I guess it's really different for different people. It hurts a lot for me when it's 4cm dilated, took another 4 hours when it's 5cm dilated, and it hurts like hell by then... I have epidural after 5cm dilated, and is fully dilated after only 3 hours. Can't imagine how much it would hurt without epidural. But I do not have pain during my normal period, maybe it would affect my pain thresold? I mean, if you always hurt routinely every month, then the birth pain may be nothing serious compared to previous expirence?
I guess it's really different for different people. It hurts a lot for me when it's 4cm dilated, took another 4 hours when it's 5cm dilated, and it hurts like hell by then... I have epidural after 5cm dilated, and is fully dilated after only 3 hours. Can't imagine how much it would hurt without epidural. But I do not have pain during my normal period, maybe it would affect my pain thresold? I mean, if you always hurt routinely every month, then the birth pain may be nothing serious compared to previous expirence?
疼痛感个体是有差异的,有的人对疼痛比较敏感,有的人就会差一些.但我觉得我痛的也不算轻了,最后那两厘米还是挺折磨人的. 我想自信心也是挺重要的,如果你并不能肯定你一定不要用麻药的话,到时候就肯定会用的.其实国内现在很多产妇都是不用麻药的,照样都生了. 我那时怀孕时就会想,其实生产是女人的本能,每位母亲都经过这样一个过程.如果自己身体可以一定要自己生,绝对不要C.再进一步,如果可以自己生那我就不要麻醉,要自己体会这个疼痛的过程. 我妈说我有点变态
我觉得我已经开始有生产恐惧症了 我怕痛 其实我也怕呀,我长这么大打点滴或者注射针都晕针,就是闻着药水味,皮肤就开始紧张了,^_^! 越想越疼的MM,还是不去想的好,到时候再说!
呵呵,没想到这么多MM说我顺利呢.我一直以为也就是一个普通的比较正常的生产过程. 只是想让那些有不用epidural的准妈妈用个参考,想让她们知道不用麻药大概就是这样子了. 好歹没人说我自虐啊.真是谢天谢地
I guess it's really different for different people. It hurts a lot for me when it's 4cm dilated, took another 4 hours when it's 5cm dilated, and it hurts like hell by then... I have epidural after 5cm dilated, and is fully dilated after only 3 hours. Can't imagine how much it would hurt without epidural. But I do not have pain during my normal period, maybe it would affect my pain thresold? I mean, if you always hurt routinely every month, then the birth pain may be nothing serious compared to previous expirence?
疼痛的个体差异是很大的, MM真是幸运.
我生之前看到打epi的那个针好长, 吓坏了, 就决定不用epi了.