a colic attack often occurs at night and can last up to 4 hours. baby may draw her knees up to her chest, pass gas and flail her arms about. Her tummy muscle may feel hard. An attack stops as suddenly as it starts. It may help you to know colic is not harmful for you.
a few things you can do at home: offer baby the breast or bottle; if you bottlefeed, try noncow's milk formula. talk to your ped before making any changes; carry baby in a front sling during an attack. The closeness and motion often help; offer a pacifier to baby; place baby across your knees on her stomach, and rub her back swaddle baby massage baby's tummy 你等着我再找不是colic的章节。
如果宝宝哭,你又不知道咋办的时候,there are a few things you may want to do: check for signs of an illness, such as a fever, swollen gums or warm, red ears. Call baby's doctor if you see any signs of illness; Put baby in a front carrier and hold her close to your body. If you speak to her softly and calmly, she might settle down; If you are breastfeeding, evaluate your diet. Avoid foods that could cause her problems, such as onions, garlic, broccoli and cauliflower; Massage baby using the techniques we have described in previous weekly discussions(如果你需要,我给你说说) if you are bottle feeding ,yo umay want to discuss the possiblity of allergies to formula with baby's doctor. 希望多少有点用。
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-8-28 22:24:00的发言: a colic attack often occurs at night and can last up to 4 hours. baby may draw her knees up to her chest, pass gas and flail her arms about. Her tummy muscle may feel hard. An attack stops as suddenly as it starts. It may help you to know colic is not harmful for you. a colic attack often occurs at night and can last up to 4 hours. ---是的,从7,8点开始,9,10点结束。 baby may draw her knees up to her chest, pass gas and flail her arms about. ---有蹬腿 Her tummy muscle may feel hard. ---没注意到,明天摸摸看 An attack stops as suddenly as it starts. ---是的,有时候哄哄不哭了,一会又突然大哭起来。 It may help you to know colic is not harmful for you. a few things you can do at home: offer baby the breast or bottle; ---什么都不要,喂奶不吃,喂formula也不吃。 if you bottlefeed, try noncow's milk formula. talk to your ped before making any changes; --我们用similac advanced with iron来着,需要换吗? carry baby in a front sling during an attack. The closeness and motion often help; ---明天试试 offer a pacifier to baby; ---不要,一下子就吐出来了 place baby across your knees on her stomach, and rub her back ---就是把宝宝肚皮朝下放到我膝盖上吗? swaddle baby massage baby's tummy 你等着我再找不是colic的章节 ---真是多谢了。看到她哭却什么都做不了,真是说不出的折磨。明天一早就给pd打电话,然后去买药。不过很多人都说药也不太管用,只能等到3个月后。真要这样那还不折磨疯了?我今天就有点受不了了,又不能哭出来,更添乱,只好自己一个人躲到厕所去哭....
mm试试一边抱着宝宝走一边让宝宝含着你的奶,宝宝又饿又累的时候的症状也跟你说的差不多, 所以边晃边喝上两口有的时候能够安慰宝宝让他安静下来 我记得以前看过书上写, 诊断为colic的标准是一次连续哭闹at least 3 hours, occurs at least 3 days a week, last at least a week... 如果宝宝真的是colic baby, 就只有等他自己慢慢长大了...//comfort
以下是引用HappyDogMom在2006-8-28 22:27:00的发言: 喂奶也不吃,不管是我的奶还是奶瓶喂,开始好像是很饿的样子,吃得很急, 但最多吃几口就吐出来,然后就大哭,再喂就怎么都不吃了。 刚查了查,发现我家宝宝挺符合colic baby的特征的:每天傍晚固定时间开始哭闹;哭的时候蹬腿,脸涨得通红;什么方法都不管用,最后总是哭累了睡过去(看得真是心痛啊)。最要命的是我家的车还坏了,明天一早只好托朋友带我们去买colic drop,希望能起点作用。 my baby had that too. really nothing works, you can try rubbing her tummy
以下是引用HappyDogMom在2006-8-28 23:10:00的发言: 今天宝宝一直没有大便,打屁又很臭,我开始也怀疑是不是吃坏肚子了,可这样子闹腾已经持续了好几天了,前几天便便一直都还正常。 it's normal that the baby is fussy for days. then she will get better, it will NOT be everyday.
Did you try "tummy time"? My baby had the same problem when she was around 5 weeks old. I thought she had some intestine problem at that time. But when we went to see the PD, PD gave her several positions which made her very comfortable, e.g., holding her in upright position or let her lie on her stomach.
以下是引用juner616在2006-8-29 1:49:00的发言: mm试试一边抱着宝宝走一边让宝宝含着你的奶,宝宝又饿又累的时候的症状也跟你说的差不多, 所以边晃边喝上两口有的时候能够安慰宝宝让他安静下来 我记得以前看过书上写, 诊断为colic的标准是一次连续哭闹at least 3 hours, occurs at least 3 days a week, last at least a week... 如果宝宝真的是colic baby, 就只有等他自己慢慢长大了...//comfort 这招管用, 偶的切身体会 听起来象闹觉, 困了累了但不知道怎么入睡... 如果gassy的话mylicon也没什么太大用处
a colic attack often occurs at night and can last up to 4 hours. baby may draw her knees up to her chest, pass gas and flail her arms about. Her tummy muscle may feel hard. An attack stops as suddenly as it starts. It may help you to know colic is not harmful for you. a colic attack often occurs at night and can last up to 4 hours. ---是的,从7,8点开始,9,10点结束。 baby may draw her knees up to her chest, pass gas and flail her arms about. ---有蹬腿 Her tummy muscle may feel hard. ---没注意到,明天摸摸看 An attack stops as suddenly as it starts. ---是的,有时候哄哄不哭了,一会又突然大哭起来。 It may help you to know colic is not harmful for you. a few things you can do at home: offer baby the breast or bottle; ---什么都不要,喂奶不吃,喂formula也不吃。 if you bottlefeed, try noncow's milk formula. talk to your ped before making any changes; --我们用similac advanced with iron来着,需要换吗? carry baby in a front sling during an attack. The closeness and motion often help; ---明天试试 offer a pacifier to baby; ---不要,一下子就吐出来了 place baby across your knees on her stomach, and rub her back ---就是把宝宝肚皮朝下放到我膝盖上吗? swaddle baby massage baby's tummy 你等着我再找不是colic的章节 ---真是多谢了。看到她哭却什么都做不了,真是说不出的折磨。明天一早就给pd打电话,然后去买药。不过很多人都说药也不太管用,只能等到3个月后。真要这样那还不折磨疯了?我今天就有点受不了了,又不能哭出来,更添乱,只好自己一个人躲到厕所去哭....
不过莲妈抄的书是说非牛奶based formula for colic babies,这个是不是说指soy milk based formula?
喂奶也不吃,不管是我的奶还是奶瓶喂,开始好像是很饿的样子,吃得很急, 但最多吃几口就吐出来,然后就大哭,再喂就怎么都不吃了。 刚查了查,发现我家宝宝挺符合colic baby的特征的:每天傍晚固定时间开始哭闹;哭的时候蹬腿,脸涨得通红;什么方法都不管用,最后总是哭累了睡过去(看得真是心痛啊)。最要命的是我家的车还坏了,明天一早只好托朋友带我们去买colic drop,希望能起点作用。 my baby had that too. really nothing works, you can try rubbing her tummy
今天宝宝一直没有大便,打屁又很臭,我开始也怀疑是不是吃坏肚子了,可这样子闹腾已经持续了好几天了,前几天便便一直都还正常。 it's normal that the baby is fussy for days. then she will get better, it will NOT be everyday.
mm试试一边抱着宝宝走一边让宝宝含着你的奶,宝宝又饿又累的时候的症状也跟你说的差不多, 所以边晃边喝上两口有的时候能够安慰宝宝让他安静下来 我记得以前看过书上写, 诊断为colic的标准是一次连续哭闹at least 3 hours, occurs at least 3 days a week, last at least a week... 如果宝宝真的是colic baby, 就只有等他自己慢慢长大了...//comfort 这招管用, 偶的切身体会 听起来象闹觉, 困了累了但不知道怎么入睡... 如果gassy的话mylicon也没什么太大用处
多谢大家的建议! 今天下午开始给宝宝用mylicon,晚上吃完饭后又带宝宝出去散了会步,前几天我们这里一直下雨也没能出去。回来后宝宝哭闹了一小会,赶紧喂奶,含着我的奶嘴就睡着了。也不敢放,一直抱在手里睡。睡了一会醒了,歪歪嘴想哭,哄了一会好了,现在我妈正在喂奶。希望一切都正常起来。多谢多谢。 慢慢好起来就好了