
5. No market timing. Long-term investments should have as low expense ratio as possible. Short-term investments should be as liquid as possible. Use low-commission funds for frequent rebalancing. 下面的例子我全部用Fidelity和iShare commission-free ETFs, 7 funds each.
1. All investments should be objective based and horizon based. 今天的投资是为了明天的消费. 消费时间和数量因人而异. 以下我简化成short-term(1yr to 5yr, 譬如计划买房), mid-term (5-20yr, 譬如小孩大学学费), long-term (20yr+, 譬如退休和子孙后代). 更短的请set up emergency fund. 个人情况请自行组合和interpolate.
2. Risk and return should be adjusted to the targeted horizon. 譬如你确定这笔钱要20年后用, 今天的投资组合要考虑整个20年的风险和回报, 不要误用短期的measure. 短期的风险和长期的风险和回报都不一样. 一般的熊市也就一两年不会超过五年, 想navigate熊市不需要提前20年, 但你要两年内用大笔钱, 要想想如果今天熊市就开始你怎么办.
3. Investment should be as tax efficient as possible. 要搞清楚不同income source的tax structure, 哪些fund是ordinary dividend (e.g. most bond funds), qualified dividend (e.g. most large cap stocks), or exempt dividend (e.g. Muni), 哪些fund是derivative-based. 然后决定哪些放到taxable account, 那些放到tax deferred (e.g. 401k), 那些放到tax exempt (e.g. Roth IRA/401k, 529). Taxable account什么情况下claim capital loss, 尽量用new money rebalance, 不到用钱尽量不要sell existing positions.
4. Your portfolio should be adjusted to your own inflation. 譬如你40%的消费在美国外, 可以适当多用international fund对冲一下. 你退休后打算周游世界, 可以适当overweight相关sector.
5. No market timing. Long-term investments should have as low expense ratio as possible. Short-term investments should be as liquid as possible. Use low-commission funds for frequent rebalancing. 下面的例子我全部用Fidelity和iShare commission-free ETFs, 7 funds each.
在reddit, bogleheads上从来没遇到过回帖就是一句冷嘲热讽的,不过这种华人论坛倒是很常见,说啥好呢。不过我从来不在乎,脸皮厚,当中国人几十年,早练出来了。而且基本上这类回帖的人一般看不太懂,也说不出啥,无厘头来一句其实是自悲的表现,我一般都当笑话看,你ID叫CME也没用。这种人其实还不如坑王这种直接一些。你也不用回我贴了,你想交流也没机会了。 keynorth01 发表于 5/2/2019 12:24:55 AM [/url]
请教一下state tax on muni ETF。municipal bond 不用交联邦税,很多州的居民如果买本州发行的muni也不需要交州税。不知道ETF是如何处理的呢?比如你前面贴的MUB是一只municipal bond ETF,里面有CA,NY,NJ,GA 等好几个州的,如果我在NY,收到$100的dividend,有多少应该报州税呢?我猜是按各州比例报税,but not sure.
step-by-step instruction to buy US Treasury Bills on Fidelity: 点Trade; 选Fixed Income; 点Search Inventory; US Treasury tab, Type 选 bills 在出来的表里面,注意选择合适的maturity,yield to worst 是你能拿到的年利率 purplebasil 发表于 5/1/2019 10:01:25 AM
请教一下state tax on muni ETF。municipal bond 不用交联邦税,很多州的居民如果买本州发行的muni也不需要交州税。不知道ETF是如何处理的呢?比如你前面贴的MUB是一只municipal bond ETF,里面有CA,NY,NJ,GA 等好几个州的,如果我在NY,收到$100的dividend,有多少应该报州税呢?我猜是按各州比例报税,but not sure.
1. All investments should be objective based and horizon based. 今天的投资是为了明天的消费. 消费时间和数量因人而异. 以下我简化成short-term(1yr to 5yr, 譬如计划买房), mid-term (5-20yr, 譬如小孩大学学费), long-term (20yr+, 譬如退休和子孙后代). 更短的请set up emergency fund. 个人情况请自行组合和interpolate.
2. Risk and return should be adjusted to the targeted horizon. 譬如你确定这笔钱要20年后用, 今天的投资组合要考虑整个20年的风险和回报, 不要误用短期的measure. 短期的风险和长期的风险和回报都不一样. 一般的熊市也就一两年不会超过五年, 想navigate熊市不需要提前20年, 但你要两年内用大笔钱, 要想想如果今天熊市就开始你怎么办.
3. Investment should be as tax efficient as possible. 要搞清楚不同income source的tax structure, 哪些fund是ordinary dividend (e.g. most bond funds), qualified dividend (e.g. most large cap stocks), or exempt dividend (e.g. Muni), 哪些fund是derivative-based. 然后决定哪些放到taxable account, 那些放到tax deferred (e.g. 401k), 那些放到tax exempt (e.g. Roth IRA/401k, 529). Taxable account什么情况下claim capital loss, 尽量用new money rebalance, 不到用钱尽量不要sell existing positions.
4. Your portfolio should be adjusted to your own inflation. 譬如你40%的消费在美国外, 可以适当多用international fund对冲一下. 你退休后打算周游世界, 可以适当overweight相关sector.
5. No market timing. Long-term investments should have as low expense ratio as possible. Short-term investments should be as liquid as possible. Use low-commission funds for frequent rebalancing. 下面的例子我全部用Fidelity和iShare commission-free ETFs, 7 funds each.
Zero Funds的收费如何啊?
这些zero funds比 sp 500还好吗? 另外,现在都在高点,是购买的最佳时机吗?还是再等等?
才2.4%?那为什么不搞1YR CD,FDIC up to 250k, 到处都是高于2.4%的。
price是设置market,还是设置成limit某个数? 这个某个数填多少比较好?谢谢!
为什么我的不让我选market order? 那一项是灰的,不让选。
Voo 是 vanguard 跟随 spy 500 的etf,对应的ishares 出的叫ivv( fidelity 买免手续费),管理费都很低,你看自己用的平台的手续费来决定吧,差不多
UNITED STATES TREAS NTS NOTE 1.37500% 07/31/2019
different maturity (从发行那天算起):
bills: < 1 year
notes: 2-10 years
bonds: > 10 years
bill 一般都是没有coupon的,面值100的bill发行的时候价格会低于100,比如98块,到期的时候你拿回100。
买bill的时候,留意两个数据:maturity和yield to worst。就是到期时间和你拿到的年利。
yield to worst = 2.421
step-by-step instruction to buy US Treasury Bills on Fidelity:
选Fixed Income;
点Search Inventory;
US Treasury tab, Type 选 bills
在出来的表里面,注意选择合适的maturity,yield to worst 是你能拿到的年利率
适合年纪大的人投资, low risk low return, capital appreciation is only its secondary goal. 而且这个fund很小啊!expense ratio = 17 bps
你知道IVV的expense ratio是多少么?4 bps.
这样啊,回去查查,多谢 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
Mark, mark.............
Did you scroll all the way down? 虽然这个的确跟帐户有关,treasury bills这么低风险的东西不应该被限制的。你倒是有权限交易option -- 这个option是需要申请才有的。
403 only for mutual funds?
为什么今天看的,有的maturity date 就是2019, 5月,难道马上就可以取出拿利息吗?还有个coupon ,是什么意思?
亲,这个是年利率,你实际拿到手的钱跟时间有关系啊!你要是就捏在手里一个月,那收益就是这个yield除以12。。。基本上等于零。你这个马上就到期了,没什么搞头。买这种短期国债适合的是需要流动性的人,hold的时间很短,不会一套就是一年两年,但是比放枕头底下多点苍蝇肉。一般说来,短期的利率比长期要低,但是现在yield curve很平,所以买短期比买长期合适。
1. All investments should be objective based and horizon based. 今天的投资是为了明天的消费. 消费时间和数量因人而异. 以下我简化成short-term(1yr to 5yr, 譬如计划买房), mid-term (5-20yr, 譬如小孩大学学费), long-term (20yr+, 譬如退休和子孙后代). 更短的请set up emergency fund. 个人情况请自行组合和interpolate.
2. Risk and return should be adjusted to the targeted horizon. 譬如你确定这笔钱要20年后用, 今天的投资组合要考虑整个20年的风险和回报, 不要误用短期的measure. 短期的风险和长期的风险和回报都不一样. 一般的熊市也就一两年不会超过五年, 想navigate熊市不需要提前20年, 但你要两年内用大笔钱, 要想想如果今天熊市就开始你怎么办.
3. Investment should be as tax efficient as possible. 要搞清楚不同income source的tax structure, 哪些fund是ordinary dividend (e.g. most bond funds), qualified dividend (e.g. most large cap stocks), or exempt dividend (e.g. Muni), 哪些fund是derivative-based. 然后决定哪些放到taxable account, 那些放到tax deferred (e.g. 401k), 那些放到tax exempt (e.g. Roth IRA/401k, 529). Taxable account什么情况下claim capital loss, 尽量用new money rebalance, 不到用钱尽量不要sell existing positions.
4. Your portfolio should be adjusted to your own inflation. 譬如你40%的消费在美国外, 可以适当多用international fund对冲一下. 你退休后打算周游世界, 可以适当overweight相关sector.
5. No market timing. Long-term investments should have as low expense ratio as possible. Short-term investments should be as liquid as possible. Use low-commission funds for frequent rebalancing. 下面的例子我全部用Fidelity和iShare commission-free ETFs, 7 funds each.
6. 不同的家庭收入不同, 消费观念不同, 风险承受能力不同, 最优方案也不同. 我尽量target华人论坛的主体, 假设24% tax bracket,100% US domicile, 60% taxable, 40% tax-advantage.
7. 记住最重要的两个词, discipline and rebalance. 投资是持久战, 越简单越好, 但定下的计划就要执行. 至少每年算一下自己的组合, rebalance to target weight. 有条件的每季度甚至每个月rebalance.
a. Long-term portfolio (20yr+)
Part1 60% Taxable
40% IVV
10% IXUS
10% MUB
Part2 40% Tax-advantage
10% IUSG
10% IJR
10% IJH
10% TLT
b. Mid-term portfolio (5-20yr)
Part1 60% Taxable
40% IVV
10% IXUS
10% MUB
Part2 40% Tax-advantage
10% IUSG
10% IAGG
10% AGG
10% TLT
c. Short-term portfolio (1-5yr)
Part1 60% Taxable
30% IVV
10% FUTY
10% FSTA
10% MUB
Part2 40% Tax-advantage
20% AGG
10% TLT
10% IEF
Claim: For entertainment only.
U.S. Treasury bills / notes / bonds 要交联邦税,不交州税和市税。municipal bonds 不用交联邦税,有些还不用交州税和市税,需要一个个地去看。但是muni 有 default 的风险。
Mark, mark...............
对的,你买了以后,帐户里会看见这个bill,到期会换成钱放进帐户里面。你本来99块买的,mature以后收到100,这个过程中你会看见这个bill 的价格慢慢地从99块变成100块。US Treasury 是世界上信用最高级别的债券,default风险几乎是零,bill 一共也就那么几个月,风险更小了。主要的风险是inflation,如果inflation高于yield的话,你就不划算,这个是所有low risk low return 投资的问题。本金和苍蝇肉倒是跑不掉的。
CDs offer a little bit higher yield. And CDs are FDIC insured up to $250k.
Mark !! ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
在reddit, bogleheads上从来没遇到过回帖就是一句冷嘲热讽的,不过这种华人论坛倒是很常见,说啥好呢。不过我从来不在乎,脸皮厚,当中国人几十年,早练出来了。而且基本上这类回帖的人一般看不太懂,也说不出啥,无厘头来一句其实是自悲的表现,我一般都当笑话看,你ID叫CME也没用。这种人其实还不如坑王这种直接一些。你也不用回我贴了,你想交流也没机会了。
请教一下state tax on muni ETF。municipal bond 不用交联邦税,很多州的居民如果买本州发行的muni也不需要交州税。不知道ETF是如何处理的呢?比如你前面贴的MUB是一只municipal bond ETF,里面有CA,NY,NJ,GA 等好几个州的,如果我在NY,收到$100的dividend,有多少应该报州税呢?我猜是按各州比例报税,but not sure.
mark 收藏
MUB包含所有50个州.我前面的模板就是提供个baseline. 个人按情况调整. 譬如加州居民可换成CMF, 纽约居民换成NYF, etc.