以下是引用delancey在2006-9-18 17:22:00的发言: got Panasonic one last year from costco, not use it for baby that often, like Niluo, use the camera's recording more MM买的是GS 400 or 500吗?
不好意思,老帖子又被顶起来了。 正琢磨着买一个camcorder呢,考了半天古,发现大家推荐的牌子型号都不相同。 跑到camcorderinfo.com上一看,他们评出的 best camcorder of the year (2006)是 canon elura 100. 他们的评价非常可信吗?版上有这款camcorder的姐妹们,说说使用感受好吧?
well, if u r buying it for baby, it's waste of money, get a nice camera(if you don't own one yet), the videon taken should be good enuf, and one minute video is small enuf for you to upload to youtube and share with friends.
camcorder takes longer video, but hey, who watches their own video again and again? most of the time, the camcorder will sit in closet and get dust
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2006-12-2 21:12:00的发言: well, if u r buying it for baby, it's waste of money, get a nice camera(if you don't own one yet), the videon taken should be good enuf, and one minute video is small enuf for you to upload to youtube and share with friends.
camcorder takes longer video, but hey, who watches their own video again and again? most of the time, the camcorder will sit in closet and get dust 谢谢泥螺。。。这就去考察一下我家的camera能不能作好这个工作。
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2006-12-2 21:12:00的发言: well, if u r buying it for baby, it's waste of money, get a nice camera(if you don't own one yet), the videon taken should be good enuf, and one minute video is small enuf for you to upload to youtube and share with friends.
camcorder takes longer video, but hey, who watches their own video again and again? most of the time, the camcorder will sit in closet and get dust 呵呵, 想不到我9月发的帖子又被踢起来了. 我们主要是这样想的, 因为生了之后妈妈会来半年, GGPP暂时不会来, 所以想拍一些宝宝生活点滴的DV, 再自己转化成DVD, 让妈妈带回去给GGPP放在DVD里看. 毕竟老人们还是习惯在电视上直接看清楚的, handle电脑还是有点难度的. :P
we bought Sony first, but the software is so bad, it crashed my computer. Then we switch to cannon, it is pretty good so far, and very clear. Also, we bought HD camcorder (Husband forced), he said in the future everything is going to be HD.
以下是引用贝贝妈在2007-11-2 16:28:00的发言: we bought Sony first, but the software is so bad, it crashed my computer. Then we switch to cannon, it is pretty good so far, and very clear. Also, we bought HD camcorder (Husband forced), he said in the future everything is going to be HD. 劳工也琢磨着HD camcorder 呢,说DVD过时了。。男人都一样啊。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-17 17:34:51编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-18 18:23:28编辑过]
Sony DCR-HC96 MiniDV Handycam Camcorder
Panasonic PV-GS500 Digital Camcorder 12x Optical Zoom 700x Digital Zoom 1/4.7" 1.07MP 3x CCD 2.7" Wide LCD 123K
got Panasonic one last year from costco, not use it for baby that often, like Niluo, use the camera's recording more
楼主你到色影无忌的dv 坛子上看看吧,感觉你问的这几个问题都有以前的讨论可以解答的
Sony DCR-HC96 MiniDV Handycam Camcorder
Panasonic PV-GS500 Digital Camcorder 12x Optical Zoom 700x Digital Zoom 1/4.7" 1.07MP 3x CCD 2.7" Wide LCD 123K
呵呵, 我LG最后shortlist 出来的3个有两个跟MM说的型号一样呢. Panasonic PV-GS500 MiniDV Camcorder
Sony DCR-HC96 Mini DV Digital Camcorder 谢谢MM, 你说的论坛子是哪的, 有URL吗?
JVC GR-D650 MiniDV Digital Camcorder
我记得panasonic gs300 好像400多一点能拿下来,推荐一下
camcorder takes longer video, but hey, who watches their own video again and again? most of the time, the camcorder will sit in closet and get dust
well, if u r buying it for baby, it's waste of money, get a nice camera(if you don't own one yet), the videon taken should be good enuf, and one minute video is small enuf for you to upload to youtube and share with friends.
camcorder takes longer video, but hey, who watches their own video again and again? most of the time, the camcorder will sit in closet and get dust
well, if u r buying it for baby, it's waste of money, get a nice camera(if you don't own one yet), the videon taken should be good enuf, and one minute video is small enuf for you to upload to youtube and share with friends.
camcorder takes longer video, but hey, who watches their own video again and again? most of the time, the camcorder will sit in closet and get dust
呵呵, 想不到我9月发的帖子又被踢起来了. 我们主要是这样想的, 因为生了之后妈妈会来半年, GGPP暂时不会来, 所以想拍一些宝宝生活点滴的DV, 再自己转化成DVD, 让妈妈带回去给GGPP放在DVD里看. 毕竟老人们还是习惯在电视上直接看清楚的, handle电脑还是有点难度的. :P
借贴子也想问一下,minidv,DVD, hard drive究竟哪一种好些呢? 好象没看见说是有tape的,发现minidv的最便宜,这种好吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-2 23:50:32编辑过]
we bought Sony first, but the software is so bad, it crashed my computer. Then we switch to cannon, it is pretty good so far, and very clear. Also, we bought HD camcorder (Husband forced), he said in the future everything is going to be HD. 劳工也琢磨着HD camcorder 呢,说DVD过时了。。男人都一样啊。。。