Where to buy? 1. from the store: babiesRus, ToysRus,etc. (reliable, east to return, you pay tax) 2. deals on line: www.babydealz.com (free shipping, much cheaper, no tax) (I bought from this website) www.specialtybaby.com/strolfrommac.html 个人觉得你可以先去店里看事物,挑到你喜欢的款式后去网上购买,毕竟网上的要便宜很多,这两个网站都有很多姐妹们去买过东西,服务不错,所以可放心购买。(偶不是托儿阿!) 如果想更省钱 ,比如现在买05年款,或明年初买06年款,和买大人的车一样!不过我总觉得新出来的款式颜色越来越鲜亮了,很抢眼!!想想如果使用率很高的话,买个新款漂亮的很值得啊,推出去宝宝也很风光阿!( 小虚荣一把) [此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-26 22:17:51编辑过]
For more reviews, go to: http://www.bobbysbest.com/category-baby-gear.html (Amy推荐) Bobby's Best www.bobbysbest.com is a great free resource for unbiased product reviews and buying tips. With each product, only a few "best picks" are recommended. Post questions to be answered or ask for advice on products that are not listed.
我好像多占了,AMY你发个话阿,还要补充点什么? 这个字数限制太烦人,好好一个表格我只好拆成2部分。 ========================== 你的旧贴,我帮你搬运一下: 看到大家这两天在热火朝天讨论travel system, 正好今天也有个准妈妈朋友来问我,偶来说说偶得心得吧!(不好意思,这段时间太忙,没怎么上网,生产日记还莫写好咧~~) 先声明哦,这只是我自己的一点心得而已,适用我的个人情况而已,我绝对没有说travel system不好,只是不适用我罢了,因为目前好像还没有看到这里的姐妹们讨论过这个我要说的东西,所以同时也想给准妈妈们多一个选择。 我在决定买car seat之前做了很多research, 不知道是要买单独的car seat & stroller还是买travel sysytem, 店里也去过好几次,总是没看到样式颜色都特别合适的travel system, they are so heavy together, and they take a lot of space,( for me, living in Boston, space 显得特别重要哈~ )倒是看上一些single stroller, light and cute. 我后来也常留意别的妈妈们带宝宝出去都用得什么,也问过不少人,发现大部分妈妈们都不太喜欢travel system,主要原因是太重了,不好handle, 这可能也是这里很多妈妈搭地铁时,搬上搬下的很不方便。我也觉得时,我觉得自己挺壮,挺有劲的了,可要搬那2个东西一起还是挺费劲的。 然后偶就发现了这个Snap 'N Go - Infant Car Seat Carrier 这玩艺非常轻,只要把你买的car seat架在上面就可以了,它针对各大市面上流通的品牌的car seat都适用。 这个店里卖50左右,我从网上买了8成新的旧的,花了20刀,(这个一般不会旧到哪里去,最多只用几个月。)然后配上自己买的car seat,推出去时非常轻便,主要这个infant car seat用几个月就不能用了,所以到时偶可以再挑一个自己喜欢的car seat。 然后偶看上的Maclaren 的 Stroller 正好是baby3个月以后用比较合适,就正好衔接上了。不知道我说明白了没有 听上去是不是很复杂,不过travel sysytem有它的好处就是比较扎实,也比较经济。 我目前用这个东西还挺满意,呵呵~~~ 大家可以来讨论讨论阿~~~ [此贴子已经被amychen106于2006-9-26 22:05:03编辑过]
General Information Babydealz is an independent company not affiliated with and/or authorized by some of the manufacturers of items we sell. Some of our items are not purchased directly from the official distributors but instead we buy it from different sources, bypassing additional distribution levels and additional costs. As these products are not covered by the manufacturers warranty we offer our own warranty which covers the same particulars the official warranty would cover. The only differences are that you'd ship the item to us for warranty service, and you need your Babydealz invoice instead of a warranty certificate. In most cases there's no difference between these two products. They have the same features and options. And the pass all safety specs for the USA or even more. They were manufactured side-by-side on the same assembly line by the same workers to the same tolerances using the same raw materials. They look, feel and perform the same because they are the same. Sometimes there are some differences and when there are we'll say so. For some items there are name differences. 是不是说她家的东西不是厂家保修,而且产品有时不那么“正宗”?好比国内说的外贸尾单?
I am looking at techno XLR and did a little research on Babydealz, so take your own risk... http://www.epinions.com/content_161163480708 "
To make a long story short, they are not an authorized Maclaren dealer and therefore the Maclaren warranty is void when purchased through them. My stroller was defective so I had to send it back to Babydealz where they had it repaired. (They did pay for shipping and didn't charge for the repair, since it was under 30 days.) But they during the time in which my stroller was supposed to be fixed, the store actually closed for two weeks! So I was without my double stroller for a month. The service I received was horrible and I am currently protesting the charges through my credit card company under the pretense that I received defective merchandise.
I have talked to Maclaren and they are very suspicious of this company and have spent a couple of years trying to figure out how Babydealz is getting their merchandise and selling it for so cheap.
Don't be lured in by their low prices. It is worth it to pay a little more and have the Maclaren name behind your purchase.
To read more about my experience with Babydealz and a review of the stroller, click here: http://www.michellescloset.com/2004/11/maclaren_twin_t.html "
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-26 22:09:45编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被amychen106于2006-9-26 22:05:03编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-26 17:32:08编辑过]
新车是当年9月左右就降价了,什么时候2006的techno才能再降点价呀?我都等了半年了 再不买,宝宝就要出来了。 关键是,冬天出来的宝宝,也没多少机会出门,如果现在买了20006的,用不了几次,过了几个月春暖花开了techno又降价了,我一定伤心死了 我也在死等,到时候有什么deal, 记着来吼一声。
前一段时间在costco看到techno的一款卖179, 觉得还是贵,没买。不知道是不是错过了。
以下是引用wintermelon在2006-9-26 19:03:00的发言:
前一段时间在costco看到techno的一款卖179, 觉得还是贵,没买。不知道是不是错过了。
我也没买,还要交税,不爽 去babydealz买吧,没税,有的还免shipping a.
蓝妈妈真是人民的好同志,向你学习!!! 别这么客气,我难得勤快一回,都是给Amy交的作业~~
以下是引用梵心在2006-9-26 21:00:00的发言:
蓝妈妈真是人民的好同志,向你学习!!! 别这么客气,我难得勤快一回,都是给Amy交的作业~~
以下是引用南瓜猫221在2006-9-26 21:06:00的发言:
以下是引用梵心在2006-9-26 21:00:00的发言:
蓝妈妈真是人民的好同志,向你学习!!! 别这么客气,我难得勤快一回,都是给Amy交的作业~~
这个跟oui前段时间败的那个pp3, 哪个好啊? pp3能用infant carseat, maclaren不可以。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-27 1:51:02编辑过]
以下是引用warmice在2006-9-27 1:48:00的发言:
这个跟oui前段时间败的那个pp3, 哪个好啊? pp3能用infant carseat, maclaren不可以。
以下是引用amychen106在2006-9-27 1:51:00的发言:
以下是引用warmice在2006-9-27 1:48:00的发言:
这个跟oui前段时间败的那个pp3, 哪个好啊? pp3能用infant carseat, maclaren不可以。
哦,明白了,那我还是买pp3吧。 具体型号你可以看看购物狂妹妹的帖子,她研究的很清楚
以下是引用warmice在2006-9-27 2:01:00的发言:
以下是引用amychen106在2006-9-27 1:51:00的发言:
以下是引用warmice在2006-9-27 1:48:00的发言:
这个跟oui前段时间败的那个pp3, 哪个好啊? pp3能用infant carseat, maclaren不可以。
哦,明白了,那我还是买pp3吧。 具体型号你可以看看购物狂妹妹的帖子,她研究的很清楚
以下是引用marie7927在2006-10-5 17:34:00的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-5 18:02:32编辑过]
marie7927mm, 不好意思啊,我怎么才看到这个跟贴,刚从外面回来。 听wispymm的吧,为了避免问题还是不要去这里买好了,虽然我是这里买的。 另外一个网站好像是不错的。
以下是引用南瓜猫221在2006-10-5 17:47:00的发言:
marie7927mm, 不好意思啊,我怎么才看到这个跟贴,刚从外面回来。 听wispymm的吧,为了避免问题还是不要去这里买好了,虽然我是这里买的。 另外一个网站好像是不错的。
南瓜猫mm,你的车子上面有serial# 么?我一直有这个疑问,不知道是不是只有我倒霉。
我看到白色的sticker上写着Quest 56.......(后面有些数字) ,不知道这个是不是serial#啊? 就是这个了。看来我果真不走运。。。
以下是引用warmice在2006-9-27 2:01:00的发言:
以下是引用amychen106在2006-9-27 1:51:00的发言:
以下是引用warmice在2006-9-27 1:48:00的发言:
这个跟oui前段时间败的那个pp3, 哪个好啊? pp3能用infant carseat, maclaren不可以。
哦,明白了,那我还是买pp3吧。 具体型号你可以看看购物狂妹妹的帖子,她研究的很清楚
多谢姐妹们的信息。我现在在Maclaren和P3之间拿不定主意。怎么在Baby R us看到的Maclaren都是没有tray table的,是都没有吗,还是optional的。宝宝快5个月了,倾向于techno. 看到Maclaren的review都很不错,不过看了实物觉得比P3还是要单薄一些,不知道大家有没有同感啊? 多谢了! 恩,的确没有tray table,因为当时我在波士顿,考虑到上下公车,地铁什么的,stroller能小则小,能轻便就轻便了。而且我个人觉得那个tray table也没多大用处,有个tray table放宝宝时进去也麻烦,这只是对我来讲啊,现在我们换伞车了,更简单了。 你还是看你的需要来决定!
Maclaren和P3 哪个比较好呢 有什么可比较的 点吗 看个人喜好了,我本人没用过P3,所以没有发言权。
To make a long story short, they are not an authorized Maclaren dealer
and therefore the Maclaren warranty is void when purchased through
them. My stroller was defective so I had to send it back to Babydealz
where they had it repaired. (They did pay for shipping and didn't
charge for the repair, since it was under 30 days.) But they during the
time in which my stroller was supposed to be fixed, the store actually
closed for two weeks! So I was without my double stroller for a month.
The service I received was horrible and I am currently protesting the
charges through my credit card company under the pretense that I
received defective merchandise.
I have talked to Maclaren and they are very suspicious of this
company and have spent a couple of years trying to figure out how
Babydealz is getting their merchandise and selling it for so cheap.
Don't be lured in by their low prices. It is worth it to pay a little more and have the Maclaren name behind your purchase.
To read more about my experience with Babydealz and a review of the
stroller, click here: