If my mom gets her visa approved, she will come to San Francisco from Shanghai. I live in Silicon Vallley and my mom lives in Shanghai. My due date is 10/27, I am thinking about letting her come here around the begining or middle of October. Please feel free to contact me.
I called some travel agents here and they said the approximate price is about $7XX, depending upon the exact date. I will need to contact the travel agents in Shanghai and see how much is the price from them.
I called some travel agents here and they said the approximate price is about $7XX, depending upon the exact date. I will need to contact the travel agents in Shanghai and see how much is the price from them 这个link 里有比较全的代理名单,mitbbs上搜到的: http://www.travelsuperlink.com/cn/agent/airtravel_china_agent.php
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-26 13:02:25编辑过]
If my mom gets her visa approved, she will come to San Francisco from Shanghai. I live in Silicon Vallley and my mom lives in Shanghai. My due date is 10/27, I am thinking about letting her come here around the begining or middle of October. Please feel free to contact me.
太好了。我得due day是11.19, 我不住在加州,所以还要在旧金山或者洛杉矶转机,所以很有可能就买美联航的了,可以少折腾了。我父母可能会在10月中下旬来,要看我妈的意见。我刚才上网查了一下,好像从国内买票比较便宜,目前很多人推荐的是:上海飞燕,上海百盛,上海宏运等几家。看来要打电话挨家去问了。mm有空一起交流一下信息。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-26 13:47:25编辑过]
这里付钱,国内出票,快递或者自己去取。 不知道这样是不是最便宜,我家以前都是这么搞得。 在这里怎么给国内的代理付钱?邮寄支票过去还是他们可以收信用卡?谢谢
Where do you live? Do you have phone number for those 上海飞燕,上海百盛,上海宏运?
I called some travel agents here and they said the approximate price is about $7XX, depending upon the exact date.
I will need to contact the travel agents in Shanghai and see how much is the price from them.
Wintermelon MM,
Where do you live? Do you have phone number for those 上海飞燕,上海百盛,上海宏运?
上海飞燕: 021-33040392
上海百盛: 021-33040960
上海宏运: 021-62996722
Wintermelon MM:
I called some travel agents here and they said the approximate price is about $7XX, depending upon the exact date.
I will need to contact the travel agents in Shanghai and see how much is the price from them 这个link 里有比较全的代理名单,mitbbs上搜到的: http://www.travelsuperlink.com/cn/agent/airtravel_china_agent.php