Facebook 小组找出章莹颖案的一个小细节 - 失踪人口名单

楼主 (北美华人网)
Facebook 小组发现了一些可能被大家忽视的小细节,推论章莹颖很大可能已不在人世。
FBI 在拘捕 BC 后不久就从 Kidnapping and Missing Persons 的名单上撤下了章莹颖的名字。 http://foxillinois.com/news/local/missing-u-of-i-scholar-removed-from-fbis-kidnapping-and-missing-persons-list

可 FBI 的惯例并不是一抓到疑犯就会假设受害人已死亡的。Facebook 小组成员找到了另一宗绑架案作为比较。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Alexis_Murphy

此案的疑犯已被判刑。FBI 虽认为这名受害女孩已死亡,她的名字和详细资料却仍留在 FBI 失踪人口的名单上。 https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/copy_of_alexis-tiara-murphy
由此可推断 FBI 很大可能已找到了可间接证明章莹颖死亡的证据,否则他们不会把章的名字移出失踪人口名单。他们的证据有可能是大量的血迹或人体内脏器官组织。
章家多少应知道 FBI 的论据。如此来看他们目前的行为就不奇怪了。
1. 用在搜索活人和遗体的资源肯定有很大的差别。尤其是受害人有可能被疑犯禁锢在缺水缺粮的地方,生命在慢慢消失,拯救行动根本是在争分夺秒。
正常人一定会跟 FBI 力争,要求他们以人仍在世的假设尽力搜索及把章莹颖的资料重新放上失踪人口名单。那样如章莹颖在其他州出现或被偷运出国,也有更大的机会被警察或民众认出。
2. 如 FBI 在没有合理的解释下就认定章莹颖已死亡,身为她的家人正常反应是去跟 FBI 拼命。就算章莹颖的父母小姨弟弟胆小及不知道利害,候霄霖可是受过高等教育的北大博士生。
3. 如 FBI 真的那么混蛋轻忽怠慢这宗案件,正常来说家人应会立刻想方设法自己去找章莹颖。人在异乡,自己如没门路,最简单做法是立刻把手上的十五万美金全推出去做赏金,之后再上 GFM 筹集捐款加码赏金。到时黑白两道资深资浅的都会出动。又怎会浪费时间上国内热搜和做什么预算案呢。

BC 原来的律师申请退出此案,原因是指控跟他们接案时不同。FBI 可能已找到了新的有力证据。
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3 楼
我一直认为这家人知道很多我们不知道的,即FBI已经有body或body残片,但因为extremely decomposed,而且和很多生活垃圾什么(from landfill)混在一起,找起来需要了很多时间,ID身份也需要比较长的时间,因此他们在抓紧时间敛钱。
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我一直认为这家人知道很多我们不知道的,即FBI已经有body或body残片,但因为extremely decomposed,而且和很多生活垃圾什么(from landfill)混在一起,找起来需要了很多时间,ID身份也需要比较长的时间,因此他们在抓紧时间敛钱。
我是谁重要吗 发表于 9/16/2017 8:32:30 AM
6 楼

When Christensen was arrested at the end of June the FBI said ZYY was "presumed dead". Just two weeks later, they removed her from their list of kidnapped / missing persons. This leads me to believe they could have remains beyond just blood or organs - could also be a body. If ZYY's parents did not know ZYY was removed from the FBI list, HXL (monkey sperm) must have known ... he should be smart enough to put two and two together.

It is notable that only two weeks after ZYY was removed from the FBI missing person's list the GFM purpose changed from searching for her to "please help fulfill ZYY's dream of supporting her family" and the goal was increased from $150,000 to $1,000,000

Also, there is a UIUC student who might speak with people at the school re: the 100 day vigil. Since ZYY was removed from the FBI list mid-July, the vigil is not really commemorating 100 days missing...
7 楼

When Christensen was arrested at the end of June the FBI said ZYY was "presumed dead". Just two weeks later, they removed her from their list of kidnapped / missing persons. This leads me to believe they could have remains beyond just blood or organs - could also be a body. If ZYY's parents did not know ZYY was removed from the FBI list, HXL (monkey sperm) must have known ... he should be smart enough to put two and two together.

It is notable that only two weeks after ZYY was removed from the FBI missing person's list the GFM purpose changed from searching for her to "please help fulfill ZYY's dream of supporting her family" and the goal was increased from $150,000 to $1,000,000

Also, there is a UIUC student who might speak with people at the school re: the 100 day vigil. Since ZYY was removed from the FBI list mid-July, the vigil is not really commemorating 100 days missing...
我是谁重要吗 发表于 9/16/2017 8:45:35 AM
哈哈,monkey sperm 。。。
8 楼
Facebook 小组发现了一些可能被大家忽视的小细节,推论章莹颖很大可能已不在人世。
FBI 在拘捕 BC 后不久就从 Kidnapping and Missing Persons 的名单上撤下了章莹颖的名字。 http://foxillinois.com/news/local/missing-u-of-i-scholar-removed-from-fbis-kidnapping-and-missing-persons-list

可 FBI 的惯例并不是一抓到疑犯就会假设受害人已死亡的。Facebook 小组成员找到了另一宗绑架案作为比较。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Alexis_Murphy

此案的疑犯已被判刑。FBI 虽认为这名受害女孩已死亡,她的名字和详细资料却仍留在 FBI 失踪人口的名单上。 https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/copy_of_alexis-tiara-murphy
由此可推断 FBI 很大可能已找到了可间接证明章莹颖死亡的证据,否则他们不会把章的名字移出失踪人口名单。他们的证据有可能是大量的血迹或人体内脏器官组织。
章家多少应知道 FBI 的论据。如此来看他们目前的行为就不奇怪了。
1. 用在搜索活人和遗体的资源肯定有很大的差别。尤其是受害人有可能被疑犯禁锢在缺水缺粮的地方,生命在慢慢消失,拯救行动根本是在争分夺秒。
正常人一定会跟 FBI 力争,要求他们以人仍在世的假设尽力搜索及把章莹颖的资料重新放上失踪人口名单。那样如章莹颖在其他州出现或被偷运出国,也有更大的机会被警察或民众认出。
2. 如 FBI 在没有合理的解释下就认定章莹颖已死亡,身为她的家人正常反应是去跟 FBI 拼命。就算章莹颖的父母小姨弟弟胆小及不知道利害,候霄霖可是受过高等教育的北大博士生。
3. 如 FBI 真的那么混蛋轻忽怠慢这宗案件,正常来说家人应会立刻想方设法自己去找章莹颖。人在异乡,自己如没门路,最简单做法是立刻把手上的十五万美金全推出去做赏金,之后再上 GFM 筹集捐款加码赏金。到时黑白两道资深资浅的都会出动。又怎会浪费时间上国内热搜和做什么预算案呢。

BC 原来的律师申请退出此案,原因是指控跟他们接案时不同。FBI 可能已找到了新的有力证据。

Myntete 发表于 9/16/2017 5:55:06 AM
9 楼
哈哈,monkey sperm 。。。
shishiyunqi 发表于 9/16/2017 8:50:31 AM
Penda 不懂中文。她是用Google Translate来这里看贴的。😂😂
10 楼
我一直认为这家人知道很多我们不知道的,即FBI已经有body或body残片,但因为extremely decomposed,而且和很多生活垃圾什么(from landfill)混在一起,找起来需要了很多时间,ID身份也需要比较长的时间,因此他们在抓紧时间敛钱。
我是谁重要吗 发表于 9/16/2017 8:32:30 AM
11 楼
12 楼

遇到有yellow fever的白人搭讪,他要是心理正常,也许会成就一段佳缘;若是像章一样倒霉碰上那种不尊重生命的变态,还心存幻想,下场就在眼前了。
13 楼

habibi 发表于 9/16/2017 9:11:11 AM
14 楼
想了想 应该是“猴精”翻译过来的LOL

哈哈,monkey sperm 。。。

shishiyunqi 发表于 9/16/2017 8:50:00 AM
15 楼


金银岛 发表于 9/16/2017 12:53:00 下午
16 楼

金银岛 发表于 9/16/2017 12:53:40 PM
17 楼
所以说他们早就知道差不多结果就那样了, 活着的能捞一点是一点? 说不定还能全家留美迅速致富。不然死的多冤枉啊。
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19 楼
赞Monkey sperm
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Monkey Demon.
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I meant to say that the goal was increased from $150,000 to $500,000 not $150,000 to $1,000,000.  Also, I think the FBI did not officially announce finding remains in July not only due to degradation of DNA but because they wanted to definitively link what they found back to BC before charging him with murder.  Finally to clarify, Alexis Murphy's alleged killer is in prison but she's still on the FBI's list of kidnapped / missing person's because they have yet to find remains: https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap.
24 楼
Also, apologies for the "monkey sperm" ... apparently that's how bing translator understands "monkey demon" ... I repeated it in group as an inside joke but didn't mean it to be public 🐒🐳'
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Copocopo 发表于 9/16/2017 5:10:54 PM
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This should probably have it's own separate thread but: we called the realtor of the house where the Zhang family is staying.  There is a 30 day move-out clause if someone buys the house.  The letter released by the Zhang family states that rent was paid 6 months in advance.  It's doubtful that the Zhang's paid 6 months in advance on a house that could be purchased at any time.  I think it would also be embarrassing for the owner who probably lives in the Champaign community to "take advantage" of the family's situation by charging rent on a house that has been on the market since April 2017 and been difficult to sell.  It also would not look good to charge rent, knowing that the money is coming from donations.  An attorney has suggested that if this is in fact a lie that was told to donors, it might be considered fraud.
27 楼
For people who mentioned DNA you might be interested in ZYY's entry on NamUs (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System), which was initiated by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).  On the left under the DNA tab it says "initial inquiry underway": https://www.findthemissing.org/en/cases/38594/0/.  Compare to Alexis Murphy (mentioned earlier in this post) the DNA tab states: "sample is currently not available": https://www.findthemissing.org/en/cases/26794/0/.
28 楼
Also, apologies for the "monkey sperm" ... apparently that's how google translate understands "great actor" ... I repeated it in group as an inside joke but didn't mean it to be public 🐒🐳'
Fluffypigu 发表于 9/16/2017 6:41:47 PM
"monkey sperm" , you made my day
Welcome to this thread to discuss with us more: http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2202324&page=418
29 楼
回复 28楼又的帖子

Thanks!  You are very kind!  I will look at the link you posted    🐒🐳
30 楼
回复 28楼又的帖子

Thanks!  You are very kind!  I will look at the link you posted    🐒🐳
Fluffypigu 发表于 9/16/2017 7:20:56 PM
31 楼
monkey sperm😂😂😂😂😂绝了
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mooncrane 发表于 9/16/2017 8:34:29 AM
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VanilaiceCream 发表于 9/16/2017 7:34:24 PM
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唉 所以章家说不找到zyy就不回家 就是我们在美国不走了的意思
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For people who mentioned DNA you might be interested in ZYY's entry on NamUs (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System), which was initiated by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).  On the left under the DNA tab it says "initial inquiry underway": https://www.findthemissing.org/en/cases/38594/0/.  Compare to Alexis Murphy (mentioned earlier in this post) the DNA tab states: "sample is currently not available": https://www.findthemissing.org/en/cases/26794/0/.

Fluffypigu 发表于 9/16/2017 7:08:34 PM
从这个资料库的数据可以推论出 FBI 已起码找到了章莹颖部份的遗体,而找到的部份已足够使 FBI 相信章已不在人世。章家或多或少应该知道 FBI 掌握了什么证据,故从未对 FBI 将章莹颖以 presumed dead 处理发表任何不满或异议,也没花任何资源去找私家侦探。
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mindstorm 发表于 9/16/2017 3:44:25 PM

38 楼
这还用说吗,当然知道人已经死了。所以家属不想拿钱找人了,人死不能复生,认了现在要钱是拿钱养老的。 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
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回复 38楼Cumberbitch的帖子

I agree... Again, the GFM campaign purpose changed only two weeks after ZYY was taken off the FBI kidnapped / missing list.  It went from searching for ZYY to "...support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family".  This alone seems like a clue that HXL and/or others knew the FBI already found ZYY.  I believe they only reverted back to the original goal of "searching" for ZYY because donors complained.  At the same time they reverted to the original goal, a bogus estimate of $500,000 to $1,000,000 was given as cost for the "search".  Why give a bogus estimate?  Because $500,000 to $1,000,000 USD is a healthy retirement fund, especially when converted to RMB.

Someone else on this thread posted a link about Elaine Park.  Her mom hired a PI to look for Elaine using money from GFM: http://www.snappytv.com/tc/4072959.  The Park campaign barely has $15,000 compared to the Zhang campaign that has $150,000, yet the Zhang's say they are "nowhere near" what they need to hire a PI??? Unbelievable. The FBI seem to have located ZYY and her alleged killer. Elaine's mother has neither; I wish that some of the hundreds of thousands in donations that the Zhang's have, could be kindly given to the Park family. I think the Park family needs and deserves answers more than the Zhang's need and deserve a future retirement fund.
41 楼
回复 40楼Fluffypigu的帖子

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回复 40楼Fluffypigu的帖子

Viviennedd 发表于 9/16/2017 10:29:15 PM
那就是句气话。我觉得两个家庭同样"needs and deserves answers"
43 楼
回复 41楼Viviennedd的帖子

Google might not be translating properly for me so forgive me in advance if I misunderstood what you commented - "This is nonsense, missing more people, the chapter and then unbearable, but also those who donated to the ZYY, really what people want to share a cup of soup. Zhang made no bottom line, apply for a refund is reasonable, but the existing fundraising or donations should be all the family, the donor does not apply for a refund is the default to the family."

1.  Not everyone who has asked for a refund from the Zhang family GFM campaign has received it; not even close.
2.  I never demanded that the Zhang family help the Park family find peace for their daughter who is likely deceased.  I simply wished that just as the Zhang family said they wanted "justice" and needed money to "search" they might sympathize with another grieving family and spread some positive karma.  The Zhang family appealed to the US President for help "fervently requesting" him to "...direct ALL AVAILABLE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND INVESTIGATORY RESOURCES ... to find our daughter as soon as possible".  ALL?  The entire army of US LE should be deployed to search for ZYY (put aside the obvious conclusion that the FBI already located ZYY mid-July) while neglecting all other cases of missing/kidnapped persons?  

My wish for positive karma is a wish that there was less entitlement.

Anyway, obviously the Zhang's do not have to refund anything.  They can keep whatever they like and it seems nobody can force them to do otherwise.  If you think they deserve all available law enforcement and $1,000,000 retirement fund while other families grieve with no closure, this is your opinion and you are allowed to have it.  I fully disagree.
44 楼
回复 40楼Fluffypigu的帖子

Viviennedd 发表于 9/16/2017 10:29:15 PM
-- 善意不分种族。只要有能力,可去帮助任何值得帮助的人。

-- 捐款给章家的不止华人。不少不懂中文的捐款者根本不知道目前在章家捐款问题上的争议。

--  有些要求退捐的捐款人收不到退款。

--  章家的律师改变 GFM 上募捐的目的,本身担任的各个角色又有利益冲突。这个募捐活动已有诈骗的悬疑。章家能否合法地拥有 GFM 上的捐款还两说。
45 楼
回复 43楼Fluffypigu的帖子

Zyy family is obviously not decent. But as long as they don't break the law, those donors, who generously helped, should be in the place to decide whether or not to make a withdraw. What we are doing on this forum is to make sure public is informed, NOT to make a decision who deserves the funds. In other words, people who don't ask for refund deserve to be respected. Look down on zyy family, but respect their rights.
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回复 45楼Viviennedd的帖子

Hi!  I think there's still confusion with regards to what I said ... Perhaps it is my fault that I did not express myself well or perhaps it is the language barrier.  

1.  I think people can do whatever they want with their own money.  I agree that it's important people have as much information as possible about a fundraising campaign so they can make an informed decision whether or not to donate.  

2.  "As long as they don't break the law" ... but HXL or the Zhang's might have.  If you go back a few posts you will see where I shared that the Zhang's are staying in a house that is currently up for sale.  The Zhang's claim they paid 6 months rent in advance; this is likely not true and is considered fraud to lie to donors about where / how funds are used.  Also, it is potentially illegal that the GFM campaign purpose was changed without notifying previous donors.  Perhaps you should read some of attorney Chuck Guo's articles on the legal issues.  I am not an attorney so I cannot explain them as fully as he can.  Here's one of them: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wov2G1tEAv35rwVrk9oexQ  

3.  Again, I did not mean to imply deserve or not deserve; I simply wish for greater equality

4.  "people who don't ask for refund deserve to be respected" - I agree; see point #1.  My intention is not to tell people where to spend their money.  There are many people who asked for a refund though and did not get it.    These people would rather give their money to families such as Elaine Park or Jenny Chen.
47 楼
回复 44楼Myntete的帖子

48 楼
Facebook 小组发现了一些可能被大家忽视的小细节,推论章莹颖很大可能已不在人世。

章家多少应知道 FBI 的论据。如此来看他们目前的行为就不奇怪了。

Myntete 发表于 9/16/2017 5:55:06 AM

49 楼
回复 45楼Viviennedd的帖子

Hi!  I think there's still confusion with regards to what I said ... Perhaps it is my fault that I did not express myself well or perhaps it is the language barrier.  

1.  I think people can do whatever they want with their own money.  I agree that it's important people have as much information as possible about a fundraising campaign so they can make an informed decision whether or not to donate.  

2.  "As long as they don't break the law" ... but HXL or the Zhang's might have.  If you go back a few posts you will see where I shared that the Zhang's are staying in a house that is currently up for sale.  The Zhang's claim they paid 6 months rent in advance; this is likely not true and is considered fraud to lie to donors about where / how funds are used.  Also, it is potentially illegal that the GFM campaign purpose was changed without notifying previous donors.  Perhaps you should read some of attorney Chuck Guo's articles on the legal issues.  I am not an attorney so I cannot explain them as fully as he can.  Here's one of them: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wov2G1tEAv35rwVrk9oexQ  

3.  Again, I did not mean to imply deserve or not deserve; I simply wish for greater equality

4.  "people who don't ask for refund deserve to be respected" - I agree; see point #1.  My intention is not to tell people where to spend their money.  There are many people who asked for a refund though and did not get it.    These people would rather give their money to families such as Elaine Park or Jenny Chen.

Fluffypigu 发表于 9/17/2017 12:58:39 AM
In summary, 'I wish' is different to 'I hope'
50 楼
回复 47楼Viviennedd的帖子

I just realized perhaps where the misunderstanding lies.  What I was saying is that I wish the Zhang family themselves might say: "Hey, the FBI is about to announce superseding charges involving the death penalty - they have located ZYY and they have her suspected murderer in custody.  I think it would be nice of us as a family to give the money that we were going to use to search for ZYY to another family that desperately wants the same closure".    Their decision - maybe an impossible wish but again, I was speaking hypothetically or dreaming out loud.  

To further clarify:
You seem to keep saying that I am asking donors to request refunds or telling them where to spend their money; NO.  I think people can donate wherever they like and to whoever they feel has the most compelling story; likewise, people who feel cheated / misinformed should be able to receive a refund.

I am saying now that the Zhang family has tens of thousands of dollars in hand and will likely not need it to search for ZYY (which is what they said they needed it for) maybe instead of keeping it for themselves and their future they could choose to help another family out?  It's a wish, not a demand and not me ordering donors or even the Zhang family what to do with their money.  Make sense now?
51 楼
回复 49楼金银岛的帖子

From Google:
There is a difference between hoping and wishing. A wish is something that you desire to come true but it has no basis in reality. It's passive and can lead to frustration and even depression. Hoping, on the other hand, is having a desire with real expectation.
52 楼
回复 46楼Fluffypigu的帖子

"There are many people who asked for a refund though and did not get it."

It's their right to file a compliant and ask for explanation on GFM.

"Greater equality"

It's up to donors.

"They might break the law"

The benefits of doubt

Again, no change to the purpose of fundraising should be applied to both sides.
53 楼
回复 49楼金银岛的帖子

From Google:
There is a difference between hoping and wishing. A wish is something that you desire to come true but it has no basis in reality. It's passive and can lead to frustration and even depression. Hoping, on the other hand, is having a desire with real expectation.
Fluffypigu 发表于 9/17/2017 1:23:31 AM
That was my point. What you said was 'I wish', which should not be interpreted as 'I hope'
54 楼
回复 44楼Myntete的帖子

Viviennedd 发表于 9/17/2017 1:07:03 AM
-- "值得帮助的人,每个人定义不同,应该尊重别人的选择。"


-- 没人打算去改变章家捐款的用途,也改不了。就算这笔钱最终被定为非法,也只会被退回给捐款人,捐款人要如何处理是捐款人的事。之前取回捐款的同学有人拿去跟孩子吃一顿好的,有人把钱改捐给 Jenny Chen,这都是大家的自由和权力。
55 楼
回复 52楼Viviennedd的帖子

"Benefit of the doubt"- you mean innocent until proven guilty?  Okay, that's fair.  I am not an attorney and am generally not comfortable speaking in categorical / either/or terms.  I leave it up to people like Chuck Guo who actually have law degrees to suggest when laws have been broken.  From my understanding, he believes laws have been broken.  Again, I refer you to his previously published articles on this case.

For your other points, please see my two comments preceding yours.
56 楼
回复 50楼Fluffypigu的帖子

We all wish, but reality is different, which we all know.
57 楼
回复 53楼金银岛的帖子

Oh!  I know!  I'm sorry ... I should have tagged / responded Viviennedd ... thanks for understanding...
58 楼
-- "值得帮助的人,每个人定义不同,应该尊重别人的选择。"


-- 没人打算去改变章家捐款的用途,也改不了。就算这笔钱最终被定为非法,也只会被退回给捐款人,捐款人要如何处理是捐款人的事。之前取回捐款的同学有人拿去跟孩子吃一顿好的,有人把钱改捐给 Jenny Chen,这都是大家的自由和权力。

Myntete 发表于 9/17/2017 1:33:04 AM
59 楼
回复 56楼Viviennedd的帖子

Finally!  so maybe now we understand each other?  
60 楼
If you have not seen them before, someone on websleuths got screenshots of BC's gaming profile and perverse interests:


June 9: Yingying disappears

June 7: Date of last activity on Fetlife

Info on Fetlife:*
Akuma689, 28M Champaign, Ill
Married, dating
Is looking for a relationship, and mentor/teacher, and play partner, princess by day, s**t by night, friendship, and mistress, a sub, a slave.

24 days prior to July 1st, approximately June 7, two days before Yingying disappears. BC updates his profile and engages in social activity that I won't detail out of respect for the other parties’ privacy.

2 months prior to July 1: Active on Fetlife
****** Updates profile several times
**** Changes role to Dominant
***** Changes his role to Hedonist
****** Lists himself as married
****** Lists himself as being interested in (this list is snipped for focus)
Watching others wear shackles
Sex with strangers
Giving sensual domination
Sensory deprivation
Everything to do with sadomasochism
Outdoor sex
Giving Objectification
Making home movies
Giving fear
Face slapping
Emotional sadism
Watching others wear chains
Giving belt whippings
Giving behavior modification
Receiving begging
Giving bare bottom spanking
Everything to do with: Anonymous encounters
Everything to do with Abduction play
Everything to do with Consensual nonconsent play
Giving Domination
Giving humiliation
Giving Pain
Giving sadism
Giving discipline
Giving Master/slave
Giving Mind F***ks
Everything to do with Predator/Prey
Giving bondage

Also two months prior to July 1st, joined groups (snipped)
5 different local BDSM groups
Domestic discipline
Fear play
Mental BDSM, verbal humiliation, & mind f’s
Practicing polyamory
Primal, all types
Male owner, female property
Consensual nonconsent, blackmail, and slavery
Rope bondage
Predicament bondage
Behavior modification
Anonymous encounters
Abduction 101

Three months prior to July 1st
·******** Joined Fetlife
·******** Changed nickname from Buck_Dich689 to Akuma689
(Buck Dich is a song with very strong lyrics describing abuse and degradation http://www.lyricsfreak.com/r/rammste..._20619555.html)

Eta: why I'm so sure it's him:
He uses the prefix Akuma in other SM handles (Steam for example), 689 refers to his month and year of birth and is also used in other SM (Okcupid). The age, sex, and specific location are correct. There were pics including him in friends' profiles, I did not screen shot those as they were not his profile.

Fetlife management has apparently confirmed his identity as well, there was a thread in Abduction 101 that bore his full real name shortly before the group disappeared from view. I didnt get to read it before it poofed. Not sure if the group has been deleted or is in some sort of invisible mode or something, I didn't officially join the group, I just lurked around. All his friends have removed references to relationships with him.

I'm a skeptic by nature, but given all this...I'm 100% confident this is BC.
61 楼
62 楼
如果确实人已经不在了,那么章mm R.I.P.